Grace Moon (Farming Life Variant)

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(Don't own any art besides my OC Grace Moon. All other art belongs to their respective creators. SAme with the video. It belongs to its respective creator)

(NovelAI was being a pain in the ass. Anyone know a good AI site?)

Grace Moon

Hair color: Brownish-red

Eye color: Gold

Species: Human

Skin color: Light tan

Sexuality: Bisexual

Hometown: Shion 

Love interests: Benjamin Taurus, Coco Adel, Yang Xiao-Long...

(How long can you go?)

(Damn it, Yang!)

Semblance: Nature/Plant Manipulation

Personality: A calm and patient individual. Can get easily flustered depending on certain circumstances.

Likes: Ben, Coco and her team, Yang, Oscar Pines (Is like a little brother to her), Cardin (He's a dork), teasing Velvet that she's a masochist, Mercury Black (they are cousins, but no one knows that because Mercury doesn't trust Cinder or the others), the kids Ben basically adopted, Sage. Stargazing.

Dislikes: Team RWB (She doesn't understand how Ruby could change from the bright, sweet girl that Yang described her before Beacon. Weiss and Blake are hypocrites. Advocating for change yet doing worse, especially with how they treat Ben).

Team JNPR: Jaune: She doesn't get why he has an attitude like that when his performance is subpar compared to the rest of his class. Also, she's a little annoyed that he is seriously blind to Pyrrha crush on him.

Nora: Doesn't get why she's acting like this.

Ren: she doesn't hate him but is annoyed that he is just there and doing nothing.

Pyrrha: She's actually neutral towards her but think she could do better. Or at the very least grow a backbone and bag that boy before something bad happens to either of them.

Sun and Neptune: Freaking playboys/Casanova wannabes that think they got game. They have flirted with her several times despite her saying that she is not interested in them.

Scarlet: She actually doesn't have an opinion about him because she doesn't know him that well.

Branwen Tribe: Because Raven band of idiots make raids on their town, and no one likes having their homes destroyed.

Salem: She feels sympathy for her but can't ignore the hell she's put everyone through.

Alternate versions of certain people she and the others know. She doesn't like staring at asshole versions of people she calls friends.

Grace also hates hypocrites, the SDC, extremists, power hungry people, arrogant people.


Grace was born and raised in Mistral before her parents decided to move to Shion when she was 10. Having enough of the city life.

It was a tough change of scenery from living in the city to living in a village/town like Shion. But thankfully the locals were helpful and got them used to their way of life.

It was there that Grace Semblance would make itself more known than it ever was in the city.

Her semblance is a mix of Plant/Nature Manipulation though it gravitated more towards plant manipulation. She can manipulate plants and can even create and shape them. Though only if they are multicellular organisms like wood, vines, plants, moss, fruits.

The Nature part comes from her ability to manipulate the natural energy of the world. But this is more limited to breathing life into a barren landscape and being able to determine whether or not the soil is poor.

Also to be able to heal and purify.

Grace semblance was a big boon to the village as it provided them with an easier method to plant and harvest their crops that same year. There had been a bit of a drought and the village had suffered from bad weather as well. So, her arrival was their saving grace (pun not intended).

Eventually, with enough practice. Grace was able to teach them how to locate the best areas to plant their crops, where the soil was good and where it was bad at the moment without the use of her semblance. They would only use her semblance only if it was an emergency.

Tragedy struck when she was 14. Her parents had gone to the city to visit family and bring back some stuff when the vehicle they were in was attacked by Grimm and exploded. It was a tough time but thankfully the villagers helped her and she was able to move past it.

She stayed with Oscar Pines and his aunt for a little while until she was able to get back up on her feet.

Some years pass by and then Shion is greeted with their newest resident.

Benjamin Taurus.

(He has horns like Adam Taurus)

A bull faunus with a lot of baggage but overall, a pretty cool guy. Oscar seemed to warm up to him quickly and the kid wasn't one to easily get used to someone that fast.

Grace was also a bit hesitant at first because of the anger that was simmering behind his eyes. She could tell that he had gone through a lot. Their interactions were limited not only because he was new and had an angry aura. But because he was also tall and had a strong presence that could make one weak at the knees. She warmed up eventually when his girlfriend.

 Coco Adel had visited the village of Shion with her team. The interaction she saw between them helped to remove any more hesitation she might have had.

Coco quickly warmed up to her and for some reason trapped her in a bear hug, much to the girl confusion.

Turns out, that while Benjamin wasn't aware of her inner turmoil about him. He had enjoyed talking with her according to Coco. Coco even jokingly said that Ben might need more than one girl to handle his love.

Grace face was so red that she accidentally grew tomatoes at a rapid pace and they were the reddest tomatoes that anyone has ever seen and will ever see.

Ben and the others said they were the tastiest tomatoes they have ever had.

It was also through these interactions that Grace learned more about Ben past. And about Beacon.

She was shocked to learn about what Ben went through in Beacon and couldn't believe that the students there bullied him just because he wasn't interested in becoming a Huntsman but instead, focusing on completing his education.

Her response to that?

"Do they really think that being a Huntsman is the most important job there is in the world?!"

Because NO. While they do have an important place in society, being a huntsman does not mean other problems are solved just like that.

Their jobs were to eradicate the Grimm and provide some protection. They weren't farmers or the like (unless they came from a family that did those professions), they weren't going to automatically produce food every time they slay a Grimm. 

