Accidental Phone Number

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Yet another one-shot by our lovely MyStayZenAbi


"It'll be easy, don't stress about it".

That's what Namjoon, Jin and Manager-hyung had told Yoongi when they left him in charge of Hobi and the maknae line for the day. They had some "important" business at the company. Of course, Yoongi knew they just needed a break so he hadn't complained when they'd left.

Unlike what he first thought, the task was far from easy.

Trying to keep track of the sunshine, the 95 liners and the maknae with a sleeve of tattoos proved to be a hard task for poor ol' Yoongi. First, they were hungry, next bored, and lastly needed to be taken outside for fresh air—which was not true, the windows were open.

Yoongi didn't remember this being in his contract.

With a deep breath, he shook his head and leaned down to pick up some garbage that was littering the floor. Luckily, the four members he had to "babysit" were tired out from the fresh air. On the living room rug, Taehyung was lying in an unflattering position on top of Jungkook while Jimin and Hobi laid on the couch watching some anime.

Yoongi basked in the calmness of the small break. He was sure that they had more energy today than they usually had and that was saying a lot.

Unfortunately, the silence was quickly broken by Jungkook. "Hyung I want food," Jungkook whined.

Yoongi eyed the pile of dirty clothes in the corner and visibly cringed. "We ate an hour ago," Yoongi answered the man-child absent-mindedly.

"Exactly, an hour ago," Jungkook complained again. The muscle bunny pushed Taehyung off of him and stalked off to the kitchen. Jimin erupted with laughter when poor Taehyung landed on the ground with a thud.

Jimin's laugh must have sparked something within the abyss because it started a chain reaction of chaos. Taehyung hopped up from his position on the floor and tackled the laughing Jimin. Hobi started cheering them on just as Jungkook came back with more food.

With some clothes in his hands, Yoongi sighed as he watched the events unfold. He needed to get out even for a minute. He dropped the clothes on the nearby armchair and escaped into the somewhat quiet hall. Once he's out, he leaned against the wall and clumsily yanked his phone out of his pocket.

He needed Namjoon, Jin or the manager to come back before he died. It didn't matter who. Without looking he dialled Namjoon's phone number and puts the phone near his ear.

Namjoon picked up after a couple of rings.

"Hello?" A voice came through the phone. Yoongi was too distracted to notice that 'Namjoon' didn't sound like Namjoon.

"Hey, Namjoon? Are you coming home soon?"

"Umm... I think yo—"

Right as 'Namjoon' was going to answer Yoongi, the door flew open and Hobi's head appeared through the crack.
"Oh, there you are Hyung!" Hobi huffed in relief. "We didn't know where you went."

"Don't worry about me, I just need a break,'' Yoongi answered. "I'll be back in a minute, I'm just talking to Namjoon."

"Ah okay," Hobi said, sending a blinding smile at Yoongi before he disappeared into the slamming door.

Yoongi sighed and Yoongi lifted the phone back to his ear. "Sorry about that. What were you saying?"

"I think you--" Namjoon started before he was interrupted once again. This time by Jungkook

"Hey Hyung," Jungkook said with a cute smile, "do we have more food?"

"Jungkook, you shouldn't eat anymore, we'll have dinner soon." Yoongi replied flatly before Jungkook frowned and disappeared with an 'okay'.

Yoongi sighed for the millionth time that day. "Sorry, the maknae line and Hobi are out of control."

Yoongi took a deep breath and spilled everything that happened in the past few hours. From the prank, they played right after Namjoon and Jin left to when Taehyung got locked out of the dorm by Jungkook and Jimin.

"Then Taehyung gets up and literally tackles Jimin to the ground and Hobi starts cheering them on." Yoongi paused to take a breath. "I just need you and Jin-hyung to come home qui—" he was just about done with his sentence when Jin and Namjoon came into view.

Jin's face popped into his line of sight. "Hey Yoongi, how was today?"

Yoongi was shook, Namjoon didn't have a phone in his hand.



Wasn't he talking to Namjoon on the phone?

Namjoon scrunched his eyebrows in front of Yoongi's Yoonshook face. "Hyung?"

Yoongi didn't answer Namjoon instead he slowly brought his phone back to his ear.

Yoongi gulped. If Namjoon was in front of him who was he talking (venting) to? It could be anyone. He just really hoped it wasn't his mom on the other end because he had dropped some colourful words.

Hesitantly, Yoongi spoke into the phone. "I'm sorry but who is this?"

He'd just spilled the members' less than flattering actions to a complete stranger.

"Uh it's Soobin, Soobin of TXT," answered Not Namjoon. He could hear Huening Kai's laugh in the background.

"Oh..." Yoongi let out a relief-filled breath and slowly changed the subject, "Well how's your day been Soobin?"

The End


Lol it was Soobin all along.

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