Seven Deadly Sins Maria

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-First name: Maria

-Last name: Draco

-Age: 21 (sorta)

-Race: half dragon

-Gender: female

-Sexuality: pandemic

Traits of voice

-Style of speaking: most the time she is very chipper but she can take a motherly tone or sound empty sometimes

-Volume of voice: normal to down to a squeak. She never really raises her voice

Physical Appearance

-Height: 5' 8"

-Weight:120 (not including tail and wings) 230(including tail and wings (mostly tail)

-Eye color: brown green hazel but can change

-Skin color: pale white

-Shape of face: sharp jaw line but soft eyes and other features

-Distinguishing features: a large pair of dragon wings and a large tail

-Build of body: rather slim and petite but top heavy

-Hair color: gold

-Hair style: a ponytail most of the time tho she will wear it down. It is about mid back length

-Complexion: very pale

-Posture: a slouch along with her wings slightly open to make her look larger

-Typical clothing: a large cloak over a blouse and trousers

-Is seen by others as: intimidating at first but swiftly changes to a small sweet child


-Likes: a lot of things. Some favorites are music boxes, flowers and trees, the night, anything shiny and fire

-Dislikes: very little but most are with a passion. The list goes as fallows: yelling, the smell of chared pine, being snuck up on, blood(unless its in food) and poppies

-Fears: abandonment, disappointing others and her losing it

-Personal Goals: to remember her past(mostly her mother) and help her friends with whatever they need

-General Attitude: very helpful and self sacrificial along with trusting and deathly loyal

-General Intelligence: she isn't the brightest especially when it comes to social ques and emotions. Her real intelligence is in crafting and first aid

-General Sociability: she is very social but takes a while for her to trust someone and really open up

-Energy level: she can be pretty energetic

-Memory: horrible. She can't remember much and is worse about names. Her muscle memory is great dispite her absent mindedness


-Teen years:she only remembers about 6 to 7 years of her life(I have a few detail in it that might need to be said right off the bat out of rp that I might want to check). Most of them are spent with her half sister who really didn't like her. She never did much other then reading and sewing. She learned first aid due to her recklessness and adventurous spirit. She ran away from home at 18

-Adult years: After she left the house she live with her sister in she started to wonder. She quickly learned that her wings and tail would frighten people away as dragons were feared as feral beasts due to the sentient ones were mostly extinct and the few last ones kept to themselves. She started to make money by selling dresses and other items she made and by repairing clothes for people.


-Friends: King, Diane, Hawk

-Best friends: Hawk

-Love interest: King, Diane or your oc


-Peaceful or violent: peaceful unless she is really pissed or in blood lust

-Weapons: none. She fights with magic or her bare hands(er tail and wings too)

-Style of fighting: rather sporadic. So bounces between defensive and offensive

-Magical ability:

--Transformation: she can turn into different dragons but the transformation isn't quick or painless unless she is startled into it. She will also keep traits of the dragons once she goes back which she can't do right away

--Fire breath: she can breath fire in human or dragon form. In both her throat with glow the color of the fire but in her human form it will burn her throat and she will cough up smoke.

--Roar: she lets out a powerful roar which can stun or knock out anyone who hears it depending on their power level. Above 1,000 will just be stunned and the higher it is the less time they will be stunned. Anyone with a higher power level then her will be unaffected

--Scale armour: she can get patches of strong scales to defend with. The more area the weaker the scales.(human exclusive)

--Moon's call: in human form she can make temporary recovery shields. They only last a few minutes and will break after a few hits from the outside

--Transfer: she can take injuries or transfer injuries to another person as long as she has physical contact with them. The transfer is not 100% so the person losing the injuries will still be slightly hurt (human exclusive)

-Special abilities:

--Bloodlust: for a rapid and great increase in power levels she gives up self control and turns into a savage beast driven by a hunger for blood and battle. This also forces her to turn into one of her dragon forms and she can still use any of  her magic abilities (excluding transformation and any human exclusive)

--Moon's embrace: during the night she gets a boost to her power based on the phase of the moon. New moons she will get no boost and this only effects her dragon form(excluding corrupt)

--Corruption: a type of transformation past blood lust power. She has conscious thought and is not bound to dragon form but she only has one dragon form she can take. She has an alignment change to chaotic evil and goes sorta crazy.

-Total power level: 5,175

-Magic: 3,025

-Strength: 2,020

-Spirit: 130

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