Crescent Moonfang (Dragonoid Blacksmith)

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(With Hoodie on)

(Without Hoodie)

Crescent Moonfang

Species/Race: Beastkin/Wolf girl

Gender: Female

Hair color: Light blue hair

Eye color: Blue eyes

Skin color: Tan skin

Personality: A hot headed individual. But is friendly to those who aren't jerks. Is a tomboy.

Power: Crystal Manipulation.

The power to create and manipulate crystals and crystalline materials.

Many of her weapons are made from her crystals and possess an unusual type of energy imbued in them.

Family: Lobo (older brother)

Love interest: Garrus (though she tends to be a bit of a tsundere about admitting that she has a crush)

(Garrus - True form/appearance)

Likes: Her older brother, her friends, the Twisting Realms, running through the forest, fighting, the serene glow of the moon when things are peace. Some heroes. Xenovia.

Love: Garrus (But again, she has a hard time admitting it)

Dislike: Dragon Guard Academy because of their Dragon Knights constantly upsetting the Beastkins and the Royal Family by attacking Beastkin dragons who are different from the dragons they hunt.

They are generally run out of any town in the Twisting Realms the moment anyone realizes they are Dragon Knights. Because to them, they are not saviors, but antagonists and destroyers of peace.

They are confused as to why their neighboring kingdom hates them.

Hates: Union (because they tried to 'liberate' them. But just wanted more land resources for their own gain), Vought, villains, certain heroes, All Might, Atlas, idiots that think everyone can survive on a vegan diet (you know those people). Weiss, because of the SDC and her own attitude.

Super hates: People calling her a Faunus, the White Fang for trying to recruit the 'poor, discriminated fellow Faunus'. SDC for thinking they have the right to do whatever they want because in their eyes the Beastkins are Faunus and therefore second class.

And they wonder why the Royal Family and businesses in the Twisting Realms would rather let the world burn than to ever form a partnership with them.

(You can imagine how much offense she takes to that)

Blake Belladonna because she's a misguided brat who keeps calling them brothers and sisters no matter how many times, they have said that they are NOT FAUNUS. They are Beastkins and TR Supernatural.

Issei Hyoudou: He's a shameless massive pervert who think he can say whatever he wants without any consequence because he's the 'Red Dragon Emperor'.

That title belongs to Ddraig, the real Red Dragon Emperor.

Also, thinks that he can get away with using that accursed Dress Break move.

(Lobo went to town on that little shit after he found that out)

Thinks himself a real dragon and a real man.


The male dragon (and half breeds) kids back in the Twisting Realms were more of a man and dragon than he was, and they were kids!

Mineta Minoru: Worthless pervert that doesn't deserve to be in any kind of hero school.

Bakugou Katsuki: Number 1 Asshole that should just die.

ORC: (Most of them)


An inhabitant of the Twisting Realms Crescent is a wolf girl Beastkin type. She is a hot tempered, tomboy who is brash and confident.

Though she does have the power to back it up.

Well versed in combat, she is a beautiful wolf girl living in the Twisting Realms.

The Twisting Realms.

If one could make a description of it, it could be considered to be a counterpart of the Imaginary Tree or Yggdrasil.

With the Twisting Realms as the core.

Its network of interconnected branches leads to different worlds. This is a fact known only to the residents of the Twisting Realms. Even after the Great Merge, that still remains true with certain exceptions.

The Great Merge.

When several realities merged into one. It has been called many names as well.

The Conjunction of Spheres.

Hand of Destiny.

What the Fuck?

Celestial union of the stars.

Many titles.

And merged all into one planet that was the core.


To accommodate the sudden additional worlds. The entire universe expanded greatly. Earth was now as big as Jupiter or possible even bigger, while said planet and the other planets in the Solar System had also grown in size to ensure stability.

Crescent and the Twisting Realms first meeting with their new neighbors, the inhabitants of Earth...was not so great.

A war erupted which led to Union and its allies defeat (much to their shock and disbelief that a 'primitive' kingdom had defeated them) and forced them to recognize not only the Twisting Realms, but all other new kingdoms sovereignty. 

To try to make up for the bad footing, Union and other academies offered up a cultural exchange program to try to make amends. Though the new inhabitants were not convinced it was done with completely good intentions. They accepted, nonetheless.

Just to get a good read on them.

Crescent was one of them, though she did not stay long because of how most of the students at Union were.

Cocky, arrogant, egotistic, power hungry, vain, selfish and greedy, perverted, bullies, conceited, drunk on their delusions of grandeur. And let's not even get to the certain people.

After a short while, she left and went to explore the other new kingdoms to see what they were like.

After telling her brother of course. And he agreed since it would do well to foster relationships with their fellow off-worlders.

Eventually, she would travel into the realm known as:


One of the worlds that merged with Earth and caused a massive size expansion in the universe and the Solar System due to the enormity of Ovius.

A vast realm with various kingdoms and powers reigning over it.

It was there she would learn of a very important place.

Dragon Guard Academy.

