Nichole x Matt (Pt 1)

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An example one-shot using my character, Nichole. Btw, this (я люблю тебя) is important later.

"Morning, Nic!" Edd calls as the ravenette sits up on her makeshift sofa bed. She grunts a reply, stretching widely, causing many of her joints to crack. She goes to get up, but a weight on her side that she didn't notice until just then keeps her down. She glances over and sees Matt hugging her waist, still asleep.

Oh, yeah. I forgot we all feel asleep watching that movie last night.

"Edd, grab me an apple." Nichole whisper-yells as to not wake up her friends. The red fruit is thrown at her head and she clumsily catches it. She settles back down and takes a bite, Matt still clinging to her waist. Now, as Nichole looks around, she sees Tom is sleeping on Matt's other side, intensely cuddling his teddy bear.

Matt suddenly whines and grips Nichole tighter as he begins to tremble. Nichole starts to gently shake the sleeping ginger awake, but to no avail. "Matt, it's okay." She says, trying to either soothe him back into a peaceful slumber or to get him back to consciousness. He suddenly sits up with a gasp, nearly falling off the sofa in the process. Small paths of tears fall down his face as he desperately looks around, only relaxing a bit when his sky blue eyes land on Nichole.

He immediately sweeps her into a bone-crushing hug, sobbing incomprehensible things into her ear. Though confused, the Russian hugs him back, patting his back in a soothing manner like her mother did whenever she had nightmares. Soon enough, Matt calms down a bit, only the occasional tear falling. "Do you wanna talk about it?" Nichole asks in a soft voice, not wanting the startle her friend into another fit.

He shakes his head, seemingly simply content to hug Nichole with all of his might. After a few moments, he releases and mumbles something about going to the bathroom. Nichole nods and takes a bite of her now slightly brown fleshed breakfast. Matt takes care of his business and washes his face off, smiling a bit at his reflection when he wiped away the tear tracks.

He stumbles back out to the living room to find all of his friends on the sofa, talking softly amongst themselves. He quickly takes a step back and hides behind the wall. "What do you think it was?" Edd asks, concern laced into his tone. "Knowing him, he probably just shattered a mirror or something." Tom grumbles, obviously not happy about being awake.

"Tom, stop being so rude!" Nichole and Edd exclaim in unison. "And I don't think a shattered mirror would have gotten him that emotional. He was freaking out when he woke up. I just wonder what shook him up so badly..." Nichole sighs. "He sure is taking an awful long time in the bathroom. Maybe I should go check on him." Edd says. Shuffling signals that he had gotten up, so Matt takes a few steps backwards to make it look like he just started walking down.

"Hey, guys!" He chirps in his normal, happy tone. "Oh, hey, Matt. We were just about to go check on you." Edd says, sitting back down. "Nichole, could you take me to the store? There's something I need to buy and I don't want to go alone." Matt asks, fidgeting with his hands a bit. Nichole blinks in surprise, but nods after a moment. "Sure. I'll meet you out front in a couple minutes." Matt smiles and waves goodbye to Edd and Tom as he makes his way back to his apartment to change.

About five minutes later, he walks outside the apartment buildings and yelps in surprise when Nichole suddenly appears and grabs his arm, dragging him towards her silver car. They buckle up and it's silent aside from the chatter from the radio (some talk show in a language that Matt doesn't understand) and the occasional chuckle from Nichole. Matt pulls down the sun visor and looks into the mirror, having forgotten to grab his personal one on the way out. The side effects of his nightmare were already showing. His eyes were bloodshot from crying, his clear skin was still a bit splotchy, small bags have gathered under his eyes. A plethora of things plagued his good looks.

The car suddenly stops and Nichole pulls the parking brake. "We're here!" She sings, unbuckling her seatbelt. "Nic, wait." Matt says as the girl is about get out. With confusion etched into her features, Nichole sits back down, her body twisted towards Matt. The ginger takes a deep breath in an unsuccessful attempt to calm his nerves. "You died." He mumbles. "What?" Nichole asks, looking even more confused than before. "In my dream, you died." He clarifies. Nichole remains silent as she sets a comforting hand on his knee, giving him the willpower to explain more.

"It was strange. We were in a Wild West looking era and Edd, Tom, and Tord were there as well. I think I was some sort of prince, Edd was a detective, Tom was the sheriff, and you and Tord were bandits, but you had disguises. Tord was a bartender named Todd and you were just a townperson named Skylar. You would constantly flirt with me as Skylar and eventually, I think I fell for you.

"One day, you told me about being a bandit and I was stupid." Matt's voice breaks on the last word. "I got scared and told Tom and he arrested you. The next day, you were hung. When the executioner asked if you had any last words, you said, 'Ya lyublyu tebya'." He snickers sadly at his butchered attempt at the foreign words, but continues on. "I don't know what that means, but I immediately broke down. When I woke up, I was so scared that you were actually gone."

Nichole just stares in shock. Her dream self had said that to him? "M-Matt, do you know what that means?" She asks. Matt shakes his head. "No, but I've heard you mumble it a lot when you think I'm not listening." He says innocently. Nichole's face pinkens to match her hoodie. She didn't mean for him to ever hear her say that. "It means 'I love you' in Russian." She says, turning away. Matt's face darkens a bit as his brain processes what was said to him. He wraps his arms around Nichole's waist and pulls her over the center console onto his lap. He burries his head in the crook of her neck and butterfly kisses her until he reaches her chin.

"I love you, too." He replies, turning her chin and leaving a small, chaste kiss on her lips. They stare at each other for a moment before Nichole giggles and turns herself around on Matt's lap, pulling him in for a hug. "You're such a dork." She whispers. "But I'm your dork." Matt says, pulling back just enough to plant a kiss on the tip of her nose.

Ah, cheesy endings are the greatest. Also, because I'm a selfish bastard, I'm gonna make a part two that takes place in the dream.

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