Cain Cross and Ava Cross (Diego Parents Variant)

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(Edit: 4/16/2024. Made some tiny changes. Nothing major)

Okay guys! As you know from reading the Multiverse Reaction book that Cain and Ava are the parents of (M/N)(L/N) in Union and several other oneshots that have been shown.

But something that I keep forgetting to add in the first bios of Grace and Diego is that Grace and Diego are the names I choose for reader insert fics. 

And their appearances are also what I imagined my Reader/OCs to look like because I feel weird using my own name and appearance. And I find it kind of hard to imagine myself as a female.


Here is their OC versions appearance since you know, reader appearance is left to the audience imagination. So, same can be said for the parents due to the reader looking like their parents.

Though their body models are the base models for their appearance in any of my stories that include them.

Though just to let you know, NovelAI is being a troll with me for some reason, so I can't put the picture of Cain that I want to due to Wattpad rules and guidelines.

(I have no intention of getting my account terminated just because of some...NSFW themes in it)

Don't ask.

Here's the one that won't get me in trouble.

Cain Cross

(You can choose which pic you like best)

And the link for the other one is in this line.

Now you know why I can't put it up here. I can say goodbye to my book and possibly account if I posted it here.

Stupid NovelAI.

Sometimes it works with me, sometimes it doesn't.

Ava Cross

(Same here, choose which one you like best...though these new ones that I added were the ones I originally intended to put here but turns out I put them in the wrong folder)

I'm putting a link here too because for some reason I don't have the picture I wanted to put here saved in my laptop. I have it on my Google Docs though, weird.

But here's the the comment section.

Fact: As mentioned before, the OC versions of Reader parents: Cain and Ava are their base models, and you can see that they are very attractive. 

(Obviously, hair, eye, skin color and other things will be different in reader stories. Since again, reader inserts are left to the readers imaginations)

Hence why a certain somebody tried to 'win' Ava over. But failed because they could never compare to her husband, Cain.

In a majority of my stories, Cain and Ava Cross/(L/N) are (M/N)/Diego and (F/N)/Grace parents. Unless it is necessary to give them the protagonists different parents or if I am making them the 'son/daughter of' type of fic.

Now to the Bio of this particular versions:

Cain and Ava are Diego parents. The story of Diego life begins with his parents.

Cain and Ava.

While everybody, save for a select few, know Ava by her married name. They don't know her maiden name.

Her name before marrying Cain Cross.

Ava Jackson.

Daughter of Poseidon, God of the Sea.

Yes, you read that correctly. Ava is the daughter of Poseidon in another world where Percy is born a female.

An interesting fact to note is that the world Cain and Ava live in, raising their son is not their original world.

In fact, they are actually from another world!

How this came to be? Why were they in this alternate earth now? And why is Ava Jackson with Cain Cross instead of Anthony (male!Annabeth) Chase?

It all began when Ava proceeded to ask for Athena blessings to continue dating her son.

Now, something that should be noted is that Athena and Poseidon have an ancient feud as bad as the one that Poseidon has with Zeus.

The reason is lost on why it happened, but it was probably something stupid. But they have never been on goods terms before that and the final nail in the coffin made their rivalry worse.

Athena never approved of Poseidon daughter dating her son. Whether this was because she hated Ava, did not like her because of her father Poseidon. Did not think she was good enough for him. Or some other reason is unclear.

Or because of her self inflated ego. That works too.

"If you want to be worthy of dating MY SON." 

Athena spoke up.

"Then you must seek a prophecy from the Oracle and fulfill it. No matter long or treacherous the prophecy is."

And so, Ava did. She got a prophecy from Rachel Dare, the new Oracle and went on a perilous and grueling journey to get Athena blessings to date and eventually marry Anthony Chase.

For several months, she had been vigorously fulfilling the trials and gaining the approval of many minor and major Gods. Many praising her for her valor, her wisdom, her determination.

Each genuine praise made Ava feel happy and satisfied that she was doing the right thing.

And for almost a year she continued fulfilling each task the prophecy gave her to fulfill. Each one more difficult than the last one.

...But near the end of a year of completing tasks, a tired and exhausted Ava sat down and took a moment to rest.

