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Name: Bailey O'Neil

Nicknames: They go by Bee

Age: 14

Birthday: March 37th

Gender: Demi girl/non binary they aren't sure (they/them she/her)

Sexuality: Gynosexual

Languages: English

Power; None


appearance: They are really short which is the first noticeable thing about them, as well as their bright yellow hair. Their eyes are a pale green colour and they're skin is pale as heck and all their vains show through their skin.

clothing: jeans and a plain teeshirt with a flannel. They often have little paintings or embroidery on their clothes. Also they live for patterned socks

Hair colour: Dyed yellow

Hair style: Surfer cut kinda

Eye colour: Green

Scars: None

Tattoos/piercings/birthmarks: Lip piercing


Mental illnesses: anxious ADD

Physical illnesses: Asthma

Habits: Bites nails

Phobias: Things coming out of holes


Personality: they are quite shy and hard to talk to at first but once they do know you they open right up becoming perfectly social. Until there's a new person. Then the whole thing has to start over. They are a very sweet person, caring more about their friends then themselves. They worry a lot about how people see them so they try really hard to keep the friends they have. They tend to zone out a lot and when they are in the zone and drawing they will not be happy if interrupted. They also have very random seeming interests and know lots of fun facts they can be obsessive over. They will do anything if they think it will help them fit in which makes them really easy to manipulate or get to do something.

Fears: Heights and disappointing people they know

Strengths: Artistic, empathetic, caring, loyal, will do what they're told, knows random trivia, good with plants, organized, good at riddles and things that require thinking outside the box

Weaknesses: Try hard, wants to fit in, Will do what they're told, rude at first, can be obsessive, talks a lot, bad at hiding stuff, bad at math, lacking street smarts.

Likes: Painting, graffiti, cities, ladybugs, interesting shapes, drawing, music with sad vibes, dusk/dawn, sunsets, friends, posters, Disney movies, staying up and drawing all night, stickers, cute skeleton things, their pin collection, old fashioned video games, scary movies, instant noodles, toast, the smell of spray paint and nail polish, old movies, animation.

Dislikes: Bright light, dysphoria, spicy food, negative people, the texture of many things, disorganized posters, people using their markers, transphobia/homophobia, overly sweet things, chocolate, certain sounds, their family, soft cover books, people that watch them art, math

Occupation: art student

-2/4 British
-1/4 German Jewish
-1/4 First Nations

Birthplace: Calgary, Alberta

Backstory: They lived with their grandparents growing up and they were perfectly good with that being for the most part a normal kid, they came out when they were 10 and it took a bit for their grandparents to accept them but from then on their life is going pretty smoothly. They go to a art based school and love it, kinda. And they also graffiti places in the city.

One of their insta feeds, they have 4 accounts

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