One Piece

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Name: Lufilia Miraxe

Nickname: Masked singer, undead maiden, demon of the sea


Gender: Female

Sexuality:demi straight

Personality: quiet, reserved, thoughtful, kind, motherly, protective, loyal, clever, generous and self sacrificial


The lower ribbon (aka obi) is black she also wears geta (also i know she has her kimono tied backwards there is a reason for that) her mask is white with pink cheeks. She also has brown hair. The art is mine(I had to fight with wattpad to get an image of her in so thats why the appearance section is a mess)

Devil fruit: tick tock fruit(one i made )

Devil fruit ability: she is abit to turn back time she can go back a max of a week but that is temporary and 1 and half days is the max she can make permanent with going back. She can also go forward and the same time applies on living things. On objects she has about 1.5x the amount she has on people and in a bubble which effects everything in it she has half the amount of time

Backstory: she was a daughter of a noble family. At the age of 8 she accidentally ate the Tick tock fruit not knowing what it was. Her parents weren't mad at her and tried to help her learn to control the power. When she turned 10 her family was murdered. She was on the very brink of death when she accidentally turned time back on herself so she was uninjured. She was quickly belived to be a ghost after others saw her and she told them who she was and what happened. She was feared and avoided after that so she snuck on a ship leaving her home. And bounced around like that. When she turned 15 she got the mask and she begain to wear it and stopped giving out her name. She felt like a ghost after that untill she started to sail. She now has a small crew and sails with no flag which gave her and her crew the name the ghost pirates. She isn't really a pirate (to the most part. I mean if the treasure is out in the open and no one owns it or at least it looks that way they'll take it). She does a lot of jobs for merchants most of which is guarding as they can hold their own in a fight.

Crew: (all ocs who might get their own chapies) William Dreamdrop, Sarha Jal, Alexander Wish, Rea growl and Mark Hooter

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