Reminiscing about everything she has done in completing the trials and how close she is to gaining Athena approval to date Anthony officially with her blessings.

Even though technically it should have been the other way around with Anthony trying to prove to Poseidon he was worthy of dating the God of the Sea daughter.

But Poseidon had admitted to her in a private conversation that even though he didn't like Anthony due to being Owlhead spawn. If he made her truly happy, then that was good enough for Poseidon.

A shame Athena didn't think that way and wanted to prove herself to be even worthy to be in his life.

And THAT was when her thoughts took a darker turn as she started to mull over some things and realized.

'Why, after everything I have done. After everything Anthony and I went through ever since I came to camp all those years ago...'

'...Why is it that I still need to prove myself to Athena!?'

After everything she and everyone else had gone through. Luke Castellan betrayal, the betrayal of her fellow Demigods, the betrayal of other Gods. Kronos, Gaia, the giants, primordials, titans, monsters.

Everything that hers and Anthony bond has endured and evolved throughout the years.


This line of thinking began to jade her and made her wonder if it was even worth it. She needed to sit down and think long and hard over this.

Because she needed time to really think about how she felt about this and her own feelings towards Anthony.

Because it was starting to become apparent to her that Athena was never going to approve.

The demigoddess veins were coursed with anger at the thought that all Athena cares about is one-upping her rival, Poseidon in this case, no matter what. If Ava failed in completing the tasks she set for her then Athena could use that as ammo for centuries to come against Poseidon at producing a daughter who could fulfill 'simple tasks'.

Yeah, simple for that damn bitch maybe.

Ava blinked and recoiled in shock at what she had just thought.

'Did I really call her a bitch?!'

After taking some time to think, she realized that yes. She did call the Goddess of Wisdom a bitch.

And she was not the least bit sorry about it.

She was done.

She was so fucking done being used as some sort of sick entertainment for a bunch of Gods that seem to think that the world revolved around them. She was done playing to their tune and was ready to choose her own path.

'In the end, Luke was right.' Ava sadly thought to herself. 'The Gods only care when it benefits them.'

Because was Athena really that shallow, that prideful to swallow her damn pride and let her son be happy? Even if it's with the daughter of her rival?

Ava was just fed up with it. Sure, she and Anthony had their fights and their ups and downs. But hey, wasn't that normal in a relationship? So long as it doesn't turn physical it wasn't a cause for major concern.

But the damage was done.

The teenage girl was tired, and she needed to decide where she stood in this relationship with Anthony.

Because if the long lasting outcome is to deal with a Goddess who will never accept her as worthy for ONE of HER SONS. Then was it worth it, having to deal with that kind of stress?

Demigods are born cursed into this world as a result of illegal affairs for many Gods and Goddesses. Doomed to be hunted by monsters and forced to worship the Gods to avoid a cruel and uncalled for death.

Ava continued to fulfill her tasks. But the doubts and nagging kept creeping into the teen's mind and forcing her to accept that Athena will most likely never approved.

It affected her and made her truly doubt how strong she was for her relationship with Anthony.

It wasn't until she got advice from the most unexpected person that she made her decision.

"Do what your heart is telling you."

Came the advice from the God of Strength. 


The Son of Zeus and one of the most famous Greek legends in Greek Mythology said to her.

Ava stared at her cousin in shock.

"It's obvious that you're finding yourself in a crossroad." Heracles said. "But I doubt that these thoughts came from out of nowhere. No doubt you've been having them for some time now. It's just that the stress of accomplishing these tasks in the span of a year has taken a heavy toll on you and has worn down your defenses."

"Now all the doubts you have been keeping hidden deep down inside you has risen up and made themselves known."


What could the demigoddess say to that. Heracles was speaking the truth.

They have always been there ever since the 2nd Titanomachy when she and Anthony confused their feelings for each other.


Even before that when she was starting to grow feelings for him!

"And honestly."

Heracles sighed.

"After everything you have done, cousin. From having the weight of the world on your shoulders where you decide all of our fates. To the Titanomachy and dealing with our dear grandfather."

"To that woman meddling in things and stripping you of your memories of Camp Half-Blood and your dear boyfriend. To grappling with your lost memories and yet always staying true to him even though you've forgotten him and could only recall vague instances. Even others attempted to court you, in awe of your spirit, of your warrior nature, of your strength."

