"You'd say that things have improved, right?"

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My Chapter titles are mostly from Vocaloid songs these days 😅

Know where the title came from?

Anyways, on with the chapter


From: Atsushi and Takashi (SweetPinkBlush25)

Takashi: My questions first.

01: Have you ever fought before? (All 3 of em)

Crimson: We would often fight during sleepovers on who gets the remote

Ash: Also on who gets the last cookie

James: And on who's turn it is to wash the dishes

02: Do you like children? (Crimson)

Crimson: It depends on who's the child

Crimson: If it's like Puppet, then I'll be fond of them

Crimson: But if it's someone as naughty as my little cousin, Ella, then no

03: What were your reactions when you found out me and Crimson kissed? (Ash and James)

Ash: Wait, you two did what?

James: Holy heck, why didn't you tell us?!

Ash: Well, we're obviously surprised about this

James: Also pretty fanboy-ish

Ash: But at the same time wanting to interrogate you two on what happened exactly

Atsushi: My questions next!

04: Have you ever got jealous of someone else being close to Ash? (James)

James: Ash doesn't really talk to anyone else that much, so I don't really have anything to get jealous about

James: Except that one time in 3rd year highschool when a guy flirted with him and I saw it when I was passing by

James: So out of instinct, I hit the said guy with my hardcover textbook. Then grabbed Ash's arm and dragged him out of there

05: Random question but are you three afraid of me when I go into killing mode? (All three of them)

Crimson: Ehh, 50/50

Ash: Maybe? Just a bit

James: Nope, my Mother is scarier

06: What were your most embarrassing moments? (All 3 of them)

Crimson: Back in 5th grade, I was in the baseball team. I was supposed to catch the ball, but I tripped and fell into a puddle, so our team lost and I humiliated myself in front of the whole school

Ash: When I was 9, my aunt made me join a local talent show. I pretty much don't have any special talents, but my aunt made me sing otherwise. Onstage, my voice kept cracking, doing the wrong pitch, and out of embarrassment, I ran down the stage.

James: Walking down the halls while some so called "fans" follow you from behind is pretty embarrassing especially when you're just eating a sandwich and people watch you. That puts pressure on someone

Dares next!

Let's do the ones from Atsushi first

01: Face your fears (all 3)

James: I'm gonna die *faces his mother*

Ash: I'm gonna get my moms to pelt me with words of disappointment

Crimson: *holds a Wisteria* My hand is burning

02: Hug someone dear to you (all 3)

Crimson: *hugs Takashi, Kichiro, and Puppet*

Ash: *hugs his mothers and James*

James: *wraps Ash and Emilia in an embrace*

Crimson: Group hug?

Ash and James: Sure!

The three: *hugs each other*

03: Slap someone you despise (all 3)

Crimson, James and Ash: *slaps Yuto*

Crimson, James and Ash: We hate him very much

04: Throw a knife at Yuto (Ash)

Ash: With pleasure

Ash: *grabs a knife and throws it Yuto as if it was a dart*

Ash: *throws another one*

James: Alright, Ash, that's enough

Ash: I saw his list and killing Crimson was on the top priority

James: . . .

James: *throws a knife at him too*

Now for Takashi's dares

01: Taste Kichiro's cooking (all 3)

Crimson: I'm sure it's not that bad *eats a spoonful*

Crimson: (Oh my god, it's bad) I-it's good

Ash: *pretends to eat it* Mmm yummy

James: *eats it casually* Pretty good

02: Throw a pie in James's face (Ash)

Ash: Sorry *throws a pie at his face*

James: *licks some of it* Free dessert

03: Dump your head in chocolate syrup (James)

Ash: *pours some syrup in a basin*

James: *holds his breath*

Crimson: Bath time! *Dumps his head in it*

James: *starts drinking the chocolate*

Crimson: What the-

Ash: I guess he was still hungry 😅

04: Tie your hair into pigtails and add ribbons in it (Crimson)

Ash: Yay! Let's play with your hair!

Crimson: *sits still*

Ash: *combs her hair and ties it into pigtails*

James: *clips some ribbons on her hair*

Ash: Ta-da!

Crimson: *looks at the mirror* Cute hairstyle

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