Grace Moon (A Shadows Call Variant)

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RX-17 aka Grace Moon

Gender: Female

Hair color: Reddish-Brown hair

Eye Color: Gold eyes

Ethnicity: White/Hispanic

Skin color: Light tanned skin

Race: Human

Family: Old family (???) - Unknown

New family: Martin Kennedy (Adoptive father). Ethan Kalder (Adoptive older brother).

Personality: Gentle at times, calm, compassionate. Can be cold and standoffish to those she doesn't like or trust. On guard, even with her adoptive family.

Powers: Psychometry: The power to perceive the residual information of an object/and or person. Lets her recreate the scene in her mind to understand what happened. 

Most likely has other powers not yet revealed.

She possibly possesses a level of Empathy Manipulation due to calming down a distressed family.

Love interest: Specter.

Likes: Her family. Learning to be a hero. going to the park. Her friends. Amanda Waller. Real heroes. The Justice League. Avengers. The Light Coalition.

Doctor Elijah Walkers (He was probably the only one in the facility that treated her, Specter, and the other kids well and tried his best to help them persevere)

Dislikes: Vought and their so called heroes. Corruption. Power hungry individuals. Glory seekers. People who cause massive damage and don't own up to the fact just because they were pursuing a villain. Union and its band of idiot students, mainly the unrestrained perverts and bullies. Though there are actually good ones in Union. 


LOVES: RX-7 aka Specter.

(Note: According to Tempest. Specter eyes are fully white and he doesn't possess the sword in this pic)



Access clearance required: Omega clearance.

Access granted.

Accessor: Director Amanda Waller of CADMUS.

Opening files on Project Ghost brief synopsis.

Bio: Not much is known about Grace/RX-17 past before she was brought into the facility. It is likely she does not remember much from before life at the Facility.

Like RX-7 and her fellow test subjects she was forced to endure horrific treatments and experiments to become one of the Enhanced (*Cough* Super Soldiers *Cough*) whose purpose was to dispose of any threat to Earth safety. Especially those who were classified as Meta, Alien, or power status.

Project Ghost it was called.

RX-7 suffered the worst as he was the pinnacle of their research. Having adapted and bonded quite well to the strange substance they were injecting them with...minus a few mishaps.

What it is, is still unknown or classified by the government and Cadmus.

All it was called by most of them was 'The Compound' which was used to give the test subjects Psionic powers.

Originally RX-17 and RX-7 didn't have that much interaction unless it was ordered by the scientists/researchers to observe their behavioral patterns.

This would all change one day when RX-17 was almost assaulted in the showers by a fellow test subject due to her voluptuous figure via some damn good genes despite being a teen.

RX-7 viciously killed the subject for daring to RX-17.

This also gave the researchers some interesting notes about the subjects themselves. Apparently, they were given super strength and durability as a result of being injected with the Compound.



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-Accessing Dr. Elijah Walkers Secret Reports-



-Opening Secret Reports: Dr. Walkers observations on RX-7 and RX-17 relationship-

Elijah: This is Doctor Elijah Walker Secret Report #1. This will not be for the researchers purveying as this is solely based on my observations between the dynamics of Subjects RX-7 and RX-17.

Let's begin.

It has been a week since that incident where RX-7 killed a fellow male subject in defense of RX-17 due to the now deceased male subject attempted actions.

RX-7 had been quarantined for a few hours but was let out as expected due to his value and the knowledge he was giving them. Even with him killing another test subject.

'We can always get more.' They said.


Anyways. After he was released, Subject RX-17 seems to have gravitated towards him.

No surprise there, of course she would seek comfort, solace, and protection from her savior.

Walkers Secret Report #2


RX-7 doesn't really interact with the other RX subjects. Only when necessary or ordered to. 

...And usually some interactions are the 'fight to the death' kinds.

Which causes the other RX class subjects to avoid him when possible. Especially due to his outbursts.

And yet...RX-17 seems to be the only one who is willing to be near him.

And RX-7 doesn't seem to be put off by her presence.

Whether this is because of what happened or because of some other reason remains to be seen.

And it's only been two days since then.

Walkers Secret Report #3

Those fucking assholes are really pushing the line when daring to play God! I warned them not to inject RX-7 with that strange new Compound: SC-2 and they go and do it anyways!

There is something wrong with that Compound. The liquid wasn't the usual beautiful blue liquid. Instead, it was an ominous blood red color.

Phase 2 was a disaster with RX-7 losing his left leg and voice as a result!

We could replace his leg with a prosthetic. But his voice...

It was lost. And maybe for good.

And his DNA.

Just as I thought with the original batch. There was something wrong with that compound.

While he was out cold (for twenty days) I took the liberty of studying his body biology and mutated leg and my theory was confirmed.

