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Personality:kind but distant. She gets a mean streak. She is very secretive and paranoid

Looks:silver hair that stops and her ankles. A natral black tattoo on her collar bone (top). Wolf blue eyes and is 5'10"

Likes:wolves, the dark, sweets, red, black, dark blue,silver,chokers and puzzles

Dislikes:bright lights, rodents, pink,yellow, pastel colors,loud noises, bracelets, earrings and most people

Hero or villan:hero

Quirk:shadow manipulation

Weakness:bright lights or light up areas, using her quirk to much, people she cares about getting hurt and her mental instability

Heros/villain name:Mūn'urufu no kage

Custom look:a black cloak with silver fur along the edges,a silver wolf mask with the same design as her 'tattoo', a long silver a black skirt with black leggings under it knee high boots and a black choker with a silver moon on it


Backstory:She was often left alone and given what ever she wanted as a child but her parents never paid any attention to her. She was often alone due to the other kids thinking she was snobby and rude. She was bullied up until she hit one of her mean streaks and started beating every one up. She became very violent until she found a hurt wolf. She begged and pleaded for her parents to let her have it but they refused. They were later killed in a villain attack. After that Gin wanted nothing to do with people. Until a child was almost killed. A hero saved them and that inspired Gin to be a hero.

Extra stuff: Gin is a little fangirl like Deku.

Villain AU stuff(I'm obsessed with villain deku. Like oh my lord): she starts off as a hero but gets turned to a Villain due to her mental instability and her 'alternate personality'. He outfit changes. She loses the mask and cloak and the rest of her outfit is red or silver. She also where these. On top of that she wears a wolf ear head band

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