Damon Raule

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|Full Name|
Damon Tyrell Raule

|Nick Name(s)|
Mr. Raule

The Alpha
The Ruthless One
Dangerous Male

The Manevolent Leader

30 Years


|Sexual Orientation|



|Face Claim|
Ben Dahlhaus

|Hair Color|
Dirty Blonde

|Eye Color|
Pale Grey

Caius has a wardrobe that consists of clothing that is leather, suede, and cotton in terms of fabric. He will usually wear leather tops with leather cuffs around his wrists, and when he is dressed down he will wear a simple cotton shirt with fabric pants.

Damon is heavily tattooed on his back and arms. He has a nose piercing and both ears pierced.

|Shifted Appearance|
When shifted, Damon becomes a very large and muscular dark brown wolf with intense, dark colored amber eyes that almost appear to be orange at first glance. Damon's Wolf form is scarred and very harsh looking. His fur is fairly long and fluffy, very thick in volume compared to other wolves.


|Detailed Personality|
Damon isn't anything like his twin brother, and tends to be and think on the opposite spectrum of him. Damon is a very touchy and demented type of guy, and doesn't tend to like very many people at all. He is cold hearted to the bone, and ruthless in everything and anything that he does. He is unafraid to get his hands dirty and do what needs to be done, and will easily kill and sacrifice to get whatever he so pleases. Bloodshed does not bother him at all, and he tends to be a bit of a violent person when it comes down to fighting. Damon looks down on a lot of people, especially the people of the Elven Empire. He doesn't believe in their god worshiping ways, and strongly seems to just dislike them all as a whole. Damon believes that wolves are meant to live like Vikings, out in the Wayward Lands and in villages rather than in fancy palaces like a bunch of idiots. Damon tends to look down on most, even on some individuals in his own pack, and has no qualms in letting people know exactly how he feels. He is unapologetic in everything that he does, and does not believe that he is ever wrong in any scenario. There could possibly be a soft spot way down inside of Damon, but really, nobody would really know unless they actually searched for it.

Likes - Damon likes to drink whiskey, but only in moderation. He likes to lead and be in charge and in control, and to feel like he has an impact on the pack that he leads. Damon enjoys his time alone when he can be uninterrupted.
Dislikes - Damon deeply hates his political mate, 'The Viper's Bite'. He doesn't like to be told what to do or being ordered around in the slightest, and doesn't take well to people teasing him.

Damon is a very strictly only dominant male. He refuses to be submissive in any way, shape, or form. Being submissive means being vulnerable, which he highly resents. Damon always wants and needs to be in control in all situations.


|Family Tree|
Rax ~ Father ~ Dead
Natalia ~ Mother ~ Dead
'The Gentle Alpha' ~ Twin Brother ~ Alive

'The Viper's Bite'

|Crush/Love Interest|
None Currently



|Theme Song|
Wild Boy - Remix by Machine Gun Kelly

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

|Back Story|
Damon has always been the more harsh and daring of the two brothers, and the one who decided to follow more in his father's footsteps, as to staying out in the Wayward Lands and keeping to his Pagan religion. Damon deeply resents his brother for turning against him and joining 'The Dishonered Queen', and hopes to make his brother one day see things the way he does.

He is the alpha of the Havenhigh Pack.
His twin brother is 'The Gentle Alpha'.
He is destined mates with 'The Dishonered Queen'.
Political mates with 'The Viper's Bite'.

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