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Duryodhan and Dushashan moved towards Sagarika and Draupadi but were stopped by Vikarn and Yuyutsu.

"Stop right there Bhrata Duryodhan and Bhrata Dushashan." Yuyutsu stopped.

"Jyesht listen to me, without the knowledge of right and wrong no one can ever be a king but you are now an emperor. If you let such injustice prevail the people will revolt against you." Vikarn said.

"Vikarn, whose side are you on ?" Dushashan asked.

"Bhrata Dushashan giving sound advice to one's elder brother is not wrong." Vikarn said.

"When a king loses a war he must be disarmed but no woman should ever be disrobed in this manner ! A warrior being stripped off of their weapons and women being stripped off of their clothes are two different things." Yuyutsu said.

"And Drupad-Kanya and Kshitij-Kanya are Kulvadhus of Kuruvansh." Vikarn said.

"Kulvadhus ? What are you saying Vikarn ? If having long hair on his head does not make a monkey a lion then wearing a chudamani doesn't make them pure. How can you call them the Kulvadu ? One didn't see how old a man is before establishing a relationship with him and the other has relationship with 5 men !" Karna said.


"Lets go Dushashan." Duryodhan said.

"Duryodhan please don't commit such a crime !!" Pitamah pleaded.

"PLEASE BE QUIET !!" Draupadi said.

"Protecting us is out of your league now, the courage to stop this unrighteousness in the name Dharm resides with none of you !!" Sagarika said.

"What good is righteousness if it turns one's strength into weakness ? What good is the truth if it does not incinerate the deeds of wicked people but the courage of the speaker ?" Draupadi said.

"None of you have understood the true form of Dharm. An earthen lamp surely provides luminance but when the flame extinguishes the same lamp blackens your hands. And the luminance of your Dharm is gone now." Sagarika said.

"If our protection has to happen then it will be done by none other then Almighty himself." Draupadi said.

Sagarika and Draupadi walked towards the stage and stood tall, pride and self-respect still on their faces. They look at Duryodhan and Dushashan who were looking at them hungrily.

"Come on, Duryodhan. Isn't this what you wanted ?" Sagarika said.

"Come and test your might, Dushashan." Draupadi said.

Sagarika and Draupadi both joined their hands and closed their eyes. There was only one word in their mind, one name who can save them. One man who would never turn his back on them.

"Govind." They both said at the same time.

Dushashan grabbed Draupadi’s red saree while Duryodhan grabbed Sagarika yellow saree. The Kauravas and their companions laughed as Duryodhan and Dushashan picked it up and pulled it.

"Govind." They both said again as they spinned around due to the pulling. The elders and Pandavas sobbed silently.

Suddenly everyone felt a divine and extremely powerful energy in the room. And two cloths one yellow and one red came out of nowhere and was joined in their sarees. It spun around them and the lustful men of the court could no longer see them.

Duryodhan and Dushashan looked at it shocked, they pulled it more. But the more they pulled the longer the sarees got. The elders and Pandavas were thankful seeing this. Dushashan and Duryodhan didn't give up, they pulled it with more might but it all went in vain.

A strong wind howled in the court and all the mukuts, jewelleries and Angvastras of the men flew away.

Even those who were righteous were disrobed by the wind as all had done a sin today either by committing it or by being a silent spectator.

Kauravas and their companions were shocked as one by one their jewelleries and clothes got stripped. All those Angvastras of men fell in front of the feet of those two ladies.

Unknown was this divine entity who saved the honor of the Kulvadhus. The elders bowed and thanked the mysterious almighty power.

Dushashan and Duryodhan fell backwards, breathing heavily. They felt if they even raised their hands it would break any moment.

Kunti and Gandhari entered the hall and Kunti was shocked seeing the both her daughter-in-laws like this. Bruised and broken.

"Putri..." Kunti called.

Sagarika and Draupadi opened their eyes, which were as red as blood. Kunti went closer but Draupadi raised her hand.

"Don't touch us, Rajmata Kunti. We will be tainted. We're no longer the wives of your sons, nor the kulvadhu of Kuruvansh." Draupadi said.

They both then did the unexpected, they both took their Chudamanis out of their head and threw it at the Pandavas.

"Putri Sagarika." Kunti called, she was too young to endure this.

"Don't come closer Rajmata ! My heart is burning like the bed of an Ocean. You might drown in it." Sagarika said.

"Putri, the fire within the ocean doesn't burn itself up. Calm down child." Kunti said.

"Rajmata Kunti, Maharani Gandhari if you wish to save yourselves then renounce this court and leave. Because this whole court will drown today." Sagarika said.

"I give a curse that this moment, this very moment this court shall-" "Don't Draupadi !!" Draupadi tried to curse but Gandhari stopped her.

"Please don't curse them Draupadi, forgive them." Gandhari pleaded.

"My curse is forgiveness in itself Maahrani. If I have to punish them then it shall be in this lifetime they'll experience hell every moment. There will be no end to their suffering." Draupadi said.

"No putri, the woman who gives life can't give death. And these men are no less then corpses, child." Gandhari said.

"O Duryodhan, I should have listened to Vidur's advice and killed you on the unfortunate day you were born." Gandhari said.

"MATA !!" Duryodhan exclaimed.

"SHUT UP DURYODHAN !! Putri Draupadi out of rage don't do something similar to these men." Gandhari said.

"Its a woman's task to keep the house clean. And its a woman's task as well to keep the society clean. I curse that-" "Wait Sagarika." Sagarika tried to say but Arjun stopped.

"Today, the sons of Pandu have endured a great disgrace. Give us a chance to redeem ourselves. Let us avenge your dishonor." Arjun requested.

"How will you take revenge ?! You are the slaves of these wicked men !! And I no longer consider you my husband !!" Sagarika said. Her words penetrating his heart.

"Forgive me Sagarika, I never raise weapons without Jyesht's permission." Arjun said.

"Jyesht's permission ?! Did you take his permission when you asked my hand in marriage from my mother !?! Did you take his permission to participate in my swayamvar !?! Did you take his permission before marrying me !?!" Sagarika asked. Arjun lowered his gaze.

"You didn't !! Then why did you need his permission of protect me !?!" Sagarika asked, her voice broke as tears fell from her eyes.



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