"You remained faithful to a man that you couldn't remember."


"And even fighting against our great grandmother, Gaia in the second Gigantomachy."

Heracles added.

"If everything you have done in those wars aren't enough to convince...then I don't think that's woman I would want as my mother-in-law."

'He would know.'

The teen thought to herself.

After all, Heracles had to deal with Hera as his mother in law.

"So, my advice."

Heracles said again.

"Listen to what your heart has to say and what your feelings towards Athena son really are."

"It might surprise you."

And he was right.

The trials had taken their toll and forced Ava to rethink everything and realized that in the process of completing these tasks to earn Athena blessings to date Anthony. Had inadvertently left her with resentment towards Athena and some bitterness in her relationship with Anthony.

She didn't love in that way anymore. It became more of friends now.

She didn't blame Anthony for this though.

It's not his fault his fault that his mother is a shallow Goddess.

So with a heavy heart, but firm resolve. She completed her tasks and returned to Camp Half Blood.

Where Anthony and all her friends were waiting. Obviously excited that she completed her tasks in the time limit she was given.

Wearily smiling, Ava tried to speak to Anthony in private. But her boyfriend was just so happy to see her again that she couldn't get him to listen. Not to mention that everyone wanted to hear about her valiant quest for true love.

Despite Ava best attempts to get to talk to Anthony alone. He dismissed her efforts saying that they could talk after she told her story.


Ava had no choice, she had to say it:

"I'm breaking up with you."

THAT got everyone attentions as they all stopped and had varying looks of shock and disbelief.

From the demigods to Chiron to Grover to Dionysus choking on his drink and actually almost dying at that.

To the look of utter shock and heartbreak from Anthony.

Ava felt bad, extremely bad. But she couldn't put this off much longer and no one was willing to let her talk to him alone. In peace and quiet where they could talk about this. And spare him the pain of people seeing him in such a state.

Instead, she was forced to do it in a humiliating way for Anthony and tell him upfront and personal that she thinks that they should just be friends.

With everybody silenced, she could now tell Anthony about WHY she was breaking up with him. And so, Ava told him, with sad, but serious and determined look on her face.

One of the reasons he had fallen for her.

And told him why.

Unfortunately, this had the unintended consequence of having many demigods from Camp Half Blood and Camp Jupiter scorning her and turning against her for breaking her sweet boyfriend heart.

Ava was understandably hurt by that, because she explained why she could not continue this relationship and yet they are acting like she killed someone or cheated on him!

Athena was furious and out for blood!

'How dare she thinks herself too good for my son!'

Athena angrily thought to herself, ignoring the fact that SHE was the catalyst for Ava decision.

It was ironic though. She never approved of their relationship and even tried to break them up. Now that Ava chose to end things she was all up in arms about it.

Maybe because it wasn't her that broke them up. Or that it wasn't Anthony that broke up with her.

Poseidon admittedly was in shock.

As mentioned before, while he didn't care much for Anthony Chase. The fact that he made her happy was enough for him. He would have intervened only if it escalated to something worse.



None was more angry than Aphrodite, The Goddess of Love.

'How dare she goes against true love!?!?'

The Goddess thought to herself as she now schemed to get them back together. Even if she had to take drastic measures to get the daughter of Poseidon to realize the errors of her way.

it helped that Anthony is still in love with her and wanted her back. And so was on board to get her back.

Aphrodite even enlisted the aid of her children to get them back together. Though it was doomed to fail.

The only one that seemed to care was Piper McLean.

The other children of Aphrodite did not care in the slightest. They actually respected Ava choice in ending things with Anthony. Understanding that there are some things that are just not forever or iron clad.

Though to be honest, Piper wasn't really that well liked in the Aphrodite cabin. She was only accepted because they saw her as a better cabin leader over Drew Tanaka.

And they were no longer sure if she really was a better choice.

She just didn't understand them like Silena Beauregard and Drew did. Sure, Drew was cruel, but she was also understanding and was trying to protect them in her own way. And she actually understood them having been living there for years.