Whatever that substance was it was most definitely alien.

RX-7 human DNA had been completely rewritten.

Now, all that's left was Alien DNA that no one recognizes.

Walker Secret Report #4

Dr. Keller was definitely up to something when he gave the order to the other test subjects to avoid RX-7. Ostracizing him from the group.

...He hasn't even noticed.

Whatever Dr. Keller was hoping to achieve probably failed.

Interesting thing to note that Subject RX-17 has actively ignored the orders and prefers to be in his company.

Not surprised since she was already somewhat bonding with him since the incident in the showers.

Now it seems that there is something more there.


Walker Secret Report #5

Subject RX-7 is proving to be an extremely powerful, yet dangerous individual.

He has proven lethal and efficient in the Gauntlet where he killed the other 'participating' Subjects on the battleground.

I put as one of his names on the official reports as Specter.

Something, everyone agreed was fitting for him.

Especially considering that not even the staff were safe from him. He nearly killed one of my assistants by using the wires of a machine to choke him.

Thankfully, we were able to save him.

Which couldn't be said for a guard whose mind was destroyed, killing him. We named that move: Psionic Lash.

Though it seems that I'm the only one safe from his bloodlust among the faculty staff.

Perhaps it's because unlike my...colleagues, I tried to treat them as sentient beings and not weapons regardless if that's what the main goal of this project is about.

Walker Secret Report #6

The relationship between Subject RX-7 and Subject RX-17 is rather fascinating.

Despite RX-7 bloodlust and destructive appetite, RX-17 is able to soothe his rage and hunger.

Though it seems that RX-17 has developed some sort of a dependency on him.

Whether something from her past or that RX-7 is the one person she feels the safest with is something that I've been pondering.

Kind of adorable.

And it seems RX-7 has some sort of dependency with her as well. But it is minor in comparison to RX-17.

Once, some of the guards were ordered by Dr. Keller to remove RX-17 away from RX-7 because he believed that she was making him weak.

The distress in her voice triggered a violent rage inside him and all the guards were brutally killed while RX-7 held RX-17 protectively and possessively in his embrace.

Dr. Keller didn't try again.

He's actually being smart for once.

Sidenote: Subject RX-17 prefers to be called Grace.


Is this her first name?

Walker Secret Report #7

We had to do some cleaning today.

Those fools decided that since eliminating RX-17 was a bad idea. That they would make her as merciless as RX-7!

RX-7, or better known as Specter, was extremely hostile and aggressive when he sensed RX-17, or Grace, conflicting emotions as she was forced to kill.

Specter carved a pool of blood with those idiots blood.

He didn't take too well to having HIS partner being tainted by murder.

Sidenote: I noticed something with their classifications.

Grace is RX-17

And Specter is RX-7.

I wonder if the number 7 has anything to do with them?

7 is considered a lucky number.

Walker Secret Report #8

Grace and Specter have become incredibly close. VERY close.

Grace would often be found sleeping with Specter in his room despite security patrolling and monitoring the area.

Specter would only come out if Grace was with him.

Specter eyes seem to wonder all Grace body, analyzing her much to her embarrassment.

Guess even Specter wasn't immune to teenage hormones despite the hell he's been through.

Shouldn't be surprised. From our observations of all the subjects. Out of all the female subjects, Grace has the most developed body out of all of them despite still being a teen.

And all the harsh, rigorous training has given Specter a body that could considered Adonis like.

...And judging from their touches, they might go beyond just simple intimacy.

...Lord Above. I'm going to have to give them the talk, don't I?

Walker Secret Report #9 happened.

I am glad I gave them the talk.

Because my instincts were right, and they did eventually go all the way.

Thank God one of our covers were medical research and others like it.

One of the things we had in production was pill that could 100% ensure that pregnancy wouldn't happen during the time it was in the system no matter how many times they went at it in a session.

And it worked.

There wasn't any change in Grace body aside from her walking a little funny but thankfully the Compound made her very durable to Specter love making.

Doesn't hide her rather visible bitemarks.

Had to give her concealer for that so that no one knows.

At least there is some light in this darkness.

Walker Secret Report #10

Stupid! Stupid! STUPID!!

That idiot Keller played us all like a piano!

Turns out this damn project should have been shut down after the first batch failed and all of the test subjects died.

To make matters worse, we never supposed to be using children!

Apparently, we were supposed to use convicts who were either on death row or struck a bargain for a quicker release from prison. Or people who won't be missed.

We were never sanctioned to do experiments on kids!

For two years we've been conducting illegal experiments and were funded not by the government...but by criminals!

This now has me concerned about Dr. Keller motives.

Because no way would criminals fund something like this without getting something out of it.

