Hiroshi x Queen (1+1=爱)

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Ship name: Hiroeen
Oc: Hiroshi (nekomatchatea)

Anime/Game/etc: Kaitou Joker

A/N: Next to Cranrose, this is one of the only male oc x female character ship in Kaitou Joker. XD

Again, Hiroshi might be slightly Ooc since I'm not sure of personality again. *shrugs* But oh well

Oh, and something completely unrelated to this, if you read the last chapter, Steve's my cameraman oc and he's sort of like a narrator in the story. He's not a real person though so his not the author XD. Maybe I'll draw a picture of him to show you how he looks. Idk -3-

Side ocs: Akatsuki (nekomatchatea), Marry (nekomatchatea) [expect to see Marry in future stories XD)

Now, on to the story! ↓

Hiroshi had to avoid crushing the coke can he was drinking from. He knew this feeling was immature but he couldn't stop himself. Nothing could make him feel more rage than what was happening before his eyes.

"Hey, Joker. How do you feel about not being able to steal the ancient treasure yet for so long," Queen smirked.

"Oh shut up, Queen. If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't have been able to escape from the pharoah!" Joker countered.

"As if! I could have made it out myself!" Queen exclaimed and Joker gave a look which said ‘Ya right’.

The other Kaitou sitting opposite of the arguing two had to resist kicking Joker's leg from under the table and blame someone else.

"You two look like an old married couple who always fight," Spade chuckled and added oil to the fire burning right next to him which he couldn't feel.

"We do not!" Queen and Joker protested at the same time.

Akatsuki chuckled at the two and looked at Hiroshi who looked like he was going to kill someone, preferring Joker.

"Wow, Hiroshi. You look like you're going to murder someone brutally," Akatsuki teased.

"Why would I do something like that?" Hiroshi said, his voice laced with anger.

"Ohoho, are you perhaps jealous~?" Akatsuki poked Hiroshi on the arm while smirking.

"Why would I feel jealous?" The male reejected. "What on this table would make me jealous?"

"Maybe it's Que-"

"Here is your food," the waiter placed down some food on the table.

"Great, you ruined my moment. Jit great," Akatsuki glared at the waiter while the waiter looked at her with confusion, wondering if he interuppted something important.

"Don't worry about that small matter! Let's eat! Ittadakimasu!" Joker started to pile food on his plate.

"No fair! Leave us some, Joker!" Spade exclaimed and fought for the food and everyone joined in to eat delicious food. Well, everyone except a jealous Hiroshi who only ate in silence.


All day, Joker was all Queen talked (or more exactly, argued) about. Whenever Hiroshi saw them together or her talking about him, well, his patience was almost at maximun already.

Trying to avoid the "couple" who were arguing, he walked to the kitchen where Hachi, Akatsuki and Dark eye was.

"Thanks for helping me, Akatsuki-san!" Hachi thanked.

"You're welcome, Hachi." Akatsuki smiled. "It is a bother to cook in a messy kitchen after all."

"You're welcome to Hachi-sama." Dark eye bowed.

Hiroshi coughed into his fist and Akatsuki, Hachi and Darkeye' attentions were diverted to him.

"Nice to see that the kitchen is clean once again but can I stay in here to cool my head off?" Hiroshi said with a cold tone.

"Eh? What made you want to do that, Hiroshi-san?" Hachi asked curiously since he knew the taller male didn't get angry very often.

"I think I know why," Akatsuki smirked and got closer to Hiroshi. "You're je-a-lous of Joker, right?~"

Hiroshi's cheeks had a light dust of pink. "As if. Why would I be jealous of him?" He turned his head away to avoid letting the others see him blushing.

"Because he's getting close to Queen, right~" the others started to giggle as Akatsuki continued to tease the male. "Maybe a little too close~"

"Ok, fine fine! I was jealous, okay?! Happy now?!"

"Very 0^0"


Hiroshi sighed. "What can you do to fix this anyway, huh?" He looked at her with a sort of angry look.

"If Akatsuki-sama and Hiroshi-sama agrees, I have a plan that might work," Dark eye said with a hint of mischief, something you don't see everyday.

"It's worth a shot for any plan," Hiroshi shrugged. "

"Let's hear it, Dark eye!" The female said with a small grin.

Dark eye cleared her voice and started to talk about her plan........

"Hello, Hiroshi!" Akatsuki latched onto the said male's arm tightly with a smile.

"Hello, Akatsuki," Hiroshi smiled, maybe a little forcefully?

"Oh..... don't tell me you forgot....." Akatsuki pouted and made sure she was speaking loud enough for Queen to hear. "You said you would bring me to the new cafe! I heard that their strawberry cakes are really nice!"

