Oh boy, more of this

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Gabby: So, I---

Tsuki: Let me guess, you made MORE new OCs?

Gabby: Yup :)

Tsuki: *sighs* How many? 1? 3?

Gabby: Um.....7

Tsuki: .  .  .

Tsuki: You have a lot of designing to do

Gabby: Haha, maybe soon

Tsuki: Save your excuses, procrastinator

Gabby: You know me so well

Gabby: Anyways, here they are ^^

Cordelia: *flies in with her broom*  Hi, everyone :D

Cordelia: I'm Cordelia, a witch of mischief :3 *conjures up a small rain cloud* Who wants a bath?

Lucy: Put that away, we can't have you strike someone with lighting

Lucy: Again.

Lucy: *drags Kieran in* 

Kieran: Stop dragging me! I was busy eating a wild animal >:(

Lucy: Don't wanna hear it, vampy

Lucy: Btw, I'm Lucy, a fairy. And no, I am not like those cute little pixies from the forest with glitter

Lucy: I've lost my glitter because of these fools

Kieran: I am not sorry for shaking you

Lucy: Shut up or I'm not gonna clean your room

Kieran: Whatever

Cordelia: This is Kieran, our moody vampire with slightly uncontrollable bloodlust ^^

Kieran: Don't make me look bad

Cordelia: I don't need to, you've already done that yourself

Tsuki: So, where are the other 4?

Gabby: They'll be here any second.....there they are ^^

Tsuki: They look dysfunctional

Gabby: Only a bit. They're a Korean-English boy band. And word of advice, don't visit their house, it's madness

Deok-Su: You could say that again

Gabby: Difficult being the leader, huh?

Deok-Su: Very difficult

Deok-Su: Could you guys hurry up already?

Skyler: Sorry, hyung, I had to get our maknae off the roof again

Deok-Su: Why does he like sleeping there so much???

Cameron: It's warm there ^^

Deok-Su: Weird. Btw, where's Hyun-Seok?

Skyler: Hiding in the kitchen cupboards

Deok-Su: Why?

Skyler: Someone made a "Haruki x Hyun-Seok" post on Instagram and he's afraid Shiro might hunt him down

Hyun-Seok: If that cream guy runs in here with a knife, do NOT tell him where I am! *Closes the cupboard*

Cameron: Glad no one ships us with people

Skyler: Actually, you've already been shipped with our hyung before

Cameron: . . . But he's so old :(

Deok-su: I'm only 5 years older than you!

Cameron: Yeah, but still :<

Deok-Su: Someone get Hyun-Seok out of there already, we still have to practice

Cameron: Practice again? But I want to take a nap :(

Deok-Su: You just took a nap 30 minutes ago!

Cameron: I'm still sleepy, and besides, almost none of us are ready anyways

Skyler: Yeah, I don't feel like practicing today

Deok-Su: Why? It's not like you have a valid excuse

Skyler: Yes I do

Deok-Su: What is it?

Skyler, holding Boris in his wolf form: Puppy ^^

Deok-Su: . . . . You know what, do your thing, dog lover

Skyler: Yay :D

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