Grace Moon (The First Son of Omni-Man Variant)

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(Second pic is basically for her backyard and pond, and crystals)

Grace Moon

Hair color: Brownish-red

Eye color: Gold

Species: Human

Race: White/Hispanic

Skin color: Light tan

Personality: Calm, playful, mischievous, mysterious individual. Can be quite sassy and witty at times and is not easily scared or intimidated. Teasing. 

Likes: Her shop, her friends, the Vanguardians, Ben, her cute little shop assistants, her adorable little 'pork buns'.

Dislikes: The idiots of Union (as she likes to call the bullies/perverts/delusional fools), Vought, Homelander and a majority of the Seven (Queen Maeve and Starlight are some of the few she genuinely likes), Omni-Man (She has a little bit of history with him, shall we say), Thragg, certain individuals.

Loves: Sake.

Love interest: ???


Will she ever truly let anyone in her heart of hearts?

Will anyone be able to pierce though her secrets and see her true self?

Powers: Magic. Well versed in many fields of magic like elemental, energy, arcane, western and eastern mixture of magic, dreamwalking, nature, enhancement, Mistress of the Mystic Arts. Time and Space. Wish granting. Dimension traveling, spiritual energy, can turn people into Gods if the price is able to be paid. Though what this means to transform people into Gods is unknown as this is rarely paid. Precognition.

Title: Witch. Wish-Granter. Witch of Dimensions. The Space-Time Witch. The Dimensional Witch.

Alias: Ichihara Yuuko. Sorceress


Not much is known about Grace past. A rather mysterious, alluring individual, she is an incredibly powerful Sorceress that has eluded detection for a rather long time.

It is unknown of her origins or where she comes from, but she has stated that she was born in the U.S.

Despite being around the same age as the Vanguardians and Ben. She has a more refined aura around her giving off the vibe that she is not as young as she looks.

Grace is in a rather peculiar line of business that has many conflicted and heroes rather annoyed at.

Her shop, which doubles as her house, is only accessible to those who have a wish they want granted.

But this is not Disney Aladdin or Dragon Ball where you just state your wish, and it comes true. No, Grace method of granting wish comes with a cost. in order to fulfill your wish, you must pay a price that is equal to the severity of your wish.

No more, no less.

Failure to pay the price demanded of their wish can leave the wisher in great harm from a karmic disaster.

And despite Grace tremendous power not even she can interfere when retribution is upon them.

What is interesting to note is that Grace method of wish granting usually comes in the form of the one who is wanting their wish granted own actions.

Often times, their wishes of most people who come to her shop can only be granted once the person solves the reason of wanting a wish granted through their own realization and resolution to change themselves.

Many heroes have called her a heretic and a witch (that part is true though so not really an insult) and condemned especially by the likes of Homelander and Vought.

But Grace gives little care for what they think especially since some of them have wishes they want fulfilled since they can enter her shop. Much to their embarrassment.

Union has tried to extend an offer for her to join their school. But she just laughed at their pathetic attempt to grab power.

She is assisted by her shop assistants that she created:

Marudashi/Maru. A blue eyed girl with curly blue hair that she ties into pigtails. 

And Morodashi/Moro. A pink eyed girl, with pink hair that has two curls to the side of her head.

They are basically greeters to visitors that come into the shop.

She has two 'pork buns' known as Mokona Modoki.

Two rabbit like creations of Grace and an unknown individual.

Black Mokona is called Larg. While the White Mokona name is Soel.

She has a friend she visits often. Her friend is simply called Obaa-Chan. A fortuneteller who can see a person future.

Grace is extremely powerful and very dangerous when actually serious.

Something that Omni-Man seems to know as when Ben finally found him and fought in a epic battle to kill him. Their fight basically destroyed much of the West Coast and also in California where Grace had been living.

She was not too happy about that, especially when it was her backyard that was destroyed.


Yeah...suffice it to say, she wasn't happy.

Ben didn't really say much about that, not really caring. But did give her a quick look over noticing her lovely and generous figure.

