Ymir Grethe

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|Full Name|
Ymir S. Grethe

|Nick Name(s)|

The Transfer

21 Years


|Sexual Orientation|



Tokyo Night Club




|Hair Color|

|Eye Color|

When it comes to Ymir, the female is always seen in tight fitting clothes, in or out of the strip club. She wears an array of different colors and styles, just so long as everything fits her body perfectly. The only time she doesn't wear clothes that are skin tight is when she's going to sleep. With her body, she has a lot of confidence, and there isn't much she won't dare to wear. Most of her clothes are designer, as she has the check to pay for them. But for the most part, she will go with anything that fits well and catches her eye.

Ymir has quite a few tattoos, but they're all spaced out along her body. Each one is tasteful and more than well detailed. She has her ears pierced, along with her nose and her nipples. She also has a clit piercing, but most of her clients aren't lucky enough to see it. The female has no scars, her body is absolutely flawless.

Ymir is human, and has no ability.


|Detailed Personality|
Ymir is a girl who knows how to handle herself. She's  a very daring young woman, one who doesn't hesitate to do whatever she pleases. This kind of mentality is what led her to becoming a stripper, and a very good one at that. She knows how to talk and how to act, and how to draw everyone in. It's more than hard to resist a woman like her, and she knows that she's the whole package. The female can also be very down to earth and chill, and she has quite a few clients who pay just to simply talk to her. Ymir is easy to get along with, and she's very charming and alluring. She knows how to keep a guy on his toes, and she has a beautiful laugh. Ymir can be very kind and gentle when she needs to be, but for the most part she really exudes her confident energy. Smooth would be the right way to describe her. The female has a lot of self confidence, and she isn't ashamed at all for who she is. Quite frankly, she takes a lot of pride in herself, and feels like she's at a good spot in her life. She strips because she loves what she does, and of course that can lead to quite a bit of drama in her life. The female is one to gossip at times, and she is a bit sneaky from time to time. Ymir isn't one for relationships, as she feels too tied down, which is the last thing she wants. It would take a very special kind of person to not only hold her attention, but make her want to be exclusive.

Likes - Ymir loves to go out and shop, and spend her free time riding on her motor cycle around Tokyo. She also enjoys to work out and go for a good run every once in a while.

Dislikes - Ymir can't stand the cold, she much prefers the summer time. She also doesn't like being told what to do, and can't stand when people think they're better than her.

Due to the nature of her job, Ymir is a switch. She can do either dominant or submissive, and she doesn't really seem to mind one or the other. So long as she's enjoying herself, she doesn't care.


|Family Tree|
Alexander Grethe ~ Father ~ Alive
Hailee Grethe ~ Mother ~ Alive


|Crush/Love Interest|



|Theme Song|
flowers and sex by EMELINE

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

|Back Story|
Ymir was actually born in Norway, to her father Alexander and mother Hailee. She lived there with her parents up until she turned eighteen, when she decided that she wanted a large change in her life. She felt far too restricted by her parents, and needed some sort of new beginning. Out of no where, Ymir left her hometown and traveled to Tokyo, becoming a stripper there. The female finally had found a place where she could let her wreckless spirit run feee, and felt like she was figuring herself out. She's been in Tokyo for three years now, and makes quite a large sum of money, more than any average sex worker.

Ymir works at Tokyo's most exclusive strip club, one that's restricted only to the wealthy and the business people of Tokyo.
She also has a bit of an accent, and most people are drawn to her because she is foreign and different to look at, in a very good way.

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