Doggo from hell

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Today was the only day the whole family was free again, so the Moon and Venomania clan decided to head to the underworld's zoo for some family bonding.

Artemis: This is going to be fun ^^

Fenton: Honey, the animals look like they want to squish me :(

Crimson: Dad, they can't do that to you

Fenton: Yes they can :< Humans squish spiders all the time, what makes you think animals won't do that too?

Carina: Yeah, he has a point

Ezra: This place is kinda boring though, there's no cats and I'm away from my fiance :(

Ella: Brother, you already spend most of your time with Yuto, aren't you bored of him already?

Ezra: Nope ^^ I love him too much to ever be sick of him permanently

Ella: I don't understand you

Ezra: Probably because you don't know how love works. I mean, does anyone even like you?

Ella: Yeah, Aurora does

Ezra: As a friend or something else?

Ella: I dunno to be honest

Ezra: I see

Carina: Sorry Ella, but even I don't believe you'll ever get a love interest in the future

Ella: :(

Artemis: Same goes with you, sis, you haven't found a girlfriend yet after 2 months worth of looking on tinder

Carina: No exposing me, sis :<

Artemis: Haha-- hey, where did Polaris go?

Carina: Come to think of it, I haven't heard his voice for a while now

Fenton: Maybe he's at the bathroom

Ella: Actually, I saw him inside the wolf's exhibit

Carina: Ah, okay-- W H A T?!?! 

The whole family ran to where Ella mentioned Polaris was. At the exhibit, they saw that the undertaker was sitting across a wolf, patting it's head.

Polaris: You are such a beautiful dog ^^

Polaris: Such soft fur, plump paws, and gorgeous eyes 🖤

Crimson: What is he doing?!

Fenton: Admiring a wolf apparently

Ezra: Uncle Polaris has lost his mind

Ella: Soon he's gonna be laying on one of his coffins

The rest of them watched him in disbelief and dismay while Polaris continued to fawn over the animal.

Polaris: Oh dear, your claws have gotten too big, haven't they? We shall have to groom them

Polaris: Pardon my antics, I just really love dogs---

He was cut off when the wolf pounced on him and bit his face whole. The rest of his family members screamed at the sight.

Carina quickly jumped to them and snatched Polaris away before he could get eaten alive.

Polaris: Aww, the puppy must be hungry

Carina: Little bro, you are insane

Polaris: Oh come on, sis, Boris was just starving

Carina: Who's "Boris"?

Polaris: The dog :D

Carina: First of all, you can't name things that aren't yours

Carina: And secondly, that's a wolf

Polaris: I don't really care what breed he is, I still want him

Carina: We are not letting you keep a wolf---

In a split second, the wolf, aka, Boris, jumped out of his den and walked up to them.

Polaris: Too late :) He wants to stay with me now ^^

Carina: Probably because you smell like dog biscuits (And death)

Polaris hopped on Boris' back and both of them ran off before any of the guards and other guests could stop them

Carina: .  .  . This isn't going to end well

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