But she wasn't always cruel like that. But Silena betrayal had hurt her deeply and she was lashing out in her own way.

Perhaps she felt that, that was the best way to protect them.

But Piper didn't really understand and kept making so many mistakes that she didn't really earn their trust.


Drew and her brothers and sisters warned Ava of what Aphrodite was trying to do.

Not to mention, that Athena was now trying to get them back together as well.

But only because her pride was wounded because of Ava being the one to end things on her own terms and not Athena.

Poseidon would handle Athena though. And so would Zeus, Hades, and Hestia.

They at least owe her that much and were still in her debt for saving their asses.

Hera was torn between helping Athena and Aphrodite. Or just staying neutral.

Hestia glare made her choose wisely.

Unlike a certain 'wise' god.

Time would pass and Ava would grow to become a very beautiful, voluptuous woman who was still single, sadly.

Because of certain somebodies always interfering in her attempted dates and intimacy.

She was so close! 

So many handsome studs to lose her virginity to and have a family. Cockblocked by those assholes always getting in the way!

Echausted, furious, and mad as Hell and Tartarus combined, she decided to take a vacation somewhere far and in secret.

Because her loving mother and her stepfather were now also trying to get her back with Anthony.

She already told them she has no interest in him anymore!!!

And yet, they still keep insisting!

So, she left to an island paradise in the Spanish seas (mainly the Mediterranean Sea) on a beautiful Spanish isle.

And it was just what she wanted!

A nice, beautiful peaceful R&R (though it was kind of strange that it wasn't heavily populated. Maybe it was somebody private island that they lease for tourism?). Away from everybody that could not take a hint that she was not making a mistake. She hated that everyone kept trying to make her feel guilty about breaking up with Anthony. But what did they wanted her to do?

Cheat on him?

Admit that she was wrong?

Get back together because it's the right thing to do?

What was the point in getting back together if she didn't feel the same way anymore?

No matter how many times she told Anthony, the Gods, or her fellow demigods.

She was not interested in him like that any longer.

But what she didn't know until later.

Was that she would be meeting with the man of her dreams.

Cain Cross.

A full blooded Spanish male from Spain who was taking a vacation to the beautiful island.

An island that he owned.

A place where he could relax and unwind and maybe snag a beauty or two for the night.

It was on the private beach that only he could access is where they met.

Obviously, Cain was surprised that someone was there and asked her if she knew that she was on private property.

Ava was jolted surprised at the unexpected male voice.

And nearly fell to her knees as she stared at the sexy Adonis in front of her.


She screamed to herself as she stared at him.

Pure muscles that did not make look grotesque or out of place, very tall, a heavy tan.

Piercing blues staring directly into her seagreen eyes.

The man oozed of pure masculinity and testosterone.

Ava quickly explained that she didn't know that it wasn't opened to the public. She didn't see a sign.

Raising an eyebrow, Cain looked at the spot where the sign should be and saw that it was indeed missing.

His first thought was that the sexy, smoking hot babe had removed it and threw it away to claim ignorance if caught. But he quickly shook that notion away from him.

He had a feeling that wasn't the case.

Turning around, he saw the woman in question starting to grab her stuff.

"I'm so sorry!" Ava apologized. "I'll leave right now!"

Cain put a hand up.


His voice, full of power, said.

Ava shivered as she stopped what she was doing.

"You can stay." He said. "It gets lonely from time to time."

"And I wouldn't mind the extra company."

The way he said in such a deep voice aroused the demigoddess like never before.

She knew why he wanted her to stay.

And she was fine with it because she like what she sees and could see the massive bulge making itself known because of her skintight one piece swimsuit.

Cain enjoyed the view of the beautiful, tanned foreigner. How her swimsuit cling to her sexy body and showed off her body in all the right places.

He was also glad that she seems to prefer more modest swimsuits and not the kinds that literally strings that barely covered the privates.

'Though she'd probably make it look sexy on her.'

He thought to himself. But quite enjoyed how made her huge chest pop out to him.

After all...

The life of a gangster is not easy.

Yeah, you read that right.

Cain Cross is a gangster and is the leader of a rather violent gang that has operations all over the world.

But unlike the version of him that is Union (M/N) and also a gangster.

