Jordan Klein

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|Full Name|
Jordan H. Klein

|Nick Name(s)|

The Warrior
Faithful Servant

22 Years


|Sexual Orientation|



Sharp Fang Pack




|Wolf Looks|

|Hair Color|
Dark Brown

|Eye Color|

Jordan's appearance is always kept more so on the cleaner looking side. His hair drapes around his face in ringlet curls, parted down the middle to keep it from his eyes. The male usually is seen wearing leather or aviator jackets over plain t-shirts. There isn't a whole lot of color in his wardrobe, but he's always sure to be in style at all times. Jordan also tends to were necklaces and different types of rings and bracelets to compliment his outfit. His shoes are typically combat boots, but he will wear a cleaner look to certain types of events.

Jordan has a variety of tribal tattoos along his right upper arm that trail onto his chest. The same tribal tattoos run along his left forearm, fading off before the crook of his elbow. As a warrior, Jordan is covered in many harsh scars along his body, notably along his abdomen, chest, and sides. The male does not have any piercings.

Jordan posesses many of the typical werewolf abilities. He has advanced senses of speed, strength, sight, sound, and smell. However, some of these abilities are only active while in his shifted form. While shifted, Jordan transforms into a massive wolf that is six feet tall at the shoulder, with dark brown fur that has lighter accents. Without transforming, Jordan only has advanced sight, sound, and hearing.


|Detailed Personality|
Jordan is found to be a very kind and gentle young male, which is surprising for someone of his age as a werewolf. Many young wolves seem to have issues with aggression and ego, but Jordan is the exception. The male takes care with interacting with other members of his pack, found to actually be quite affectionate and thoughtful. He always has been a bit of a teddy bear, and is seen as quite the big brother figure to those who are younger than him within the pack. Jordan has proven to be a good mentor to the younger wolves, and seems to be a natural at teaching and giving out what knowledge that he has. After all, he isn't one who is particular about keeping any secrets as to what may make a wolf more successful. Jordan was appointed to be a warrior at quite a young age for a wolf, but has met this challenge with much courage and strength. If there's one thing that Jordan does well, it's believing in himself and the members of his pack. Trust is more important to Jordan than any other qualities in a person. The male has a strong sense of good morals, and always tends to protect those who cannot protect themselves. Beneath his gentle exterior though, Jordan has proven to be vicious in battle if it means that the cause is for the betterment of his pack and the human world that he is sworn to protect. His moves can be calculated and well thought out, and he is very headstrong and ambitious in fights. In his private life with a lover, there's no doubt that Jordan would be a gentle person who would shower any lucky girl with love and compassion.

Likes - Jordan enjoys spending much of his time mentoring younger wolves in the pack. He also enjoys night life and parties, though nothing too extreme. The male can also be found with his head in a book from time to time.

Dislikes - Jordan really can't stand senseless disagreements or fighting within his pack. He also isn't one for partaking in reckless or mischievious acts like many of the young wolves around his age. Jordan also isn't a huge fan of coffee of any type.

Jordan is a bit of a switch when it comes to being either dominant or submissive. His usual role is dominant, but he has no rebuttal to submitting to a beautiful woman here and there. So long as his partner is comfortable and happy, not much is off the table.


|Family Tree|
Harold Klein ~ Father ~ Alive

Melissa Klein ~ Mother ~ Dead
Genevieve Klein ~ Older Sister ~ Alive

Jasper Klein ~ Younger Brother ~ Alive


|Crush/Love Interest|
Rhea Lexington ~ Alive



|Theme Song|
What's It Gonna Take? by problem solved/Lost Boy

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

|Back Story|
Jordan was born to Harold and Melissa Klein, as the middle child to their family. His father was born a werewolf, and his mother was a Wiccan. Jordan's older sister Genevieve is a full Wiccan just like his mother, and his younger brother Jasper is a werewolf like himself. Jordan and his family resided in the White Fate Pack, a relatively peaceful pack that was small in size. The pack did what they could to stay out of the way of other supernaturals, only clashing with them over the protection of humans or to protect their territory. Part of this is what gave Jordan such a kind and caring exterior. Thanks to this, Jordan grew up with a fairly normal and peaceful life with his siblings up until he reached the age of eleven. That was when a group known as the Knaves of Black Sheep Valley attacked their camp, and wiped out many of their members in a clean move. Jordan's mother Melissa died protecting his younger brother Jasper from a vampire, giving her life so that her son could go on. Jordan's family was lucky that they had only lost their mother, as many families in the pack had lost many or all of their immediate family members. Jordan grieved for his mother along with the rest of their fallen pack members, and the pack barely had the numbers it once did. They were left vulnerable and weakened, and Jordan's father temporarily took on the role of Alpha so that their pack could survive. They spent two years wandering, before they had come across Gideon, an Alpha of the newly formed Sharp Fang Pack. Gideon proposed that they combine their packs under his rule, and Jordan's father agreed, giving up his role of Alpha to Gideon. They needed numbers in order to survive, and it was the right decision. Jordan was only twelve when their packs combined, and he spent the rest of his adolescence growing up there. He became a confident and well rounded individual, and rose to the role of warrior in the pack. Later, Jordan was tasked with mentoring future warriors for the pack so that they can engage fully in pack life. Jordan has taken a particular interest now in a young female known as Rhea, who is a werewolf and Wiccan hybrid.

Jordan has become the official warrior tasked with mentoring young pups and wolves due to his great care with children and his exceptional teaching skills. He has a lot of knowledge, and his pack leader has seen to it that he be recognized for it.

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