Chapter 23: Cape Canaveral

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Jolyne: 'Weather... He didn't despair... he was trying to tell me to pursue the priest. He even used Whitesnake's ability to turn his stand, weather Report, into a disc... If I put this disc into my head, wil I be able to use his ability ? But... the priest is probably already at Cape Canaveral. Only two more days until the New Moon. I don't know if I can even take control of this situation anymore... What should I do... ?'

Jolyne: 'There was this confusion with the snails... But I was able to give the ICSF my father's disc. My father will regain consciousness soon... He'd know what to do... But should I wait until he comes ? But the priest might do something in Cape Canaveral during that time. Something crucial... What should I do... ? Tell me, dad... If I hadn't gotten in that car... Shit... I have to defeat the priest... Tell me, dad... What can I do... ?'

Anasui: S... So cute... Whoa, she's... She's so cute... ! She's sleeping against my shoulder... Jolyne...

Anasui: Th... That's right ! I'm finally with Jolyne again ! I promised myself that, once I got out of prison and caught up with Jolyne, I would tell her my feelings. I can't wait to tell her... It's now or never ! My feelings for her are genuine ! I even paid a shitload of money to get this ring from the prison merchant. Once she wakes up... I want her to know and embrace my feelings for her...

Hermes: HEY !! LOOK !! IT'S AN ALLIGATOR ! THERE ARE FUCKIN' ALLIGATORS AROUND HERE ! SHIT !! They think they're so goddamn safe, just 'cause they're a protected species. Scared the crap out of us back in prison.

Jolyne: ... Holy crap ! That's one huge alligator !! Take this, bastard !!

Jolyne: Yeah, clean hit !!

Hermes: Gyahahahaha !! look at it, it's flippin' out ! It's not running away, but it's definitely freaking out ! That'll teach you to fuck with us, dumbass !!

Anasui: ... ... AH !! No way !! Jolyne, what did you just throw ?! Sh- Show me your... Your hands ! Your hands !!

Hermes: Hey, what the hell are you doin', Anasui ?


Jolyne: What ? What ?!

Anasui: You ?! You can't have just !!

"Why are you guys yelling... ? No better question, what did Anasui do ?"

Anasui: Hnghhhhhhhhnnn...

Emporio: Hermes, I need you to do me a favor; I want to see a map... A map of our current surroundings. Could you hold on to this for a second ?

Hermes: A map ? Unf ! You mean, usin' this ? It's a pretty damn old computer...

Emporio: Well, we have 32 hours until the new Moon. I don't know what the priest is planning to do here at Cape Canaveral, but he's probably going to hide somewhere around here until the new Moon. Right now, we're headed for the visitor's center. The general public can only enter the premises through this entrance. This is where they build the spacecrafts, the launchpad, the control tower... Everything is at least 5Km apart, it's a huge place... Visitors are ushered into shuttle buses to tour the premises... Everywhere that's not within that route is off-limits. The priest must be taking this route too.

"... You don't need to worry about your father. If there's one thing I learned about Jotaro over the years, is that it's absolutely impossible to keep him down, even when he should be."

Jolyne: I know... But even if I feel like I can understand him now... His reasons for staying away all that time, even if I know them, I still don't know what to think of all this...

"At least your father's still around, and you got to know him... Some don't have that chance... Speaking from experience."

Jolyne: Huh ?

"My father... Died the day I was born. Actually, according to what my mother told me, 'His heart stopped beating the exact moment I started breathing'... Or something like that."

Jolyne: That's... That's some really bad luck.

"I don't think 'luck' has anything to do with it. He didn't just straight-up died, it was a long process. For months, he was getting weaker and weaker, until he eventually fell into a deep coma, a few week before..."

Jolyne: What makes you think it wasn't a coincidence ?

"Two things, actually... First, I may have never known him, but my mom did... And after seeing photos, I could not unsee that. I was a carbon copy of him. Both in body and mind. There was literally not a single difference, it was like looking at a mirror. And the second one... It wasn't a first."

Jolyne: What ?

"Apparently... he was really reluctant about having a kid... For the simple reason that he, too, lost his father the day he was born... And the same happened to his father before him, and his grandfather... This has been the curse my family's been carrying."

Jolyne: You never told anything about that...

"I don't like to. Even Jotaro or Kakyoin don't know that. But in a way, this makes me incredibly proud of my mother. She was able to raise and love me, even though anyone would assume by seeing me, that I was the cause for her husband's death. She was a strong woman."

Jolyne: And what do you think this could mean ?

"... I'm not sure. But first, that curse my family's carrying... Then I discover the ties I have with the Joestar family... And finally, it turns out i'm a born stand user. I refuse to think, that this can be a mere coincidence. Now, to know if this is correlation or causality... it's another story."

Jolyne: ... ...

Emporio: So, Jolyne. What are you planning to do ? Are we going to wait for the ICSF and Mr.Jotaro first ? Or do we keep on pursuing the priest ? Is that it ?