This version was more brutal since Union was nothing more than fiction and such there wasn't anything to give his gang a goal.

But while brutal, they also operated in the morally grey area.

They did consider themselves good, bad, nor heroes. 

They just wanted money, power, influence, fear, and of course sex and all that good jazz.

And of course, underworld activities always clashes with the law. Even when you the police force in your pocket.

Thankfully though, they still had some morals.

1. No child trafficking or other mature themes that I won't mention.

2. No trafficking regardless but he wanted to make sure that they understood that this went double for kids.

3. Only the true scum of the earth deserves to learn the humiliation of being nothing more than forced labor.

4. Don't be stupid.

5. Don't betray the organization or you'll die a horrible, painful death for betraying the family.

6. If you're going to be looking up dark porn aka NTR and the it at home. The boss hates NTR and many have been sent to the hospital for looking that filth up at work.

He didn't care if they jacked off to bunny girls on their screens. But no NTR shit.

That's not cool.

7. Be cool.

8. Stop stealing the SCPs from the Foundation. Cain and the others are tired of having to kill them.

Though SCP-682 enjoys the free meals and prey.

9. The remake of RWBY is almost done. Soon it will be better than what RT tried to do, and will make Monty proud despite it going a different, yet better way than he originally intended.

Monty: "Eh. From what I've seen up in heaven they're making it pretty awesome."


(Cole Sear: I see dead people)

10. Don't be a bitch.

11. Be sure to get yourselves a family to love, cherish, and traumatize.

So, dealing with his organization, his businesses, his agreements, his covers, rival gangs and so much more. It's no wonder Cain does have to use a 'special' method to relieve his stress.

Good thing he used protection and made sure that one of his business made break proof protection.

He doesn't want a child with just anybody. Though he does have one from a previous one night stand. But he isn't a coward and took the responsibility of being a father.

Killed the mother though because she was an upright bitch who tried to blackmail him for money.

But as good as a father he surprisingly is. He knew his son, Alex Cross, needed a mother in his life.

So, after a whole day of flirting and being hit by the sun's rays and the humid air that set off their more primitive instincts and primal desires. Cain brought her to his mansion that overlook his private beach.

With the ocean breeze coming from the open windows and the setting sun glowing rays hitting them. Cain and Ava surrendered to their desires and had a long and passionate night.

They didn't stop for a very long time. 

Which was impressive considering that they're humans and all.

After waking up in each other embrace the next day, with Ava laying on top of his muscular sweaty body. Cain offered an unexpected thing.

"If you want to be fucked again hard like last night, then how about you come later tonight and I'll pound you like the thirsty slut you are."

"As you have proven how much of one last night."

Ava giggled and accepted.

She was surprised she could even walk considering the massive size of his girth and extreme sexual prowess in bed.

Cain just watched her leave in amusement and hunger.

He could feel his shaft hardening as he watched the sexy woman leave.

'Could she be the one for me?'

The gangster thought.

Because unlike with his other one night stands. He actually invited her to come back.

He never did that with the others.

And there was something about her that called out to his more animalistic nature that was awakened last night.


He muttered to himself.

"I will make you mine."

His deep voice growled possessively.

He would get her. He just needed to exercise patience.

'I'll make her mine, tonight.' He thought to himself. 'She'll carry my child and give Alex a little sibling.'

But first.

He had other important matters to take care before the night came.

With Ava.


She was burying her face into her pillow.

'I can't believe I finally lost it!'

She was so dam happy that she finally lost her DAM VIRGINITY!!

And to the best male that she laid her eyes on!

The way his muscles moved and contracted, the way the sweat slid off him, the way he looked at her like a woman.

GODS. She needed more of him.

And her body agreed.

Night couldn't come fast enough for either of them.

And soon, Ava found herself being pounded into submission by her sexy Spanish lover.

Her mind seeing stars as Cain accidentally broke from sheer pleasure overload. But she like it.

She didn't have anyone waiting for her back home. Just people who don't know when to quit.

"Be mine."

He had told her the next day as she woke up in his embrace.

"Stay with me and enjoy this pleasure forever."

Ava shivered at his rough, husky voice. Full of a possessive that aroused and enraptured the demigoddess.