"Did someone say strawberry cakes?!" Queen rushed to the two and saw Akatsuki holding onto Hiroshi, both which are smiling.

"Oh, I promised Akatsuki that I'll bring her to the new cafe nearby," Hiroshi explained.

"I want to come!" Queen exclaimed.

Hiroshi shook his head and took out two tickets to show her. "I only have 2 tickets to get in though."

Queen glared at Akatsuki and believe me, when Queen does that, you feel like you're turning to stone by Medusa.

"I'll go instead of her!" Queen pointed at Akatsuki and the other had to hide a smirk.

"Are you ok with that, sweetie?" Hiroshi looked at Akatsuki with a new nickname.

"Ya. I don't feel like eating cakes anyway." the girl put an act to look sad and walked away.

"Let's go now, Hiroshi! Cakes we go!" Queen said and pulled Hiroshi even though she didn't know where they were supposed to go.

Meanwhile, Akatsuki smirked while Dark eye stood next to her.

"Now we wait and see if she did that out for cake or jealousy," Akatsuki smirked. "If it's the second, the plan is working. You're a genius, Dark eye!"

"O-Oh, it's nothing, Akatsuki-sama," Dark eye blushed. "I'm just glad Hiroshi-sama will get some alone time with Queen-sama, that's all."

Akatsuki looked at Dark eye, smiling. "We'll see if the plan works. Then we get cake."


"I'm stuffed," Queen sighed happily and lied back on her chair.

"You look quite happy to eat a lot of cake which could make you fat," Hiroshi looked the high stack of plates then at a thin Queen.

"Strawberry cakes are delicious and the cakes here are better than normal!" Queen exclaimed happily.

Hiroshi sighed. "So it really was only for the cake," Hiroshi thought deperessingly.

He looked out the window to calm his mind. Ironically, there was a couple outside sitting on a bench, smiling happily while laughing.

"I think we should go now." Hiroshi said with tha decision in mind.

"Um, before we go. Can I ask you something?" Queen looked away from Hiroshi.

"Hmm? What is it?" Hiroshi said curiously.

"W....Why were you were being so close to Akatsuki-san?" Queen asked with a small blush.

‘Nevermind. I take back my previous words.’ Hiroshi smirked. "Were you jealous?"

"What?! Of course not!" Queen denied with a string of refusals and insulting following it.

"Ok, I get it Queen. Don't need to hurt my heart," Hiroshi rolled his eyes as Queen didn't stop.

"-ok?! I'm not jealous! Why would I been?! If she likes you, I don't care. If you like her I also don't care. I just want to say I like you. B-but don't mistake that for anything, ok idiot?!" Queen ended finally and looked visibly tired. Probably from saying too many thoughts on her head.

"Wait, rewind a few sentences back," Hiroshi couldn't believe what he heard in that long rant.

"As if I will!" Queen puffed her cheeks.

"Then I'll comfirm it myself," Hiroshi smirked.

He got closer (Bold: so baby pull me closer in the backseat of your Rover~ XD)





Hiroshi pulled away blushing while Queen sat there like a frozen statue.

"Um, Queen?" Hiroshi waved his hand in front of her face. "Hello?"

"BAKA!!" Queen slapped Hiroshi right across the cheek.

"Ow!" Hiroshi rubbed his now red cheek. "So this means you don't like me?" He said with disappointment.

"I.......I never said I didn't like you, did I?" Queen looked away, pouting and blushing. "Sorry for slapping your cheek."

"Nah, it's ok," Hiroshi easily forgave her and smiled. "I love you too."

"Ya! Let's go buy cake!" Akatsuki and Dark eye high fived and Marry squealed that her ship was being sailed.

"1(jealousy) + 1 (jealousy) = 爱 (Love). Huh, that really is true," Dark eye muttered.

"Now, let's get cake!" Marry cutely smiled.

"Hai!" All three girls said and walked to another cafe.

Bold: Hiroeen has sailed~

Steve: *avoiding being cut by Queen's sword* HELP ME!!

Bold: Mmmm, no. *watches Steve from the ceiling while eating cake*

Queen: BAKAS!!!! *slices the air*

Steve: *runs out the studio*

Bold: HIROSHI!!!

「A wild Hiroshi has appeared」

Hiroshi: Wait, when was I here?

Queen: *almost slices Hiroshi*

Hiroshi: GAH!!

Bold: Keep your girlfriend under control, geez

Hiroshi: What?!

Bold: Bye bye lovebirds~ *runs away*

Hiroshi and Queen: COME BACK!! *runs after Bold and Steve*

Marry: *stalking Hiroshi and Queen* Ship sailed~

Up next: Joscent ^-^

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