Flash OC

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Name: Azalea Crescent
Nicknames (friends only): Aza, Lea, ale, Crescent (Harry), Azy-girl (HR)
Season1- 27
Season 2- 28
Season 3- 29
Season 4- 30
Season 5- 31
Season 6-32
Height: 5' 11"
Looks: black hair with streaks of red, sapphire blue eyes, wears a small silver back pack with her chess pieces inside it.
Normal clothes:




Likes: her chess pieces, playing the game, team flash, adventure, protecting the city
Dislikes: all villains, loosing her pieces, being captured, injured, or forced to use her powers for evil, her trust being broken
Family: unknown
Personality: sassy, feisty, loyal but only to those who earn her trust, alert, confident but in a cautious way
Crush: Cisco or Wally
Backstory: she was part of building the original particle accelerator and had tripped on Wells'/Thawn's chess pieces when it activated. The dark matter combined her DNA and life force to that of the chess pieces so they gained a life of their own and could be transformed into animals. She was knocked out but when she came to, she found that no one was around. She slipped out of Star Labs and went to find a new job, unknowing that she had chess pieces that were following her for the longest time. The pieces turned up in her house all perfectly set up. She realized a month later that they were connected to her and began carrying them around. She slowly discovered what they did and began working slowly on improving her abilities and using them to help others.
Ability: Can summon steeds based on different chess pieces (knights=horses, bishops=wolf, castles=stag, king=lion, queen=dragon, pawn= small/medium animals of whatever she wants at the time)
Hero/villain/neither: heroine

Alternate name: Soul Sourceress
Other: remains a mystery for many months (like the turtle) before Cisco pieces footage together and discovers her.
Face claim: Selena Gomez

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