Ironic considering that the sea doesn't like to be restrained, yet here she was being confined to a man she really didn't know much besides being a beast in bed.

But she said.


A little too eagerly.

But hey, it was obvious to the both of them that they were meant for each other.

And so, they got married on that beautiful where Ava would give birth to her daughter, Lily Jackson-Cross.

Lily had her mother hair and eyes and was practically a mini her.

Cain was over the moon and Alex was happy to have a little sibling.

Soon Ava would get pregnant again and this Diego cross would be welcomed into the world.

He had his daddy hair and mother eyes, though more of a green than sea green.

Ava is aware of her husband profession.

It was hard not to considering his tattoos, his ear piercings, his smoking habit, how his subordinates acted and how they communicated.

She wasn't stupid, you know? Just because she wasn't as smart as others didn't mean that her intelligence was subpar.

And Cain wasn't really trying to keep it a secret.

After Lily birth, Cain did tell her, and they stopped dancing around the topic.

But the biggest surprise was Ava telling him of the secret world of the gods and demigods. About certain events that nobody knew and certain truths that would have the world descending into chaos and anarchy if it were ever found out.

Cain brain literally shut down as he and his men tried to process the truth.

Well, most, turns out one of them is a son of Ares and already knew who she was.

He told her, he understood why. Hence why he said nothing about her until she told them herself.

Ava was understandably relieved at that. While Cain was confused and slightly pissed because it sounded like HIS wife had been treated unfairly.

Ava and Brutus, the son of Ares name, both explained everything.

Cain reaction?



...Yeah. He wasn't happy at how they treated her just because she chose to make the decision to end things because she was tired of having to please the Gods just so that they wouldn't try to kill her out of paranoia.

Ava was his and his alone!

"...Leave us."

Cain commanded as everyone left the room and it was just him and Ava.




"Let's go to the gym."

Cain said as they both did so.

Once there, Cain decided to do a workout of a more sexual nature.


Let's just say that Ava got the best fuck of her life.

"I'm going to show those bastards that you belong to ME!!"

Cain roared as he aggressively thrusted into her.

"Those bastards think they can do as they please and then just toss you to the side once you begin thinking on you own?"

"Those assholes lost a beautiful, gorgeous milf!" He arrogantly smirked. "And now she's mine. My wife!"


Ava screamed.

"Say it baby!"

Cain growled.

"Who do you belong to?!"

"To you, Cain. And to you alone."

Ava seductively said as her possessive, loving husband showed her the full force of his virility and love.



And thus, Diego was conceived.

Their love was twisted, complicated, insane, intense.

But they truly love each other and felt perfect and complete in each other embrace.

But of course, things would never be that easy for Ava Jackson-Cross.

Aphrodite finally found out where she has been for several years and was infuriated to find out that she was married and children who weren't Anthony!

'How dare she not follow the script!?!?!'

Aphrodite was the maddest she has ever been.

'She should be with Anthony!' She thought to herself. 'Not with this stud that should be MY conquest!!'

'I'll make her regret it by seducing him and making unfaithful to her!'

She thought to herself.

'Then she'll have to see that Anthony is a better, more loyal choice!!'

Aphrodite mentally patted herself on the back for job well done as she went to put her plan into action.

But when she tried to seduce him.

"My wife is far better than you, you ancient harlot."

Cain coldly said.




Aphrodite shrieked.

"You think I don't know who you are, Goddess of Love?"

Cain scoffed.

"If you're that desperate to whore yourself out, then go to red light district."

He said as he left.

But not before saying.

"Goddess of Whores."

Aphrodite was now beyond angry.

Not only did Ava betray Anthony (she didn't though, she broke up with him) but now this insignificant mortal dare to turn HER down?!

HER?! Aphrodite! The Goddess of Love!!

Infuriated the Goddess tried her best with the aid of the others to make her life a living hell.

Not many though were of the opinion that this nonsense should still be continued.

Thalia certainly wasn't getting involved.

She, like Nico and several others, actually talked to Ava and listened to her side of the story and why she did it.

Thalia wasn't going to lie. It hurt to see her little brother in all but blood miserable and sad. But there was nothing they could do about it.

