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Rachel manned the makeshift comm station Cat set-up on the chart table of the Atlantis bridge. It killed Rachel to be stuck on the ship while Jake and Tony risked their lives, but all things considered, she was glad to be helping in any way she could. She placed a headset over her ear, which had a microphone that ran down her jawline and curved at her chin. Rachel looked behind her. Cat was just there, hovering over her shoulder like a mother hen, nodding approval, a frown drawing the corners of her lips down, and now she was gone. She must have stepped out. They would keep tabs on Jake and Tony as they tried to board Zanderthal's ship. A harrowing feat.

How Kevin could betray them and where he was at the moment, neither of them knew. 

As far as the security team and their assignment were concerned, they were on their own. They would provide Rachel and Cat with status updates as their mission progressed... when they hit shore, once they moved into position at Zanderthal's compound, and when they rescued Sarah, if they rescued her.

Rachel knew Jake and Tony could use a third pair of eyes tonight, but the larger boarding party would only create more opportunities for a mistake. At least, that was what Jake said. He wanted to keep their boarding team small and use only two people to sneak around the icebreaker. It would have been nice to have Kevin around to help them. Even if he was available, trying to talk Jake Soloman out of something he had his mind set on was like trying to persuade a cowboy to part with his horse. Or his hat. It just wouldn't happen.

Rachel checked the connection. "Jake, Tony, do you copy, over?"

"We're here." Jake's voice crackled in her ear. "Remember, the comm system we borrowed from Dalton is encrypted so you can speak freely once we hit the water."

"Gotcha. I'll be in radio contact as needed, but the signal will probably break up once you board the ship." 

"Read you loud and clear," Jake said. "Over and out."

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