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TITLE/RANK|| The Heir's Protector

NAME|| Rylie Aine Singh

NICKNAME|| Ry, Ryles, and Ry-Ry. She doesn't like nicknames though, so if she allows it, then she likes you

AGE|| Unsure, but seems 27

GENDER|| If we were going by modern day, she would be demigirl, but it's medieval times so she's female

SPECIES|| Vampire

SEXUAL ORIENTATION|| Biromantic & Bisexual

FAMILY ORIGINS|| Her family used to live in the Deadlands, but moved when she was a child and joined Erix


FACE CLAIM|| Emmy Rossum


QUIET: Rylie is a reserved individual most of the time. She's not a big fan of speaking frequently and will often be seen in the shadows behind her charge. But, she is also an ambivert and can switch that around if she's in the mood. Most of the time she's not.

LOYAL: She is an incredibly loyal person. Unsurprisingly, since her job is protecting the future of her kingdom. Unfortunately, there is a fault to this trait: Her loyalty can heavily cloud her judgement and she'll always put herself second to those she cares about. This makes her susceptible to hurt and it's a big contribution to her silent nature. She has developed walls, so good luck to those who try to break them.

CREATIVE: Rylie is very imaginative. She is good on her toes due to this. But this also has faults. She can go off into her own world frequently and she blocks everything else out.

INTELLIGENT: Rylie may be more well known for her physical prowess, but she's definitely not lacking in the intellect department. She was known as one of the smartest kids growing up and that hasn't changed in adulthood. A lot of people assume that she lacks street smarts since she is book smart, but she's also relatively clever in that aspect as well.

INTUITIVE: Rylie listens to her gut feeling a lot. It's been a constant presence since her childhood when she had to learn who was approachable and who to avoid. She often makes judgements about those she sees and they can be incredibly accurate at most times. If you pay attention, she usually looks at people in the eyes and focuses on their body language and just their general, aura if you will, to get a good reading.

PASSIONATE: She is a ride-or-die human being. Including her beliefs and interests. It can be scary at times, but most people respect her unwavering belief in certain things. Her morals are one of the many things she's passionate about and she'll argue with you on that. She'll also argue about certain books if you make fun of them.

CONVINCING: Rylie has a track record for converting others to her side on certain things. Politics, books, people, etc. She's also an amazing liar and will stare into your eyes as she says them. If it gets people to agree with her, then it's worth it.

ANGRY: Rylie has a tendency to resort to violence. She's an emotional being and has struggled with anger issues since she can remember. She's gotten better of course, but her mouth has often gotten her into trouble.

KIND: No matter how she will often seem like a cold individual, she has a bleeding heart. Especially for children. She grew up with a big family and two younger siblings, so she's used to being surrounded by kids.

LIKES|| Chocolate, children, her friends, books, music, singing, and several things. She's usually pretty open to expressing her love and hatred for things.

DISLIKES|| Rats, snakes, rude people, disloyalty, anything bad happening to people she cares about, getting flashbacks, small spaces, and other things. Again, she's pretty open about it.

BACKGROUND/HISTORY|| Rylie grew up in a pretty influential, prosperous, and big family. They all loved each other deeply and wished to never be parted. Unfortunately, they were and one by one, they all left till it was just her, her parents, and her two siblings. The five of them moved to Erix from the Deadlands when she was young. One day, her parents grew heavily sick and they passed, even after all of Rylie's attempts to stop the disease from worsening. It was just her and her siblings for a while. Then, when her siblings went to the market one afternoon, they never returned. Rylie snapped and began harshly training herself so she wouldn't focus on the pain. Now, she's the Heir's Protector due to it, so she doesn't regret it.

THEME SONG|| "Good Riddance" - Annapantsu and IdryLTS

• She's 5'7
• She's claustrophobic
• In modern times, she would be a Gryffindor
• Her first name means "Brave" in Irish

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