New OC

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Name: Faunia Fallwater
Age: 3,000 years (appears 23)
Looks: maroon with flower-like designs in her hair of all colors and shapes, dress with picture up top as the pattern, dark orange ballet shoes with orange flowers on the tops of them, rose gold necklace around her neck
Gender: female
Race: Orchadian
Home planet: Orchadia
Home galaxy: Kyoryuger
Ability: Can summon steeds based on different chess pieces (knights=horses, bishops=wolf, castles=stag, king=lion, queen=dragon, pawn= small animals of whatever she wants at the time)
Sexuality: straight
Likes: friends, drawing, playing chess, nature, sunlight, being outside and free, peace
Dislikes: animal haters, eating meat of any kind, being forced to stay inside, not being able to defend herself in certain situations, when someone touches her enchanted chess pieces which summon her steeds and animal companions
Personality: tough, caring, sweet, of kind heart and soul
Mother- Perenia (Spotfield) Fallwater
Father- Geode Fallwater (diseased)
Brother- Pointsetio Fallwater (older) (diseased)
Sister- Gems Fallwater (younger)
Other: lost her father and brother by a fire when her mother, sister, and herself were out communing with nature like all the females during New Bloom Time. Someone had set the fire and murdered them, leaving them trapped and unable to get out of their hallowed out stump of a massive oak tree. She took up taking care of everything since her sister was so young and her mother refused to help, stuck reliving the horrible moment over and over in her minds eye as her mother's ability was to see tragic past incidents. Now, she is barely surviving since a monster named Badussa destroyed her galaxy and therefore her planet while she was off world.

Fun fact: this power idea came to me from a friend who created a character who uses cards and each one represents a different thing based on being a king, queen, Jack, ace, or number

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