soul eater #2(better)

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Name: Rini Showfure

Age: 14

Gender: female

Sexuality: very closeted bi

Personality: Rini is rather shy and nervous. She is a
Soft spoken and puts a lot of effort into good mannerisms. She is a gentle gaint who is very caring. She can be very level-headed, but that is easily overshadowed by her lack of confidence.

Appearance: Rini is a 6'1" well-dressed young lady with quite a bit of muscle despite her mousy nature

Likes:Rini is a pretty open-minded young girl who doesn't mind much, but some of her favorite things are fireplaces, books(mystery especially), snow and libaries

Dislikes: Rini isn't the type to dislike much, but she really can't stand those who are bullies or evil. She also has a hatred towards asparagus.

Backstory: Rini comes from a relatively well-off family. Not a whole lot interesting happened to her as she grew up. Though shortly before going to the DWMA, she met Dezaray, and they became freinds. Due to this, they decided to pair up when they met at the DWMA as neither knew the other was going to attend.

Other: Rini is fairly decent at hand to hand combat, which makes her a bit of a manece with the chakram as it is best used defensively and as an extension of one's fist


Name: Dezaray Lulocu




Personality:Dezaray is very loud and energetic. Though when you first meet her, she may come off as annoying and stupid she is quite clever. She is rather childish when she isn't fighting and is very friendly

Appearance: Dezaray is 5'2" with a more round build that still has a little muscle

Dezaray's weapon form

Likes:Dezaray is rather picky and has many more things she dislikes than Rini. Some of her favorite things are astronomy, cafés, animals, springtime, and fall

Dislikes: Dezaray has alot of things she doesn't really like but some things she can't stand our, people who try to hurt her freinds, broccoli, spiders, ice and snow, losing fights and hippos

Backstory: Dezaray comes from a lower-class family along with her younger brother. They had just enough money to get by, but her parents tried their best to let the two live semi comfortably. Dezaray always had a firy attitude, and her willingness to speak her mind ended up with her getting into a lot of fights. However, she has rounded off quite a bit after meeting Rini.

Other: the two halves of her chakram form can come apart to make a set of chain kamas

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