Some stuff ft. the demon trio

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Basically things featuring Crimson, Ash, and James.


The trio formed their group in highschool

Crimson was that edgy kid that a lot of other students feared. Seriously though, who wouldn't be scared when it's the first day of class and some red haired kid just casually shows their spider hybrid form in front and has poison dripping out of their mouth.

Ash was a quiet kid who's been teased since elementary. Bullies often call him a loser.

James was the popular kid. Unlike other famous students, he didn't join a group but instead walked the halls alone. Casually walking through the halls ignoring the fangirls and fanboys behind him.


Crimson and Ash had been friends since they were kids and met James in 6th grade.


Ash and James have been dating since 3rd year highschool. Ash was James' first love. He didn't care about the other students fawning over him, his eyes were only set on Ash.


There was this one kid who asked Crimson out in school. She refused him. He tried again and she turned him down again. She rejected that guy about 10 or 24 times.

Crimson: He was so f*cking annoying


These three likes going to Walmart and overflowing the store microwave with popcorn.


They all like cats


The couple lives in their own house back at their hometown, which is also where Crimson's parents live.

While Crimson stays at an apartment near the park, she's staying there temporarily and is now finding a house to live in.


Whenever James gets back home, he'll always get a hug from Ash as a greeting.

They like playing videogames in their free time and also likes snuggling beside each other


Crimson has a collection of books. About 40 or more books, all of them stacked in her bookshelf.

She has read it all and likes to re read it.


They got suspended from college because they have been fastly accused for a crime, namely, the plan of assassination of the principal.

The true suspect is still unknown


They'd protect each other, so better not pick a fight with one of them, or you'll get fought back by 3.


James tends to fall asleep anytime, anywhere when he feels like it, so one of them has to carry him.


I'll think of more when I can

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