A school founded by the 2nd Emperor of the Draconic Empire of the Grand Draconic Empire. Whose purpose is to train young warriors into mighty Dragon Knights and purge the land of the dragons that terrorize all of Ovius.

For obvious reasons, Crescent was a little worried. Especially with the more prejudiced/radical ones. Something that Crescent noted in her reports to her older brother and the Royal Family.

It didn't take them that long to realize that she was not a native of Ovius. Diplomats were sent to meet with the young wolf girl, much to Crescent annoyance. She wasn't a diplomat or negotiator. The only type of negotiations she knew was aggressive negotiations anyways.

Thankfully, they were able to understand when she made it clear and they waited for the representatives to arrive after she had sent word for them. She cautioned them though to not be trigger happy when they arrived. Otherwise they risk losing an opportunity to foster relations between the two realms.

They almost lost it when they saw dragonkin among the group of diplomats. Trying to kill or imprisoned them.

Blaze showed them the true power of a REAL Dragon Knight and incinerated some of them to ashes.

This helped to knock some sense into them and they could actually continue this conversation as civilized beings.

It was a rather tense meeting, worse than even the one with Union. Mainly because of the prejudice and hatred of all things dragon. Even the dragon beastkins were not immune to this.

Due to the eons old scars the dragons had left on the people of Ovius. Most of their terms usually had some kind of hidden print concerning the dragon beastkins and their attempts at slaying them. 

Unfortunately for most of them it failed every time because some actually enjoyed reading the fine print and finding all the extra 'goodies' hidden in them.

Begrudgingly the kingdoms of Ovius had no choice but to concede to the fact that they would not be able to sway the inhabitants of the Twisting Realms to their point of view concerning dragons.

Didn't stop the Dragon Knights from trying though. Which is why they are virtually unwelcome in the Twisting Realms because they know what they're after.

The Twisting Realms inhabitants had no times for extremists who think that all dragonkind is evil.

Despite that particular issue, Crescent spent more of her time in Ovius than in the other worlds that had merged with Earth.

Especially when she met him.


A Dragonoid.

The rarest race in Ovius. A result of a union between dragon and human (she tried to ignore the question of whether or not the dragon uses a human form to mate with a human. She didn't need that weird image in her mind).

But also, the most hated of all of Ovius races because of their draconic heritage and the fact that a human would mate with a dragon.

Dragonoids suffer greatly because of legacy of the dragons. Some of the things done cannot be said.

They are also rare because Dragons don't often mate with humans. Only happens rarely once in a while.

Their first meeting went off on a wrong foot. Well not with Garrus, but with the Dragon Knights that were escorting him. She thought they were bringing him back to the Dragon Guard Academy to execute him.

So, she attacked and despite having an A rank Dragon Knight they were overpowered and defeated.

They could barely counter her as she was too fast and incredibly skilled with her Crystal Manipulation.

And that's not counting her sword! Even though it didn't destroy their weapons thanks to Garrus making them better. It managed to leave scratches and cracks on them!

That got Garrus attention as he's never seen such a powerful weapon, one that could damage his craftsmanship like that.

Before she could kill them. Garrus intervened and told her they were not bringing him in to execute him. But to offer him a job as a blacksmith.

That got Crescent to pause as she pondered his words. She could tell he was not lying and stopped her attack.

After that, the group conversed with her, and it was agreed that she would join them as she didn't fully trust them or the Dragon Guard Academy.

From there on, Crescent would be seen with Garrus most of the time. Whether it was in their rooms, or in his forge, or on a quest.

(Most didn't like the idea of a Dragonoid being there, but Crescent presence made them shut up. Either because she threatened them, or because the higher ups knew that if they tried anything with Garrus. They could kiss whatever possible agreements they had with the Twisting Realms goodbye)

And from there on, destiny will be in play for not just them, but for many people as well.


As mentioned in Crescent (Main) Bio. The Alpha/Beta/Omega dynamics exist here.

But there is none of that weird omega male pregnancy thing here.

That's just creepy.

Crescent is a Beta mixed with some Alpha and Omega traits.

Which surprises some people when they learn that.

Ruby and Yang are decent people, but Blake and Weiss are not.

Kirishima and Mina are some of the nicer students in Union.

Many people are shocked/stunned when they see how fast Crescent runs or fights for the first time.

This is mainly because of how quick she can move despite the massive weights on her chest.

Some people think she and Garrus have a size kink because Garrus is well over a foot taller than her. 

She barely reaches his abs.

Garrus is a very competent Blacksmith.

Garrus uses a special crystal to his draconic appearance and appear like a lizardman humanoid to hide his true nature from the Dragon Knights.

His real form is a humanoid dragon.

Heavy on the dragon half.

He is the only one who is allowed to touch Crescent ears and not just her tail.

Her wolf ears can be considered her erogenous zone. So, she barely lets anyone touch them.

Garrus is the only one which tells what the hothead truly feels for him.

Crescent is only submissive to Garrus.

Anyone else that tries to force her into submission usually winds up in the hospital or dead.

Crescent doesn't care if 'murder is wrong'. Mess with the bull, you get the horns.

