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Name: Macy

Nicknames: May

Age: 18

Birthday: October 8th

Gender: female

Sexuality: bi but says she's lesbian

Languages: English and a tiny bit of Hawaiian

Power; can make flowers and plants grow where her bare skin touches but isn't great at controlling it


appearance: she is a kinda short human with an curvy hourglass body, she has very little muscles and she isn't skinny or fat just the perfect in between. Her skin a medium brown and is littered with freckles, most on her face and back. Her hair is dark brown and long, reaching to her mid back and its wavy normally held back by 2 braids and a flower crown. Her eyes are a boring brown as she says but when the light hits them they turn the colour of honey. She almost always wears clothes with a cottagecore vibe and a flower crown.


Hair colour: brown

Hair style: loose with 2 braids in it to hold it back

Eye colour: brown

Scars: self harm scars on her arms but only a few and many on her ankles

Tattoos/piercings/birthmarks: freckles


Mental illnesses: none

Physical illnesses: none

Habits: moves her hands around randomly

Phobias: none


Personality: she is one of those people who is genuinely happy and sees the world as a good place, always taking the time to see the small good things. And she's expectantly good at ignoring the bad. She likes seeing other people happy as well and will do a lot to make those she cares about happy. If you really study her you'll see she is actually quite guarded with her behaviour and speech, she's the master of avoiding questions and not having people notice. Her singular goal in life is to live on a farm with her wife and have the perfect cottagecore life. She does tend to attach herself to people becoming clingy and overwhelming at times.

Fears: her family, As well as abusive relationships and relationships with men

Strengths: peaceful, can bake, knows lots about plants, optimistic.

Weaknesses: clingy, will shut down over arguing, guarded, trust issues.

Likes: plants, farms, cats, cows, tea, baking, homemade bread, picnics, mushrooms, flowers, reading, meadows/fields, fruit, drawing, writing, right after it's rained and the suns out, gardening, mice and rats.

Dislikes: coffee, caffeine, cities, loud noises, upsetting others, feeling annoying, bitter things, spicy food, sunburns, meat.

Occupation: n/a

Ethnicity: Polynesian/Hawaiian

Birthplace: Kawaii

Backstory: she grew up in a broken home, her parents where still together but constantly fighting and neglectful, she wasn't abused but her mother was and when she was 13 she "ran" away and by ran i mean her parents knew and didn't care going to live with her friend and her friends 2 moms who were pretty good but installed into the young girls brain that all men were bad. from the time she was 11 to around 16 she was severely depressed and was in inpatient 8 times in that timespan but she got over that with the help of her therapist she still sees and is doing good now

Other: shes vegetarian

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