Ava was 100% confident that she was making the right.

And they agree with her.

So, Thalia, Nico and some others ran interference and stopped from trying to meddle in something that should have ended long ago already.

Preferably at the beginning.

Ava and Cain were getting annoyed at the Gods and demigods interference and meddling.

"Can't I enjoy motherhood and being a domestic housewife in peace?!"

Ava once screamed.

You would find it shocking for someone as headstrong and rebellious as Ava Jackson to enjoy being a housewife. Something very different from her time as a warrior in Camp Half Blood.'s not like she's retired. 

She did have fights...

...In bed 😏.

Eventually, it got to the point that the Fates were now getting annoyed at the unnecessary deaths that were occurring as a result of the secret war. Hades too, but the lives of many died before they were supposed to.

So, they appeared in front of Ava and Cain and gave them an avenue to escape.

"Leave this world and live in another alternate reality."

They had said.

"Why are you helping us?"

Ava asked cautiously.

After having to deal with these ladies, she knew better than to just take anything they had to offer without a grain of salt.

"Consider this a favor from us."

The Fates said.

"You have saved the world from dangerous that even WE were not sure could be vanquished. You got your rewards from the Gods. Now, it's time for US to give you, your reward."

Ava accepted as she could see the truth and nothing but truth the Fates were saying.

With power beyond what anyone expected of the Fates. The Fates teleported the remaining members of Cain gang, his island, his bases and operations. Everything that belonged to the gang and were sent to a new world.

Here, Cain and his gang would establish their gang once more and control the world from behind the scenes.

But this new world was different from their old world.

Here, beings only told in stories, movies, any type of media were very much real and very much different than their fictional selves acted.

Heroes, villains, fake heroes, corruption, Vought, racist bastards, evil alien empires, ancient pale faced hags that don't want to sign the divorce papers.

Creatures and beings beyond imagination.

Powers, Semblances, Quirks, Magic, the Force, etc. etc.

And of course, the places that would center it all that Diego would eventually cross paths with.

Legion, Unity, Crimson, The Academy, the (new and improved) Jedi Order as well as many others.

And of course.



As mentioned before Cain and Ava Cross/(L/N) are basically the parents of male and female readers, and Diego and Grace depending on the timeline and story.

In the reader inserts what is used from the pictures shown in this chapter is just their base model. Hair color, eye color, skin tone, race, ethnicity is up to the reader imagination.

And just to remind you again, Ava Jackson is Percy Jackson genderbended as a female.

Cain personality varies.

To the outside world, he is a very accomplished businessman running an extremely powerful, multitrillion dollar multinational corporation.

To the underworld, he is a brutal, cold, cruel, violent, merciless mobster who controls various fields and his mafia is feared as it acts as both a rival and executioner.

To his family, he is a strong, proud father and husband.

Ava might seem a little submissive now after her nights of passion with Cain. But despite being a housewife/Cain's personal secretary. 

She is still the powerful daughter of Poseidon and can kill you if it's necessary.

The original backstory of Ava and Cain was a little bit more darker. It involved cheating. 


After reading it up, I came to the conclusion that it did not meet the standards of NTR.

Especially since it was consensual on both sides and NTR usually includes mindbreaking and the partner of the woman being cucked as he/she is forced to watch his lover being stolen away.

It is cheating. Adultery. An affair. 

But not NTR.

This was because at that time I was still on the hate Annabeth Chase train because of the betrayal/cheater Annabeth fics that I saw and read. So, I wanted to make her suffer regardless of if she was female or male.

I later changed it to a more wholesome setting (even though Anthony was hurt in the end at least it wasn't because she was unfaithful and getting mind broken) because I slowly started to realize that this hate on Annabeth was ridiculous.

I was hating on a fictional character who was only acting that way because of the fanfic writer.

That wasn't even her original personality!!

So, it was changed to Ava breaking up with him because of Athena being a self absorbed bitch.

Though unfortunately, I cannot rid myself of the dislike for Annabeth Chase because of how many fics have her as a bitch and a cheater.

And sadly, the first book I read from the PJO fandom on Fanfiction.Net...

...Was an Annabeth cheater fic.

No, seriously.

Why do they make her out to be a bitch?

