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I honestly love making these, so here we go :3

Featuring one OC from each twst dorm :D

I forgot to post these after a month 😂


❣️ Emeric ❣️

"I hired royal guards but all I got was a selfie addict, two idiots, and a sleepy idiot"

"Nobody touches the strawberry tarts. NOBODY. BUT. ME."

*10 minutes into the court room*

"I have had enough of this trial! Off with their heads!"

"All I want to hear is "Yes your majesty" each time I order you. Okay?"

"My face is not a tomato, how dare you disrespect me like that!"

"And now, I shall humbly announce your. . . . execution."

"Happy unbirthday to me, to you, and to you! But not to you, Carter. Stop taking photos of the tea party already."

"Is it crazy to date a madman? Yes. Will I do it anyways? Of course"

"You people get on my nerves just by existing"

"No I do not need anger management therapy."



🦁 Lilith 🦁

"It costs 500 madol to buy a full course lunch, but it's free to just steal your classmate's fancy smancy lunch"

"Never steal from Emeric though, he took my powers once and I felt like a kitten"

"You animals these days are all softies, aren't ya?"

"I ain't got no time to talk with ya pampered amabhuleki"(Brats)

"Stupid vultures rulin over our town, us lions deserve the throne. . . . Maybe they would work as fried chicken"

"Wanna fight you stupid a$$e$?!?!"

"Challenge me to an arm wrestling match and I rip your arm off"

"How the hell am I supposed to do math and hunt for food at the same time??? Exempt me from homework, headmistress!"

"I could easily squash ya with my paw, don't freaking test me"

"Hakuna matata, people. No, I don't care if I have a biology test tommorow, I'll just wing it"



I couldn't choose which Octavinelle OCs to use XD so have the twins instead :3

🐬  Ryker 🐬

"Kingyo-chan~! I missed you so much! Give your big piranha bro a hug!"

"I'm a fish that eats fish. What do you mean it's weird? It's perfectly fine by me"

"My brother gags at the sight of freshly killed fish, which is odd considering we're both born predators"

"Sorry sir, I spilled fish guts on my test paper"

"Mm~mm! Octavia tastes so delicious!"

"This one guy always beats me to the school's Takoyaki, darn"

"I like eating my roommate's feet"

"So, I did something with my jellyfish friend, had no idea how I didn't get stung"

"Pufferfish are great underwater basketballs"

"I'm hungryyyyyyyyyy"

"Yeah, a big dorm is nice, but a free fishtank is way better"

🐬 Caspian 🐬

"I'm very sorry on how my stupid twin is acting"

"How did I get detention for something my twin did??? Gosh, I hate this identical thing"
"I want a plate of CLEAN veggies, none of those blood coated ones, disgusting"

"Fish markets. . . They scare me"

"Ain't no way am I living with my brother inside a crusty fish tank"

"I'm the sane twin, Ryker is the buffoon"

"Sweaters are really cute and fluffy :D"



🐍 Ahendra 🐍

"Would it kill you people to install an AC unit around here????"

"I'm tired, I'm sleepy, and I'm annoyed of my master"

"I'm a servant, but I ain't dressing like those revealing women in the castle"

"An albino snake costs a lot yet Florien sees me as if I'm a street rat"

"Just because I'm an albino doesn't mean I'm blind. I can see right through your sh---"

"People who visit think marrying me would be a great "treasure", crap, just leave me alone"

*Another prince asking him out*

"Marrying a prince like you would be great, huh~? Right. . . Says every stuffed shirt, lollygagging buffoon I've ever met!"

"Hey, don't look at me, I ain't biting and poisoning your enemies' butts"

*After a whole sleepover in Florien's room*

"My gosh, that was VILE"



(Again, can't choose between the hunter or the queen 😂)

👑 Amar'e 👑

"Mirror mirror on the wall, shut up and go to sleep, we have spa day tomorrow"

"Oh potato, your outfit is so ugly that even moldy rocks start to look prettier"

"I swear to gosh, some of you men are barbarians, wear some foundation for once"

"Heels aren't hard to walk on, you're all just weak"

*Talking about mayonnaise*

"Get that acne prone horror away from me!"

