Those goddamn Canadian Geese. HBD HOBIIIII

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Go to Canada, they said. It would be fun, they said. Well, Hobi would beg to differ. Canada was a new type of hell. It had unlocked a new fear in him. The damn Canadian Geese, or what I like to call Canada's truest assassins.

It was like any other day in a Canadian summer. It was unbearably humid and even beside Lake Ontario, the lakeside breeze was doing nothing for the sticky, thick thirty degrees.

"This is Canada, where are the igloos and why is it a furnace?" Hoseok asked himself as he, Jimin and Jungkook boarded the ferry to Toronto Centre Island. It was Canada day and well why not spend it over there.

Centre Island was an island off the coast of downtown Toronto. It's a natural location with duck ponds and large trees where families picnic. Not only does it have natural aspects but a lot of rides for children and even an area with Franklin the turtle. But as much of a utopia, it is, none of BTS heard about the little devils plaguing the island. Yes, mixed in with the loon and their chicks are also the fears of all those native to the country: The murder geese.

So they got off the ferry and started their trek through the island enjoying the sites of people wearing funny red and white hats and fathers holding a can of beer in one hand and a child in the other.

Jimin gestured to one woman whose face was completely painted to match the countries flag. "Woah how did she do it and how is she going to get it off?" 

Jungkook shrugged. "They have their ways."

The three walked and walked until they made it to a pond. "Oh! it's the ducks of the coins!" Jimin got excited again and all three of them leaned over the edge of the concrete border.

Hobi pulled out a one-dollar coin that the locals call loonies (after the duck) and compared it to the ducks floating in the pond. "Wow, you're right!"

Jungkook took out his own coin... well not exactly. He held the coin up on heads and frowned. "Those ducks are not the Queen of England."

Hobi took the coin from him and flipped it over. "No silly tails."

Jungkook laughed shyly and joined Jimin watching the ducks but a giant black and grey bird caught Hobi's eye. It was much bigger than the loonies and its eyes were black and beady.

Hobi wanders away from the two maknaes and goes after the bird. He wondered why no one was staring at that big bird. He didn't know it was his imagination or if the crowd was purposely making space around the bird. 

He didn't understand why it seemed the Canadians were avoiding it. In his eyes, that bird was so cute. So, Hobi decided to approach it. Yes. Hobi approached that unpredictable creature.

Hobi walked right up to it and crouched in front of the bird. "Ahh, you're so cute." He reached out his hand to the devil's spawn but it was a mistake. Seconds later, the bird is pecking his hand. 

"AHHHH!" Hobi screamed and hightailed it to the two maknaes. But not without the goose following on his tail. "Hurry run run run!" Hobi called to the boys who were feeding the ducks.

Jungkook, on the sight of his hyung sprinting down the path with a giant bird chasing him, grabbed Jimin mid-bread-throw and started running as well. 

"Hobi-hyung, why are we running!" Jungkook cried as he tried to keep up with the panicked J-Hope.

Hobi was on the verge of tears. "I thought it was cute and then it attacked me."

The local Canadians seemed to not notice the distress of the three foreigners who were on a full sprint to who knows where with a murder goose chasing them. Well of course it's quite normal for these birds to be so aggressive.  

Jimin tried to throw the remainder of his stale bread that he got from thin air for plot convenience at the goose but it only made it more agitated. "Hyung do something!" Jimin begged Hobi.

"Do something? It's a persistent robot!"

Jungkook got an idea. "Let's go on the ferris wheel."

"How will that help!" Jimin cried. 

"I can't think of anything else to get rid of this guy." Hobi pants.

So they ran to the ferris wheel at full speed. Of course, the goose which I am convinced is in love with them, follows them. Luckily, or not luckily, a bunch of fans were waiting in line for the ferris wheel. Seeing the poor souls trying to get away from the Murder goose they cleared the way. 

One fan shoved three tickets into the operator's hand while her friends wrestled the Canadian goose to the ground leaving the remaining spectator staring in awe at the might of these people. 

Hobi almost cried in relief as they boarded the ferris wheel watching as the police put handcuffs on the wanted criminal and the fans kissed their biceps. 

Yup, he had a new fear. 

Those goddamn Canadian Geese.


This was actually supposed to be after a certain Tae chapter but I never finished it but you'll know which one when it comes out bye bye and happy Hobi day!!!

If you were curious about the birds mentioned in this story here are pictures.

Hobi's new fear: The mf murder geese.

Loonie on the coin

The bird Loon

Jungkook's loonie: the queen

Bleh bleh

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