Especially since she was wearing a tight outfit that day.

Well, she wasn't expecting guests to suddenly crash land into her house since she was being lazy and took a day off. So, she wasn't expecting any to see her in a skintight one piece swimsuit.

Nolan on the other hand.

"Let's talk about this!"

Was trying to appease her which confused Ben a lot.

Why was his father scared of a mere human?

He got his answer.

After Grace gave them the beating of a lifetime, she healed them back to the state they were in before their little crash landing and teleported them somewhere else.


Grace shook her head as she looked at her spilled Sake.

"Always have to use their brawns!"

Ben did seek her out after that, but since at that point in time. He didn't really feel much besides his burning rage towards his father and the Viltrumite Empire so he didn't have a wish and thus couldn't find her or enter her shop.

After all, only those that have a wish that needs to be granted, or are supernatural like ghosts, can see and enter her house.

Otherwise, it looks normal to most people.

The only reason he was able to see it, the first time was because their fighting had sent them hurtling into her home.

Eventually, Ben finally catches a break during his crusade and irritation of having to deal with Union and the idiots. And accidentally ran into her on a run.

Despite his cold personality, Ben could not help but feel unnerved by the look in Grace eyes. Like she could see right through him and could see everything that made him, him.

His past, his present, his future. It was like she could see them all.

Grace knows who Ben is and knows what happened to him. Ben arrival to Earth was not a coincidence though he would not know that.

Ben scoffed when Grace asks him what his wish was.

"I can fulfill my own wish."

He had confidently said.

Grace said nothing but held an all knowing smirk that annoyed him.


He asked.

Grace just laughs heartedly and said.

"Oh, nothing."

She said.

Grace keeps an eye on Ben, knowing that his mental state is unstable despite what he may think.

It is surprising to some that could be considered closest to her how worried she seems to be about him.

To many people, Grace is a charismatic individual with an aura of wisdom and a carefree nature.

But to those that know her, especially the Vanguardians, they are able to see things that others can't.

Emily (female Ethan Kalder) can be considered to be the closest one to her surprisingly and has noted that despite her extrovert energy and personality.

She is actually quite closed off and distant with people.

Though many would not have noticed, but Emily and the Vanguardians did. 

They could see it in the way she move, how she spoke to people, even her personality told everything about her.

She kept people at a distance for some reason.

And that bothered them more than they would really like to admit.

Her immature and teasing persona was just a front for people to not dig deeper.

Helena (female Henry Lazarus) did try to get her to open up since they were both practitioners of magic. But it didn't really give her the results she and the others were hoping for.

Jasmine (female Joshua Santiago) suggested that they don't try to pry to far. Otherwise they risk losing their friendship with Grace.

All of them agreed.

After a conversation between Ben and Grace with Ben walking off and Grace resting on a tree. She started talking about destiny and strings of fate that were tied to him.

She noted her own string of fate was bound to him as well. And like with the Vanguardians, it was extremely strong.

Like the Vanguardians fates with Ben, her own fate was heavily intertwined with him.

But for some reason, she expressed sadness in both her eyes and tone about how even she was bounded to him. And her fate will be forever changed as well.

Unknown to her, despite Ben being a good distance away his enhanced hearing heard everything she said.

He swore he would not his new loved ones and new family members die. Vowing to protect them with his last breath.

But could not help but wonder why she sounded so sad at that?

One answer was that she did not want to be tied down by anyone since she's a free spirit. But Ben knew that wasn't the case.

And not for the first time, the question that returning and repeating in his mind once again returned.

Who was Grace Moon?

An answer that not even the Vanguardians could answer.

Grace was an enigmatic figure that was there to help and guide. Even joining the battle if need be.

And the battle was far from over.

For any of them.

After all, when one threat is vanquished...

A new threat will emerge


Grace is basically Ichihara Yuuko from xxxHolic and Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles. Just not the whole tragic backstory that literally caused the entire dimensions to almost collapse be destroyed.