Jolyne: We'll...

Anasui: of course, we're going to find him right now !! Sorry to say this, but we don't really know if your father's going to come, anyway. He might come the day after tomorrow. The priest is still wounded from the fight earlier, and he doesn't have any more backup... In this situation, the only definite thing is that if we don't finish him now, it's all over !

Hermes: hey, Emporio ! Why the hell are you drivin' so weid ? Why did you stop the car ? Aren't we not allowed to park here ?

Emporio: It's not that...

Hermes: Hey !! i'm telling you to move the goddamn car ! You know this car is stolen and we're still wanted for jailbreak ! Plus, we're lettin' a kid like you drive !

Emporio: It... It's not that... ! The car is being weird... The engine... It's stalling...

Hermes: hey, what the hell is that ? There's something in the dust...


Anasui: Whoa ! What the fuck ?! C- Cars ?! What the fuck is going on ?!

Jolyne: Did something explode ?! Was there an accident or something ?!

Anasui: Emporio, start the car !! hurry up and start !

Emporio: I can't ! It won't move at all ! Wait.. maybe the road's messed up !

"No. the car that was stopped right next to us is gone... It can't be the road, there's nothing wrong with it, and the rails are still standing. There's no wind blowing either, but... All the trees are still bending in the same direction. That only leaves..."

Hermes: Y... You might be wondering what the fuck I'm doing right now, Jolyne. I... I think I'm "Caught" ! This car... ! SHIT, JOLYNE ! YOU... YOU HAVE TO GET OUT ! IT'S NOT SAFE TO BE IN THIS CAR !! WE'RE... WE'RE GONNA FALL !!

Jolyne: Fall ?!

"Everything, it's been falling, like 'behind' suddenly became 'Down'. It's gravity ! Gravity has shifted, and now this road has become a cliff !!"

Hermes: the car's starting to shake ! The front tires are already off the ground ! Everyone, get out of the car ! The pulling force is getting stronger and stronger ! Grab on to something ! Anything that sticks out !

Anasui: Falling... What do you mean ? How could gravity flip like that ?!

"The priest... We didn't see that one coming, but what happened to me must be happening to him ! His stand is undergoing a transformation, and now it can also control gravity !"

Anasui: Jolyne ! Grab onto Emporio !! DIVER DOWN !!

Jolyne: HERMES !!

Pucci: Every Beginning... Originated from Gravity ! Even this earth began with Gravity... Because of gravity, this Earth continues to revolve ! On this Earth... Where am I headed ?! What is going to happen next... ?! Within my body and my spirit, gravity exists... ! And it must also exist, at the end of it all... !

*The trickiest part of launching a spacecraft into space is the problem of "Gravity". When launching a rocket, even the slightest variation in gravitational pull can make a difference. That's why when building a launchpad, it is most effective to build one near the Equator. Because of the centrifugal force of the Earth's rotation, the gravitational pull at the Equator is weaker than at the Poles. Perhaps Olympic high-divers might be able to get a better record if they're near the Equator.

On top of that, in Cape Canaveral, there is something special about the Sea level. It was assumed that Cape Canaveral was at sea level, but recently, scientists have been able to prove that this is not so. For example, in the Maldives' ocean, it's been reported that the surface of the sea curves inward about 100 meters offshore. Conversely, the sea of japan is about 30 meters higher than ground level. Following suit, Cape Canaveral has a sea level that is approximately 50 meters higher than shore. This proves that the effect of gravitational pull is not equal everywhere on earth, and that Cape Canaveral is in a place where the gravitational pull is fairly "Weak". On top of this, the sea level at Cape Canaveral can reach heights of up to 100 meters, depending on the position of the Moon. Cape Canaveral is one of the most optimal locations to launch people and equipment into Space.*

"Everything's falling... Falling behind !"

Emporio: Falling ?! There's no way that we should be falling parallel to the ground ! Isn't gravity supposed to keep us on the ground ?!

Jolyne: The priest was waiting for this to happen. Twenty years ago, my father sealed away this ability... the priest called this heaven.

"No... You call this heaven, Jolyne, but far from it. This is but the premises of what's about to come. I should know, the same is happening to me ! Right now, both my 'Dark Void' and the priest's 'Whitesnake' are being remodeled by the will of the Green baby, replaced by the keys to attain heaven ! And when the new Moon comes... The Moon affects earth's gravity as well, and it's only 32 hours away... When that time comes, so will Heaven. I will leave that matter to you."

Anasui: What ?!

"I am half the way to heaven. Without me, Pucci can't open the 'Gates'. He's just up ahead, but... I know someone's waiting for us back down."

Jolyne: W- Who... ?

"Jolyne. I've been passing some phone calls right after getting out of the prison. Backup is already coming, even before he got 'It' back from you, things were done so everything would be ready. When I come back to you, there will be 3 of us ! Go for it, and send him to DIO ! Bad Apple !!"

Jolyne: AH !!

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