Gideon Warner

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|Full Name|
Gideon L. Warner

|Nick Name(s)|

Second in Command
Dark Shifter

39 Years


|Sexual Orientation|

Gifted Human


Falling Spires Gang

Second in Command



|Hair Color|
Medium Brown

|Eye Color|

Gideon's style tends to range more on the darker side in terms of color. Greys, blacks, dark blues, and maroons seem to be the only colors that can be found within his wardrobe. His style is more on the professional side, wearing button ups with jackets and slacks. It adds to the composure he carries himself with. Gideon's hair is always styled and done up to keep it mostly out of his eyes. A gold ring adorns his ring finger, a symbol of his marriage to his wife. When relaxing, Gideon dresses down into sweatpants and simple shirts or sweatshirts.

Gideon has his back tattooed in a full piece, and has both of his arms sleeved. There are some raised scars on his chest, along with a few others scattered along his back and upper arms. There are no piercings anywhere on his body.

Gideon's ability is known as Devil's Corruption.

Gideon's ability is a tricky one. Upon giving up pieces of his sanity to his ability, he is able to transform into a warped creature that grants him incredible speed, strength, and advanced senses. In this craven state, Gideon seems to be a bit off of the hinges and isn't completely himself in this form, almost seeming to fall into insanity at times. Even when he is not using his ability, he can still hear the whispers of the little devil on his shoulder that he temporarily sacrifices his sanity to, constantly following him.


|Detailed Personality|
Gideon is the definition of mysterious and stone cold, a rather hard case to crack. If one thing is for sure, he isn't one to be underestimated. He is very cunning and calculated in all of the work that he carries out, both known and unknown to the gang he is apart of. Gideon is on the outside a very harsh and critical human being, one that seems to have every wall built up around him to keep the unwanted out. His many hard years of life and tough past molded him into the person he is today. The male has a dangerous sense of ambition that has led him through moving up the ranks of his gang. He seems to take a lot of pleasure in playing mind games and taking advantage of those around him. Gideon is known to be a fearsome individual within the gang, one that not many would dare to challenge or cross. Killing is definitely not above him, and death seems to follow him wherever he goes. He is exceedingly intelligent, and knows just the right pieces to place in his games. When he has to be, Gideon can appear to be rather formal and even charming at times, but the dark glimmer to his eyes always remains. It's unknown if he has a soft side to him, as nobody has seen it themselves besides perhaps his wife. Either way, there is a lot concerning the male that seems to be buried inside, maybe never to see the light of day.

Likes - Gideon is one who doesn't mind settling down with a glass of whisky while listening to the radio on his balcony. He enjoys going out for walks at night as well with his doberman, Bandit.

Dislikes - Gideon really is not one for night life and partying. Socializing outside of work has never been a huge thing for him. He also dislikes the feeling of being held back or cast aside.

Gideon is strictly a dominant figure when it comes to both his life and relationships. The male doesn't seem to have a submissive bone in his body. He takes what he wants, when he wants it. It's just a piece ingrained into him.


|Family Tree|
Damian Warner ~ Father ~ Dead
Leigh Warner ~ Mother ~ Dead

Maeve Warner ~ Spouse ~ Alive

|Crush/Love Interest|



|Theme Song|
Bad Choices by Kode

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

|Back Story|
Gideon was the only child born to Damian and Leigh Warner. As a child, he was a bright and excited young male, who always seemed to excel in everything he did. He was very loved by his parents, both of which did what they could for their son, even if they didn't always have the means to do so. When Gideon was the age of nine, he was on his way home with his parents during a late night, when they were stopped by a man with a gun. Unbeknownst to Gideon, his father had gotten wrapped up in doing side work for a gang in order to try and provide more money for his family to scrape by, and had ended up in a bad situation with a rival gang. Before Gideon even had a chance to realize what was going on, the man had raised his gun and shot both of his parents dead. Gideon had managed to get away, and his life had been forever changed from that day. He was later found by police, and placed into foster care. Angry and grieving, Gideon became restless and hardened to life. He went from one foster family to another, always causing trouble wherever he went. There seemed to be no end to his torment. When he was eighteen and thrown out of the system into the world, Gideon became part of a gang that rivaled the one which was responsible for his parent's deaths. He learned how to fight and how to use his abilities properly, and soon rose throughout the ranks over the next twenty years. Within that time he married his wife, Maeve, who was the daughter of a previously high ranking gang member. Now, Gideon resides as the Second in Command of the Falling Spires Gang, and his ambitions still don't seem to be satisfied.

Gideon started work within the Falling Spires Gang and quickly gained a reputation for his ruthlessness and willingness to do what he had to in order to achieve his own ambitions. This includes dirty work that even his own gang is unaware that he has committed in the past to advance his rank, and he isn't keen on stopping anytime soon. He lusts for power, and complete control.

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