Bungou stray dog ocs

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Name: Yin

Nicknames: none

Nationality: Japanese

Age: 19


Sexuality: bi but leans towards guys

Job/role: job before the arms detective unit is unspoken of. Most don't know it only a select few do. He know works as a messanger or negation person(I dont know what they are called) for the Arms detective Unit when needed.

Species: gifted human

Crush: Atsushi/open

Ability: blood ritual

His ability works with him drawing things with his blood (normally living). Once he activates his ability what he draws will come to life. It is made of blood so it isn't very durable but it will continually grow and repair itself with his blood. He does not stop bleeding untill his ability is deactivated or he passes out. He doesn't have to draw it but it is almost impossible for him to control if he doesn't.

Personalities: he is sweet, freindly and kind. He helps people all the time which tends to get on his sister's nerves. He gets very shy and embarrassed from any flirting. He is very out going normally and rarely gets mad. He cares alot about the people around him and will cut ties with them to protect them. He tends to be optimistic

Flaws: can be rather distant to people he cares about especially if one of them gets hurt, especially if he thinks his fault. He also never uses his ability to the point it seems like he is a normal person. Very few have seen his ability and even less have survived. Another flaw is dogs hate him. It is not uncommon for a gentle dog to growl and bark at him or bite him. He also believes that he brings bad luck, misfortune and death where ever he goes. That fact can be seen after someone gets hurt in a major way

Strengths: he is good with talking to people. So he is good to have along with negotiations and such. He has a way with cats. Wild and house cats seem to love him. This is also a flaw because he loves them back so he can get distracted with cuddling with a group of cats. He is also skilled with knives and stealth

Family: his sister Yang


Other: he has a black cat and is really good with cats but almost every other animal dislikes him. He also has a dog bite scar on his left arm and other scars along his arms, body and one on his neck.

Name: Yang

Nicknames: none

Nationality: Japanese

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Demisexual

Job/roles: past job is same as Yin's but her current job is a body guard(most of the time for her brother. Mainly to keep him focused) in the Armed Detective Unit

Species: gifted human

Crush: None/open

Ability: elemental protector

This gift allows her to use the opposite of any element(fire, water, frost, air and earth) that she comes into contact with
Fire: water and frost
Water: earth and fire
Frost: fire and earth
Earth: frost and air
Air: earth and fire(this one is purely activated by another gift being used on her. Unlike the others)

Personality: cold, distant and abit rude. She is very over protective of those she cares about. She can be a sweetheart but thats normally not seen especially around people. She tends to be more pessimistic.

Flaws: she is very antisocial and comes off as mean. Her animal flaw is the opposite of her brother's Dog and other canines like her but cats have it out for her. She is not skilled with any weapons

Strengths: she is skilled with her ability. She also is skilled in hand to hand combat. Stealth is also a strength she has but it is not nearly as good as her brother.

Family: her brother Yin


Other: she has a pet wolf

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