Persona (ut form)[redesigned]

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(Did you like Maria? Thats good! You still can possibly role play with her before the redesign but im not too likely too. I do love an overpowered dragon but not as overpowered as she was)

Fight     ♥️Act     Item    Mercy

♥️Check    Flirt    Joke     Insult


Age:*this info is glitched out but by her appearance you can guess she is in her teen years*


Species:*this info is also glitched out but she seems to be some sort of dragon*



The 5' 4 1/2 girl giggles and playfully winks. Her more clear, red wings and tail twitch as her hazel brown eyes twinkle. A light breeze moves her shoulder length dirty blonde hair slightly and she fixes her red sparkly scarf before putting her hands in her pma hoodie pockets.


(Not mine)

(Again not mine)

(Not mine)

(Not mine)

(Not mine)

(Finally mine!)

(Her hair up)

(Her hair down. But it looks cleaner.)
And my theory on dragons in undertale is dragons are ancient magic filled creatures. Each dragon has a power source called an internal flame. They can have human soul attributes despite being related to monsters. They can not absorb a soul and their soul is nearly impossible to absorb but if it is it can give t her person near godlike abilities. Very few dragons can take human form. Only the most powerful. They were close alies with monsters untill they  seemingly vanished. Most belive they are extinct or never existed.

(Top art not mine)

[R E D E S I G N]

Name: Mack or Maria (if she tries to say her name it will glitch into Maria.)

Age: 15 or so. She isn't completely sure

Gender:still female

Species: yes.

Appearance: your average 15 year old human abit paler and skinnier. She has pale blonde hair that stops at her shoulders. Her brown green hazel eyes are dull and empty

Soul: her soul is clear and very adaptive. If she is around a soul trait for to long her soul with start trying to take on that trait and cause a melt down.

Personality: she is very curious and friendly. Though her lack of emotions tends to make her awkward. She can easily fake happiness and such as she has studied them for a while. She is loyal and rather pasifistic.

Other: she has mirror magic meaning she can learn others magic but has to be taught how to use it. She also has a journal of emotions that she keeps and updates frequently. Her soul is contained in an hour glass with different kinds of stabilizers on a chain. She can no longer call her soul back into her body

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