What is he up to? As well as that wretched bastard. General Cole Bennett. No doubt he's the one blocking my reports from reaching CADMUS.

This is bad. Especially since Specter seems to have sensed something had changed and had not let Grace out of his sight.

I pray nothing bad happens as they are reassigned to a new facility of Sector 9.

Walker Secret Report #11

It would seem that those idiots did something to anger Specter and he set Project Facility 1 on fire.

I just know it was him that set the facility on fire.

Whether because they tried to take Grace away from him or because he decided that they should just escape is still unknown to me.

The remaining staff that managed to survive the destruction of the facility were apprehended and put in assigned retirement homes where they were put under watch and on gag orders.

An area of concern:

The children that had been used in the last phases of the experiment are missing. Gone with the wind.

The components that were needed to create Compound SC-2 have mysteriously gone missing.

A major area of concern.

Dr. Keller has gone missing. His body was never recovered, and I can only guess that he is still alive somewhere.

I can only hope and pray he did not escape with the components for SC-2 or with any of the missing Subjects of the Ghost project.

General Cole Bennett has also gone missing as well.

I hope he dies in an orc gangbang situation.

Specter and Grace have gone missing as well.

I hope the two are safe and are together.

What a mess this is.

-End of Walker Secret Reports-

Number of people who have seen this besides the researcher himself: 1. Amanda Waller.


As mentioned before, Grace, despite her personality, is a somewhat closed individual. A fact many have noticed as they felt something of a barrier between them and her.

Despite seeing Martin and Ethan as family, she still won't tell them about the facility or about Specter. 

Martin and Ethan only know that she was experimented. They don't know that she's from THAT facility. Martin and the other heroes like the Justice League and Avengers have heard of it but doesn't know much else due to the gag orders that those involved have.

Even Batman has trouble finding anything about it.

Martin and Ethan first met her dumpster diving for food and Grace nearly bit Martin fingers off because they looked like sausages.

While Grace does love her adoptive family. If Specter were to ask her to come with him and flee to some faraway place that no one would be able to find them.

She would take his hand and leave it all behind.

Specter is a man bathed in the blood of his enemy.

He is a man of Focus, Commitment and Sheer Will.

And he will not rest until he has Grace back in his arms.

Where she should be.

Grace and Specter interactions are rather physical, and by that, I mean physical contact.

This is due to having something of a reliance dependency bond on each other. Or symbiotic bond.

They are touch starved for each other. They need physical contact.

This is how their interactions usually are.

(Yes, I know it might seem to be hinting to something else. But somehow this is I imagine their relationship due to their hellish time at the facility)

Specter will often bury his face into her chest. Relaxing as Grace runs her fingers through his hair and whatever parts of his body she can reach.

Of course, there are some sexual contacts but most of the time it is merely physical. Relaxing in each other embrace.

(Like in the picture)

(Also, this pic is the reason I made this bio even though Tempest's bio for his OC Specter is perfect)

Wholesome, one can say.

They can stay like this for hours.

This also happens sometimes in public but (fully clothed by the way) neither Grace nor Specter cares.

Amanda Waller knows Grace is the missing RX-17 from Dr. Walker official and secret reports.

Of course, it wasn't instantly. She had to dig into what she knew from the reports and from Dr. Walker descriptions of her to be 100% sure.

Just because her name was Grace, and that she was adopted didn't automatically mean that she was one of the missing subjects from the facility.

Amanda Waller is different from other versions of her.

She is not as frozen hearted as she makes herself appear to be. And is willing to let Grace try to calm the enraged/vengeance filled Specter down.

While Grace does feel some sympathy to the families of the researchers and scientists from the facility, she cannot find it in herself to be so forgiving or sad towards the people who experimented on her and countless other kids.

Especially since they treated them nothing more than lab rats with the exception of Dr. Elijah Walker and maybe a few others.

Specter is territorial when it comes to Grace and has had to make his point multiple times to get it through certain Union students heads that Grace is his and is off limit.

Had Grace and Specter escaped together and had not been separated. Two things could have happened.

One: Specter would hunt down the people responsible for the hell they and their fellow test subjects went through with the exception of Dr. Elijah Walker. And probably also hunt down and kill villains, corrupted heroes, and scumbags.

Specter would be the assassin, while Grace would be the info broker.

Or two: Specter would have taken both himself and Grace to some far away remote location where no one would find them and live the rest of their lives in peace.

...Or as much peace as one can get because odds are they would be dragged back into a world of heroes and villains, Much to their displeasure (Specter) and unhappiness (Grace).

Specter is a tall boy and Grace is a short stack compared to him.

Specter: *Signs* Small ❤️❤️.

Grace: Tall 🥰!!

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