*In his overblot form*

"Don't look at me!"

"I've had to frequently cut my nails short. I wanted it long and sharp, but it hurts my hunter, so it's okay"

🏹 Shaquille 🏹

"Ah, ç'est magnifique, my Roi de beauté, you look absolutely stunning"

"My my, those heels could step on me anytime!"

*While in hunting training*
"Ooh-la-la~ Bonjour, monsieur Leander! I would like to chase you around with my arrows again!"

"Wow, I knew my queen was a monster, but I didn't knew he'd be like that in our room too"

"My arrows are sharp and poisoned, but alas, my highschool won't allow me to use it in our club"



📱 Helia 📱

"I have like. . . 50+ husbandos. ..but no actual boyfriend"

"Isle of lamentation just equals no wifi zone to me"

"Extroverts. . ..they scare me to my very bone. . ."

"What in the world is a "healthy sleep schedule"?"

"This shorty keeps getting on my nerves during online gaming. . . I'm gonna destroy him in RPGs"

"Why can't we just use online classes??? We don't get to meet people, sounds like a win for me"

"Perks of knowing someone who has access to Olympus is that you can get dirt above the higher authorities"

"For the last time, I'm Helia, not Hades"

"Sometimes you just gotta cuddle with your 10 foot tall, three headed dog. Just watch out for the slobber"

"Jae-su likes to borrow doujins from me. . . I'm honestly surprised someone's even more degenerated than I am"



🦇 Livia 🦇

"My little mortal! Come here and hug daddy! :3"

*Showing off baby pictures of Luke*
"Isn't he just adorable? Oh look, in this one, he's made a mess with peas and the neighbor's spell book!"

"Remember children, if some meanie approaches you, rip their eyeballs off"

"Berries and cream,berries and cream--- no, I don't mean THAT type of cream, you filthy bird"

"I smell roasted chicken whenever bird face and Aidan are in the same room"

"Come little children, let's play a game :3"

"My baby's all grown up, I don't have anybody to cradle :< Huh, maybe I could make one myself. ....but how? :/"

Gabby-kun here, and here's a tiny trivia over the OCs featured :3

Emeric: (Based off Riddle Rosehearts) Purple haired young tyrant king of rose kingdom with the compulsory sense to follow every written rule, no matter how ridiculous

Lilith: (Based off Ruggie Bucchi) Lion cub and rightful crown prince of the Savannah, a wild animal who grew up living in the squatter's area and has a habit of stealing from who he knows are rich to get by with the bills

Ryker: (Based off Floyd Leech) An uncontrollable underwater predator with a soft spot for goldfish, makes deals with people through trickery

Caspian: (Based off Jade Leech) A more responsible twin that despised the idea of eating fellow fish, so he would rather be a vegetarian. Watches over his brother and makes sure his tail doesn't get stuck in fishing nets

Ahendra: (Based off either Jamil Viper or Kalim Al Asim) Florien's lifelong pet/servant who can make clones at will to help him around the house. Albino snake which made him valuable to passing collectors and often tried to get them to marry them

Amar'e: (Based off Vil Schoenheit) A masc queen with a raging envy over the universe's "snow white". Likes being called the fairest of them all, and used to be severely insecure about himself until puberty struck and made him more beautiful

Shaquille: (Based off Rook Hunt) Faithful hunter of Amar'e and has always admired him ever since they were children. Was supposed to kill him in one strike of an arrow, but couldn't due to him falling in love with the monster

Helia: (Based off Idia Shroud) Supposed future ruler of the underworld until he ran away to get more freedom from his parents. An avid gamer who can last more than a year in his room and gets uncomfortable in the presence of other people he's not friends with

Livia: (Based off Lillia Vanrougue) A young looking fae that served as Luke's daddy after he found the baby abandoned in a basket in the forest. Very caring and loves children with all of his heart

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