Garrus knows that he's Crescent type: muscular, hard pack, alpha, dominant.

He seems to have a sixth sense whenever Crescent enters his forge because his shirt is off when she's there. Even though others have said that his shirt is on.

He knows it triggers her instincts.

Garrus dragon instincts make him extremely possessive of what is his.

Crescent only lets her softer side out when it's just her and Garrus.

She has bonded quite well with the group she had almost killed before.


(This is from his book)

Clive Brood: A-Rank, Saber Class. An instructor at Dragon Guard Academy and also a former Dragon Knight.

Zuko Jones: Student, Berserker class. Half human/half Orc.

Raya Kanos: Student, Caster class. Werecat.

Johnathan Dupery: Student. Hunter class. Ogre

Edward Trawler: Student, Lancer class. Wereshark.

Saida Araran: Student, Archer class. Light Elf.

Orekle Khimur: Student, Duelist class. Dark Elf.

They have some mix feelings about her, but all agree that she is a badass.

Raya, Saida, and Orekle were all just glad to have another asskicking female to the group.

Crecent is the only one allowed into Garrus forge where he handles his forging and repairs.

This tells how Garrus sees her as the heart of the forge is considered to be most sacred to a Blacksmith. Especially since it is where they perform the secrets of their trade that outsiders/nonblacksmiths would not be privy to.

Everyone else must either wait outside in the front, or come back later for their weapons.

Only time someone else comes in is because it is an emergency and he can't hear them.

Fun fact about Beastkins.

One way to attract a beastkin (especially wolf type beastkins) is through the pheromones that their bodies exude. It releases a type of pheromone that is attractive to the beastkin.

Garrus figured this out quickly when he noticed how hot and bothered Crescent would become due to him sweating a lot because of working in his blacksmith forge.

Because forge equals fire and heat that is needed to forge/repair weapons.

Which results in him sweating a lot.

The pheromones in his sweat are like an aphrodisiac to Crescent and it was only a matter of time before it reached a breaking point.

Of course, Garrus likes showing off his big, rock hard, sweaty muscles to her. Subtly showing her that he is a strong alpha capable of providing for his mate.

Finally, one day his sweat triggers her heat and he takes her right then and there on his forging table in his smithy. 

Forging new life.

Crescent had to stay in his room for months due to how destroyed her pelvis was because of the size his dragon jr.

Garrus does enjoy when she has to rely on him. 

Whenever they hang out, it's usually at the forge because one, that's where he works. And two, because Crescent can't' resist his scent when he sweats, and Garrus gets a show due to her clothes becoming damp and sticky because of her own sweat.

Gives him a nice view of her body.

Unlike in most Union timelines, Xenovia is different. 

In this timeline she didn't lose all her brain cells to her boobs and still had her own voice.

She had joined Rias peerage in a moment of weakness because of learning of God death and being ex-communicated by the Church.

She had genuinely believed that Issei could give dragon babies due to Ddraig and that the Sacred Gear could be passed down in different variants of it.

But she realized that Rias (who had told her that ridiculous statement) was wrong.

Especially when she saw just how Issei really is. But she stayed until the Great Merge and she met Crescent and the others.

Some time later, she would leave Rias peerage, removing her chess piece and leaving it in the ORC with a note explaining that she left. She did this quietly and quickly because she knew Rias would try to stop her and Issei would be whining and complaining about how she was a member of his harem and that she can't leave!

And knowing Rias and the others would support him. Xenovia had to do it in that manner.

She went looking for Crescent and managed to find her in an oasis in Ovius.

...Where she had the best front row seat of watching Garrus aggressively mating with Crescent.

Let's just say Xenovia witnessed a real dragon in action and could feel her heat pooling down there.

Once Garrus and Crescent had finished mating, Garrus smelled Xenovia scent and called her out.

Xenovia hesitantly walked into the clearing, surprising Crescent at who it was that was watching them.

Blushing, Xenovia explained the best she could. Which was hard considering the position Garrus and Crescent were in. 

After explaining, it was decided that Xenovia would come back with them.

But not before Garrus mated with her as well, smelling her arousal. He knew of her because he saw a picture of her and Crescent smiling at the camera like two old best friends.

He admitted that she was quite beautiful and was happy when Crescent suggested that he take her as his second mate.

Xenovia had gulped when she saw the sheer size of his dragon girth.

'That was inside Crescent?!'

She had thought as Garrus confidently walked towards her with a smug, cocky aura.

Xenovia had the best time of her life and could now confidently say that she would have a real dragon kid.

Garrus was happy to now have TWO mates (and probably more in the future) to shower with love.

Durandal was a much happier once Garrus got his hands on it and reforged it into a better sword.

...All the while cursing the idiots that did maintenace on it because they were third rate blacksmiths.

Xenovia and Durandal have a better relationship now.

Of course, Rias was not happy to learn of Xenovia leaving the peerage. 

And Issei was whining and complaining about the loss of his harem member.

They would have no success in finding her until she and the others meet them and Union together.

And let's see how that goes, shall we?

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