Sugar rush and a night of regret

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It was Hallows Eve, and almost everyone was getting ready to wear their costumes for some trick or treating.

Meanwhile, Tsuki was feeling rather sluggish. She got too lazy to use her feet, so instead she turned into her cat form and rolled to the kitchen where Matt was. She nudged on his foot and he looked down.

Tsuki: Get me some food, I'm too lazy to grab it myself

Matt: You really are a lazy cat

Tsuki: Yes I am, now go get me something to eat

He put some cookies on a plate and gave it to her.

Matt: Will this suffice?

She nodded and ate the cookies. Matt proceeded to pour some candy into a bowl. Tsuki saw this and her ears perked up.

Tsuki: Candy?

Matt: Yes, why?

Tsuki: Give me

Matt: These are for the trick or treaters

She turned back into a human and ran to her room. She changed into her Utatane Piko costume and went back to him carrying an empty pillowcase.

Tsuki: Trick or treat!

Matt: . . .

Matt: Fine

He gave her the whole bowl, Tsuki's eyes lit up with excitement.

Matt: Luckily I bought extras

Matt: Try not to get a sugar rush

Tsuki: I'm gonna be fine

She started eating the pieces of candy one after another as she walked back to the living room.

Gabriel: Tsuki, I suggest you slow down

Gabriel: We wouldn't want a repeat of last Halloween

Tsuki: Like I said, I'll be fine

Gabriel: if you say so

*5 minutes later*

The feline ran into the room and started slamming her head on the wall like a maniac.




Matt left and came back holding a leash.

Matt: I'm tying you to the door

Tsuki spotted him and quickly ran away on all fours while Matt chased after her. She then jumped to the ceiling and used her claws to stick herself there.

Tsuki: hA

He grabbed a broom from the side.

Matt: Get down or I'll use this!

Isadora: Hey! That's my flying broom!

Tsuki jumped down and landed on him and they both fell down on the floor. And that's when Tsuki suffered the sugar crash. Matt called John for help and luckily he quickly arrived and grabbed Tsuki.

John: Easy there, girl

Tsuki immediately fell asleep.

John: Huh, that was easy

Matt: Gee, what a hassle

John: You should carry her in

Matt: Me?

Gabriel spotted Tsuki, who was now soundly asleep.

Gabriel: Hm....yeah, you do it

Gabriel: Take care of Piko

She walked away and joined the rest of her friends.

Matt: Fine

He carried her and laid her on the couch.

Matt: Don't cause any more trouble

Tsuki seemed pretty tired due to her loud snoring. He threw a pillow at her and walked to the exit. She got woken up by this and threw the pillow back to Matt.

Matt: What gives?!

She just ignored him and went back to sleep.

Matt: Once, just once I want to throw her into a cage of dogs!

Tsuki: I heard that!

Apparently Tsuki was just about to fall asleep, but Matt's voice awoken her once more.

Matt: Good! Because I'm doing it!

He grabbed his phone and started scrolling through Amazon, trying to see if anyone is selling a cage of dogs there.

Tsuki slammed the door shut and sat back down.

Matt, from the other side: Good news, my order will be here soon!

Tsuki: I'm gonna slap you

Matt: I'd like to see you try

She stood up and opened the door with much force it seemed she could've ripped it from it's hinges. She grabbed a plastic hammer and hit Matt's head using it.

What Tsuki didn't know is that he was hiding a spray bottle behind his back. He sprayed her face with water.

She kicked his leg as an act of revenge but Matt pulled her hair. She bit his hand and Matt let go of his grip.

Matt: Feline! What the hell?!

Tsuki spat it out.

Tsuki: Ew

Matt pushed her to the floor. Tsuki then kicked his feet, resulting on him falling on top of her.

Matt: Okay, this is awkward

Tsuki: Get off before someone sees

He was about to get off when Chai walked into the room and saw them in that awkward position.

Chai: I interrupting you two?

Tsuki threw him aside and dusted off.

Tsuki: No

Matt: Rude

Chai flashed a smirk on his face.

Chai: If you say so

Tsuki: Don't even think about it, Chai

He was texting in a group chat and he lifted his head up and looked at them.

Chai: What?

Tsuki narrowed her eyes and stood up.

Chai: Carry on with what you two were doing earlier

Matt: I-I wasn't doing anything

Tsuki: I swear, we were doing nothing

Chai: Say whatever you want

Tsuki: Don't tell anyone else what you saw

Chai: Oh you mean this?

He showed them a picture of the scene he secretly took on his phone.

Tsuki: . . .

Tsuki: hOW EVEN-

Chai smiled at them all innocent like.

Chai: I'm going to send this our group chat

Tsuki screamed internally as she heard that statement.

Matt: Chai, please don't-

He pressed a button.

Tsuki was left speechless.

Chai: Oh, that was to cancel my alarm. I haven't sent the the picture yet

Tsuki: Phew

Chai: Now I'm going to send the photo

Matt: Oh my god, please don't do it!

Tsuki: Please don't send it, I'm begging you!

Chai: Okay, I won't

Matt: Good

Chai: But you will have to do one small favour for me

Tsuki: Anything

Chai: You two have to kiss on the lips

Matt: Excuse me, what?

Tsuki: . . . .

Chai: Do it or I'll send this

Matt: You weren't always like this

Chai: Let's just say this is a little payback for stepping on that ladybug the other day

Tsuki: Please don't make us do this

Chai: Sorry but I won't change my mind.

Chai: Kiss or I'll send the picture to all our friends

Tsuki: Son of a-

Matt: I'm not doing it

Chai: I'm going to press the "send" button

Tsuki: No no no

Chai: Tick tock

Chai: Look at the clock

Chai: Time is passing

Chai: And I'm pressing

He acted as if he was going to press the button.

Tsuki: *gulps*

Matt: Okay! Fine!

Tsuki: Don't you dare get near me

Matt: What else are we supposed to do? It's either this or we suffer the teasing from our friends

Tsuki let out a sigh.

Tsuki: I'll just swallow my pride then

Chai: Does that mean you'll do it?

Tsuki: Fine. Just promise us to not send it.

Chai: I Promise

Matt: *gulps* I have a bad feeling about this

Tsuki: Let's just get this over with already

Tsuki: Then we could shudder somewhere else

Tsuki: Separately.

Matt: Yeah

Chai: Hurry up and do it. If you kiss for 5 minutes I'll delete the photo permanently



Chai: Ah, okay. I'll just send it then

Tsuki: Arggghhh

Tsuki leaned in and quickly kissed Matt on the lips like how Chai asked them.

Tsuki: Done

Matt didn't get a chance to process what just happened.

Chai: Too fast but I guess it'll do

He deleted the photo in front of them.

Tsuki: Thank you. Now if you will excuse me

She turned into a cat and sat in the corner in shame and self hatred.

Chai: So Matt, how did it feel to get kissed by the "annoying feline"?

Matt: *system error*

Chai pat his back and gave him a smile.

Chai: I'll be heading inside now, try not to kill another ladybug

Chai walked off. Tsuki reverted into a human and went to Matt.

Tsuki: This never happened

Matt blinked before looking back at her.

Matt: Y-yeah, it never did happened

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