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This OC will possibly come back into play in the future but for right now, Ling is discarded as an OC.

Name: Ling Montague Garmadon

Gender: female


Personality: tom-boy, funny, serious, bipolar, depressed, stubborn

Looks: pale blonde hair, green left eye and gold right eye, flat chested,dark grey ninja

Likes: reading, climbing, training, meditating

Friends: Police, Serpentine, Ophelia, Cole, Noah, Cadell

Bf/Gf/Crush: Cole

Weakness: She sometimes feels like nothing but a girl, depression, doesn't know who she truly is, love/trust- doesn't believe in, fear of lightning(not thunder), Anaphylaxis (severe allergic reaction to the cold)

Strength: she has low self esteem( which comes in handy when people say negative things about her, giving her a strong look on others' characters.)

Weapon: fighting without fighting

Siblings: Lloyd, Lkerio, (Spirit Brother- Cadell- by spirituality)

Power(If elemental): power(like energy, but much stronger, can control all elements)

Back story: Ling was dead for nearly a decade before the ninja defeated the great devourer. The Great Devourer's venom had seeped into her grave and mixed with the venom already in her veins(cause she took after Garmadon, she got the poison in her genes). The mixing had caused Ling's soul to be reborn, destroying most of the venom. She finds herself in the clutches of Chen's sister, Nika Terror, a widow after she brutally murdered her own husband for supposedly stopped working for Chen. For nearly six years, Ling was broken until Chen comes up with a plan to steal all the elemental powers of the masters. She becomes the ninja's ally in the tournament of elements known as Silent Fist, a hooded figure in a grey ninja kamono and a voice changer box (VCB) hidden in her hood.

Saying: "Today is two things; the future of the past and the past of the future."


Like Cadell, Ling is a Spirit Guardian, although she was originally a Spirit Seeker in her past life. One thing that makes her different than any other creature is that she is made of four different creatures: Nindroid, Human, Spirit, and Dragon.

Ling is also a clone of Luna, a Toxic Blood and Lloyd's older sister, created by Javiel, after Luna was killed by the Police.

Ling is only part Toxic Blood, creatures that were executed by the Police, because Dr. Trent couldn't removed all of the Toxic Blood when creating her using genetics from Luna.

Toxic Bloods are highly dangerous. Their blood turns green and toxic when they are mature enough to mate(like puberty). They were executed for their crimes- deaths of civilians, burned buildings, kidnappings, etc.

Luna was Lloyd's older sister, before she was executed. After she was killed, Javier took her genetics and formed a clone, Ling, to replace Luna. Lloyd, Cole, and Noah had their memories wiped of Luna, and were replaced by memories of Ling.

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