Not to mention that society wasn't built around the Huntsmen. They required other things to stay alive and safe. Because after all, the Hunters can't be everywhere. 

Sometimes the local population has to defend themselves without fancy weapons and the likes.

She was glad though that not everyone was a jerk to him.

Yang Xiao-Long.

(She still has both arms, but I like this picture, so I put this one up)

Was one of them, despite her sister Ruby being a bully.

Her only flaw (that Grace could tell at the moment) is that she's a little to determine to find her deadbeat mom and force her to pay child support.


(Grace: TAEHO!! NO!!)

Junior Xiong Club was proof of that.

She just doesn't get why they would treat their fellow classmate like that.

She also noted that Ben seemed to have a look of pure anger whenever Blake Belladonna is mentioned. So, she doesn't poke too much into it.

Yang tells her anyways.

After Coco and her team visit, the dynamics between Grace and Ben seemed to have changed.

Ben has become a little bit...okay maybe a lot more, flirty with her. Apparently, Ben took his girlfriend words to heart and read between the lines that he could date her too.

Probably didn't help Grace case that Coco seemed interested in her too.

So, aside Ben now flirtatious nature with her. Not much has changed in Shion. Crops were good, people were living their lives merrily, idiots were getting kicked to the curve.

Oh, and Ben strange connection to the Grimm. That one was a weird one even for her. But she has noticed that Ben aura is different, more unique than others she has seen. It wasn't completely human.

She would not know how right she was later on.

Eventually, Ben wins her over and gets a second girlfriend.

Coco was happy though Grace felt that she had some nefarious, diabolical scheme in mind.

Why else would she be willingly to share her boyfriend with others? 

Then again, it might be that Ben is too much even for her to be able to handle. And by that Coco means that she would like to be able to walk normally more often.

While things seem to be going fine and dandy.

...She can sense that change was on the horizon.

And that Ben was the epicenter of it all.


(Was a little hesitant on making this variant as the book is on hiatus at the moment. But it is one of my favorite books from Tempest, so I made a variant anyways)

Grace is a year younger than Ben.

As mentioned before, Mercury Black and Grace Moon are cousins. Their moms were sisters.

She knows what he is doing and is concerned for him. But Mercury knows that these people are dangerous and if they ever find out that he is secretly betraying them they could go after her if they ever found out she was his cousin.

Ben likes making Grace flustered and all shy. Makes her look cuter than she already is.

Coco likes using Grace as her fashion model for some reason. Despite the fact that Grace has a generous figure.

Yang likes to make bull jokes to Grace.

"How does it feel riding the bull?"

"Or is the bull the one riding you?"

"Shut up, Yang!"

Ben loves to harvest his 'bounty'.

Aka Grace bountiful chest much to the girl major embarrassment.

This is how Ben managed to finally woo Grace into being one of his girls.

Complete with him coming in a giant box to her doorstop and putting on a hat and holding a cane as he danced his way into her heart and into her bedroom.

Thanks to Grace semblance, the locals of Shion have a healthy lifestyle balance with meat, vegetables and the like.

Thanks to the knowledge that flows through due to her semblance. She is able to locate the best areas for each farmer's land and help them grow the best crops and sell them.

Thanks to her powers, she has been able to teach both herself and the other farmers how to know where the soil is most fertile, when to plant their crops, how to treat poor soil, and many other things.

Even having several books written for the village to use.

This is because obviously Grace isn't going to be there forever, so they need to be prepared for either she leaves, or when she passes on.

Unless Ben secret parentage turns him immortal and turns all of them immortal because he is not losing his girls. Then it's a different story.

Also, so that no one starts digging too deep into why this particular has good harvests. Especially companies that would love to make a profit out of such a useful ability.

Ben once gave her a skintight outfit because of the design. 

Grace was blushing up a storm.


That's why!

"My little plant goddess."

Ben called her after managing to convince her to wear it.


Grace was blushing up a storm and was just glad that she only had to wear it in the house or in a private location.

It showed off her body quite nicely. 

She would die of embarrassment if she wore it in the village!

Ben knows Grace watches him work on the land when she comes to visit him. So, he shows off and does work out in-between his work and breaks and gives her quite a show.

He knows she has a kink for him working under the sun, drenched in sweat and his damp clothes sticking to him.

The kids that adopted Ben as their dad sees her as their mom.

Grace loves stargazing with everyone.

For obvious reasons, Grace is not too fond of certain people in Beacon.

She has commented that one time she was in Haven and Lionheart aura felt off.

She is surprised that Ironwood is not as stuck up as people say he is.

Also surprised at seeing Glynda Goodwitch acting motherly towards Ben despite her reputation as being a strict teacher.

Knows that Ozpin soul much older than it appears to be.

Ben likes to leave his mark on his girls.

Ben likes to take Grace in the shower, with or without clothes on.

Coco and Yang like to play with Grace hair because of how long and soft it feels.

Grace created a secret oasis that Ben likes to frequent often for some 'privacy' time with Grace and his girls when they visit.

One time Ben messed around with his magic and aged himself up to see what he would look like in the future.

(With horns obviously)

And overrizzed his girls and did some naughty roleplay fantasies in the bedroom with them before the spell wore off.

Ben loves cuddling with his girls.

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