Lucy x Reader || Handcuffs ||

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Luna sighed as she put her hand to her forehead. She stood infront of you with a scowl on her face. You and Lucy were sitting at the opposite ends of the couch. Both having bruises and marks all over each other. "You two need to learn not to try to kill each other at every moment you can! What is wrong with you both? You're always at each others throats.." Luna sighed as you pouted your lip slightly and looked to the side.

'This is so stupid.' You thought.

"It's not my fault. She started it.. I did nothing wrong! She's just always annoying and angry at nothing.." But of course, Luna didn't want to hear it. You gave a peek over at Lucy to see her glaring at the wall. She sure had a temper, but at least she wasn't taking it out on you this time. Yes, it turned out that you two fought. A LOT... almost three times a day. It didn't even have to be anything serious. You two just didn't like each other. You didn't have an exact reason as to why, but her attitude sure irritated you. That should be a good enough reason, right?

"(Y/n)? Did you hear what I said?" Luna asked, snapping you out of your thoughts. "U-Uh, yeah.. could you just.. Uh, say it again?" You quietly asked as you turned your eyes to face her. She sighed and shook her head, "I said, till you two figure out how to not fight, you both will be handcuffed for the rest of the day."
Before you or Lucy could even think of objecting, you felt a cold metal object wrap around your wrist. You looked down as the corner of your mouth twitched in annoyance.

You and Lucy started yelling at Luna which resulted into you two screaming at each other while tugging at the cuff as if to break free from it. "There is NO way I'm going to be cuffed to a FREAK like her!" You yell as Lucy snarled and yelled at you, "Well it's not any better for me, asshole!" Soon the both of you were grabbing, yanking, and hitting each other till Luna grabbed both of your heads and bonked them together.
"Ack-" you both groaned and held your head with the hand that wasn't locked in the cuff.

Luna pulled away, closing her eyes while smiling. "You two will settle your differences and learn what it's like to see and know what is going on with each others lives and try to understand your differences. If you don't, I'll make your punishment much worse." You two shivered slightly in uneasiness, but quickly nodded.

-TimeSkip, Dinner Time-

It was dinner time, everyone was trying to grab food before it was all gone, and of course, one of the biggest eaters in the house just HAD to be handcuffed to you. Your eye twitched as you felt your arm getting yanked back and forth as Lucy was practically halfway over the table trying to get the food. You glared at her and yell at her to stop, yanking your arm back only for a bowl of mashed potatoes to fly into your face.
The room was quiet for about two seconds till it was filled with the loud roar of laughter. You huff loudly and wipe it off of your face with a napkin only to see the red headed hot tempered demon laughing the hardest.

You glare and started to throw food at her. And before you two knew it, you were all in a food fight.
It went on till all of you were covered in food and there was nothing left to throw... Luna calmly stood up, cleared her throat, and stared deeply into your soul as her eyes glowed a bright red.
"You two, will be cleaning this up. Now."

"SHE STARTED IT!" You and Lucy yell pointing at each other as the albino gave one of her famous death glares making you and hell freeze over, but you and Lucy both gave a quick nod, saying that you'll clean up the mess, not wanting to deal with the wrath of the demon princess, Luna.


You groan as you washed the floor, your fingers felt like prunes from all the chemicals you guys were using. And to a surprise, Lucy hadn't said a word since you both started cleaning. You look over to see her hard at work, scrubbing the floors, just like you. You decided to break the silence.


"What." She said sharply, as if daggers were in her words. You gulp down your random nervousness and asked; "Do you not like me? Is that why we always fight?" Lucy stopped and looked over, raising her brow. "No, It's not that I don't like you. You just.. get on my nerves.. like crazy." She muttered and looked away slightly.

You blinked at her strange attitude but nodded slightly and went back to work. After a while you felt a tug on the handcuff and looked over seeing Lucy inches away from your face. You felt a blush spread across your cheeks as your eyes widened in surprise. Lucy looked serious for once as she asked, "Do.. you hate me?"

You were a little taken aback by this.. did you hate her? No.. you didn't have a reason to hate her. Yeah, she was always annoying and loud and went a little overboard but.. she didn't actually DO anything to you. What was your reasoning? Did you.. want to grab her attention? Make her notice you?... Why would you do that? That wasn't like you! Or.. was it?

You shake your head and hesitantly opened your mouth, answering, "I.. I guess I was just trying to get you to notice me.. I don't know why. I don't understand." You sighed and shook your head. Lucy blinked but started to laugh making you blinked and blush, "W-Why are you laughing!? What's so funny!?" You yell as she held her stomach and almost fell back.
"Oh don't tell me you've got a crush on me, (y/n)~!" She teased and looked at you, grinning. Oh that stupid grin.. the one that made her look like a two year old kid..

You looked away and blushed. 'Like I'd have a crush on you.' you wanted to say, but you couldn't feel the words coming out of your throat and just sat in silence.. Lucy smiled slightly and got up, yanking you with her. She gave a chuckle and held out her hand, "If that's the case, I can't say I don't feel the same." Your eyes widened in surprise at her words...She liked you?
She put a hand through her hair and looked away as her face turned a light shade of pink. "Now.. c'mon. Let's get Lu to take these damn cuffs off." She closed her eyes and gave a wide grin.

What a cute little ending..

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