She was once offered to be the Sorcerer Supreme, but she declined it.

Though hasn't stopped the Vishanti from trying even though Vick Supreme is quite good at being the Sorcerer Supreme.

The Vanguardians are all female in First Son of Omni-Man Ben variant world.

Grace had foreseen the destruction of Remnant but was unable to act due to her Sphere of Interference which made it difficult for her to act.

The most she could do was direct Ben path to eventually him arriving on Earth.

Grace has stated on multiple occasions that her powers could be more of a curse than a blessing.

Her inability to act when Omni-Man and the Viltrum Empire destroyed Remnant is an example of this as she saw it in the future but was unable to do anything about it.

A friend of hers stated their ability to see the future quite well.

"Those of us who can see the future are quite limited on what we can really do."

To many, seeing the future is an honor. To those that bear that heavy burden, it is more of a curse because the future is always in motion and one major attempt at changing it leads to a path that could good or bad.

Ben: "Knowledge but the inability to speak. What right do I have to yell at you for suffering a greater burden than I could never hope to know?"

Ben when he learns of the truth from Grace about how she knew the destruction of Remnant was going to happen but did nothing to try to avert it.

Ben: "Even knowing all, being forbidden to tell. Wanting to act so very much, to help, to rescue, but it is impossible. I know not a greater condition that is more painful than that. To have to carry the weight of knowing that you have the power to act..."

"...But can't do anything."

Ben: "It's ironic. Even with all our powers we still tend to fall short of saving those we care for."


Grace said.


Ben grabs her face and looks at her straight in the eye.

Ben: "I know that I'm the last one to talk about emotions and admitting that I'm not fine. But if nothing else, you can lean on me, and I will help and protect you from your inner demons."


Grace: "I see now why the girls have fallen for you. You really are a big goofball and total sap."

She teasingly chuckled at him.

Grace might have an exuberant personality but it is nothing more than a front for people.

Though some have been able to realize that.

Grace tends to wear a yukata at home which somehow covers her body and chest quite well much to people disbelief.


"Witchcraft might be a better term."

Ben: Same thing!

She does tend to wear a different outfit whenever she goes out. She catches eyes because of her classy, elegant, and stylish outfits. Complete with accessories that matches and brings out more of its energy.

She has no patience when it comes to certain people like Issei, Bakugou, Homelander, Soldier Boy, Mineta, and certain headmasters at Union.

She doesn't conceal her dislike of them.

Especially Hyoudou since he keeps demanding she join his harem.

She would rather sleep with Omni-Man than him.

Speaking of Omni-Man.

They had actually met once.

Grace instantly told him that his conquest for Earth for the glory of the Viltrum Empire was doomed to fail.

Omni-Man was startled because she knew who he was and tried to silence her.

Turns out her brand of magic was very effective against Omni-Man and he grew a fear of her.

Which is why he tried to calm her down when he and Ben landed in her garden.

Which obviously didn't work as Grace literally beat them into a pulp.

Grace quotes.

(Most of these are found on Pinterest from screenshots of Yuuko quotes)

"There's no such thing as a coincidence in this world, what does exist is only the inevitable, Hitsuzen."

"The a very small place, but...for those who know it, it is very, very large."

"There is no such thing in this world as coincidence, there is but that which is fated to be."

"For everything you wish, you have to pay an equal price in return."

"No more, no less. Otherwise, you risk upsetting the balance and causing chaos."

"Learn to make your own decisions instead of relying on others to make them for you. Otherwise, those decisions will never really be made."

"Good and bad are human concepts, so something that is not human cannot classified as neither good nor bad."

"Only you can choose to change yourself."

"Words are very powerful. That's why you have to watch everything that comes out of your mouth."

"Instead of regretting what we cannot do, it's better to do what once can."

"If you give someone your name, they can take your soul. If you give them your birthday, they can take control of your life."

"Try to be careful."

"Everything that happens, happens for a reason."

"Truly this world and the universe is quite a mysterious and interesting place."

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