She's not in the books.

Wouldn't it be easier if they just broke up? I mean, in canon they got married and have kids, but if you're going to pair Percy up with someone in a fanfic. Don't make her out to be a horrible person, just have them break up. Say that Annabeth feelings for him were going away and she saw him as more of a friend now.

Same with Percy. Maybe his feelings are becoming more of friends or siblings.

Hell! Have Annabeth die honorably in combat fighting to protect some newly found demigods or in a war!

It is kind of a cheap move to remove her like that. But if you're not going to have them mutually break up and have Annabeth, be transformed into Annabitch then I would rather have her dying in battle and not being slandered.

Cain and Ava were slightly deaged to start up from scratch and avoid suspicions.

And Cain gang were also deaged as well as their family that survived the stupid and pointless slaughter that the gods inflicted upon them.

(Brutus. Son of Ares. He has red eyes behind the sunglasses and don't ask about that weird text at the bottom. I have no idea what that means. AI generated that along with the picture)

Brutus would eventually find love and get engaged to the lovely Nemuri Kayama

The main casts: RWBY, Vanguardians, MHA, and the like are the same age as Diego, so they are not in the academies yet. Too young at the moment.

Diego is a legacy of Poseidon since Ava is a daughter of Poseidon.

He possesses power over the seas and all liquid.

His father has gained new powers as well thanks to the Fates.

And so has his gang.

Diego and his siblings also have powers courtesy of the Fates messing with time and space and made it seem like they were born from both parents having powers.

Alex is a very possessive older brother. Don't touch his baby siblings without permission or you will die.

He gets the possessive part from his dear dad.

(Alex Cross)

(Oldest of the Cross siblings)

Alex knows that his father killed his birth mother but from what they learn she was a right old bitch who deserved to die anyways.

He sees Ava as his real mother.

And will kill ANYONE that dares to try to ruin his parents' happy marriage.

Lily has a far more sweeter personality compared to her siblings.

(Lilith 'Lily' Cross)

(Middle child)

Diego inherited his father aggressive personality.

And like his siblings inherited their parents' good looks.

They could be models.

Oh, wait. They are models when they get older.

And actors/actress.

The gang is like an extended family of aunts and uncles who could kill you if you touch the babies.

As mentioned, the male Cross siblings are a lot more aggressive, possessive, violent at times, and carry a bad boy aura because they are bad boys.

(Diego Cross)


Diego has an interesting relationship with a certain adorable girl.

(Has sea-green eyes)

Irene Valentine.

A beautiful model and actress who has done photo shoots with Diego. And has played several roles with him in movies.

Despite the both of them being teenagers their side jobs in the modeling/acting industries seem to bring them alot closer.

Irene is rather bashful and shy when Diego makes moves on her and keeps her close to him whenever they're together.

Many have speculated that they are in a relationship much to the shy girl embarrassment.

Though she wasn't all that shy when Diego pounded her into the bedsheets.

After that, they were official.

Irene enjoys being with Diego, but she's just shy and adorable and that makes Diego possessive side flare up.

What can he say?

He likes his girls adorable, sexy, shy, and cute.

Alex has maroon colored hair, brown eyes and a golden caramel tanned muscular physique.

Alex is currently in a relationship.

With whom, one might ask?

Why none other than the lovely Blake Belladonna.

How this happened one might ask?



Blake screams as Alex pounded that pussy into oblivion and submission.

"I'm going to fuck my babies into you, you slut!"

Alex growled as her pussy squeezed his massive cock.


Blake screamed as Alex mated her for hours.

...He fucked the stupidity out of her.

That's the Cross men charm.

...And massive girths.

Lily is well endowed in certain areas just like her mother. 

She might be sweet, but she won't hesitate to hit somebody that is flirting with her.

Issei, Bakugou, Mineta, and several others were a prime example of her kicking their asses.

She has standards you know. 

She wasn't going for subpar she wanted quality of the same cloth like her family.

...She's setting the standard a little high, isn't she?

Oh! And they also have to be single. She wasn't interested in stealing another person lover. He'd have to be single and ready to mingle.

She might be on the prowl but she ain't a shameless hussy like some people are.

Let's see how this adventure goes shall we?

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