Blaze Flameheart

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Blaze Flameheart

Gender: Male

Race: Human(?)

Eye Color: Magenta (But will randomly turn red) eyes

Hair Color: Red hair

Skin Color: Dark skin

Age: ???

Original home: The Twisting Realms

New/current Home: Earth (earth-8024)

Personality: Stoic, has a sharp tongue, can be harsh. Doesn't show much emotions or to be more exact: he doesn't remember how to show emotions correctly.

Class: Warrior/wandering knight(?)

Power: Fire and its sub elements. Dimension travel. ???

Wields absolute dominion over the element of Fire.

Can travel to alternate realities.

???: ??? (reveal down below)


Like with his friends Lobo and Crescent. Blaze too is from The Twisting Realms.

Not much is known about him only that he is older than he appears. Lobo has drawn conclusions that despite being human, Blaze is much older than he appears to be.

Blaze tends to do his own thing and shows up only when he needs to. The only exception for him to be anywhere for a long period of time is when he's hanging out with Lobo and Crescent. As they are practically the only two people (for now) that he considers to be his friends.

He's an incredibly powerful swordsman and caster. One who could not have possibly achieved such mastery at such a young age over multiple sword styles and magical spells.

Which further drives the point that he is not as young as he appears.

He took part in the war with Union and its allies after they had tried to mine their resources via trying to help integrate the 'lost and confused' off-worlders to their new home.

In that war, he showed his true power and decimated a good portion of Atlas. Bringing it down to the ground.

What was noted by others is that he could have easily destroyed all of Atlas but held back because he did not see the point in killing innocent civilians. They had nothing to do with the war regardless of what they feel about it, but since they are ordinary civilians, they were not his targets.

He has had enough of senseless bloodshed anyways.

After the war, he is one of the diplomats of the Twisting Realms and does secret work for his country.

He accepted being a diplomat so that he could travel the new world and see what other worlds had been merged with this one and see whether or not if Union and its allies were trying to force them to join them.

He seems to be looking for something. What it is though is anyone guess.

Likes: Traveling, fire, Lobo and Crescent, The Twisting Realms and its people. Meat, sword fights, the warmth of the sun. 

Hobbies: Reading a good book. Stargazing. Listening to music.

Dislikes: Union and its allies (obviously because they tried to force them to conform to their standards). Vought and most of its 'heroes'. Racist bastards. People believing they are better than others, riding on their unearned laurels instead of doing something worth being proud of.

People abusing other people. Rapists, self-entitled privilege brats/punks.

People trying to poke their noses into his business.

People trying to dig into his past.

Hates: Issei Hyoudou (for trying to touch his best friend sister and being an insult to men everywhere), Mineta Minoru (Worthless waste of space whose potential is wasted because of his constant perving and inappropriate comments), Weiss Schnee (She's full of hot air despite being an ice queen).

Blake Belladonna (She was one of the reasons why Earth attempted to classify Beastkins as Faunus and essentially turn them into second class citizens. Obviously failed because Union adn its allies lost the war, with the inhabitants of the Twisting Realms emerging victorious)

(Not to mention that she's a hypocrite with she says she fights for Faunus, but her actions are more akin to the White Fang main method of equality)

Sun Wukong, Neptune, and scarlet: They are a bunch of wannabe playboys that should get a life. He feels bad for Sage for having to deal with those nitwits he calls a team,

SDC and other 'charity and goodwill' companies like Mortax, Militech, Arasaka(They remind Blaze of a very unpleasant era of his life. And he hates that) and more.

The corrupt system for letting the worst of the worst get off Scot free with the overused excuse of not being mentally right in the head.

Innocents being falsely accused and imprisoned.


Blaze is based off of Rose from The Legend of Dragoon.

He is extremely knowledgeable about the world. Even the books in the Royal Family libraries don't contain information that he possesses. Which further proves that he isn't normal (which the next line proves).

He possesses a special choker that stops time for him and opens a secret location.

He has lived for an extremely long time but hasn't kept track since he hit his 11,000th birthday. But no one knows that as he has never spoken much about his past.

He lived in a turbulent era where humans, beastkins, and other species were dominated by one powerful species (Winglies) before the other species rebelled and won their freedom.

This would be called the Dragon Campaign but knowledge of this ancient is practically lost and all that is left is but few scarce stories/fables/legends that have managed to survive for countless eras. 

He is well versed in practically all forms of swordsmanship.

He has a 'necklace' with a large red stone as it jewel piece. But only those who have seen him combat know what it really is.

And he transforms into this this state.

This furthers confuses people because of the draconic wings that appear with this transformation as well as the strange armor.

He had to reveal a secret from his past about an ancient power that has been long forgotten to the sands of time but only he and a certain city still remember.

He was a Dragoon. A Dragon Knight.

Not to be confused with the Dragon Knights of the world: Dragonoid Blacksmith. Their purpose is to slay dragons because of the centuries long war that has persisted for generations.


His Dragon Knights/The Dragoons were very much different. They were those who chosen by the dragon spirits as warriors worthy of ruling over dragons wielding their ancient magics.

And with the power of the dragon spirits and the dragons themselves, the Dragoon spearheaded the charge of the rebellion and so began the Dragon Campaign.

It was a bloody war with many casualties from both sides and many species wiped out.

Eventually, after many countless battles the war finally...but only one Dragon Knight remained.


He was alone, injured, but alive and with it the spark of hope and peace now that the humans and other species won.

Sometime after the battle and burying his fallen comrades and fellow Dragoons. He went to the new leader of the Winglies, the once former dominant species that had ruled over them.

Charle Frahma.

The older sister of the once supreme dictator of all: Melbu Frahma.

Charle was different from her little brother and did not share his beliefs that species that weren't Winglies were nothing more than dirt. But don't let her kindness fool you. If she must do what she must then she will.

With the death of her brother (no resurrection this time for him) and the Twisting Realms now free of oppression, she asked him what he wanted to do.

He wanted to rest. But he meant rest as in explore the world.

So, Charle gave him a magical choker that would let him have as much time as he needed.

And he left but visited every now and again.

Sometime during his long life, he obtained the power to travel to other universes and worlds.

He has a blood connection with a certain red haired Vanguardian but is unaware of it.

He is considered to be the incarnation of Fire because he can use Fire and any type of power that is associated with the element and can change the heat of fire from red to blue. And also, the colors in between.

There is a fire hierarchy interestingly enough. 

Red (weakest heatwise but can still burn you): 525°C (977°F) - 1000°C (1832°F).

Orange (second weakest): 1100°C (2012°F) - 1200°C (2192°F) 

White (second strongest): 1300°C (2372°F) - 1500°C (2732°F)

Blue (Strongest): 2500°C (4532°F) - 3000°C (5432°F)

He first met Lobo when he was tracking down Embera to keep an eye on her movements. That was when he saw Lobo fighting her and to his complete surprise. 

He actually managed to defeat her and force her to retreat. 

Blaze would make contact with Lobo and from there a friendship would spark and Blaze would start to regain his old self.

He has joked that Embera was in love with Lobo because he defeated her in combat. It is possible that her species sees that as a sign of a strong and worthy mate. Especially since the most she has done is just watched Lobo from afar instead of trying to get her revenge.

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