Grace Moon (Transformers Variant)

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Name: Grace Moon (human name she chose to blend in with the inhabitants of Earth). Optima Prime (Female Optimus Prime/Grace Moon). Orion Pax (When she was still a data clerk back on Cybertron. Couldn't find a good female substitute for Orion)


Human form: brown-red hair with golden eyes and a tan complexion...with a lovely bust to boost.

The necklace she wears is a gift that Ben (Megatron) made for her.

(First one is her armor and how she looks in her Cybertronian form. Second one is for the chest plate that is on her armor in the first place)

(It's not practical to leave the chest area exposed. But NovelAI was once again being a pain and I couldn't put into one pic)

Autobot form: Blue hair with blue eyes and red and blue armor...and a chest plate to cover her generous bust.

(Doesn't stop Ben (Megatron) from commenting on her lovely figure)

Casual wear as Grace/Optima Prime: 

Ben (Megatron): Come to papa!

Grace (Optima Prime): O///O!!

Affliation: Autobots, Cybertron, Earth.

Allies: Cybertron, Justice League, Avengers, Vanguardians. But most likely not Union, Atlas, and Vought that's for sure.

Enemies: Megatron, Decepticons, Unicron, most likely Union. 'Heroes', Vought.

Status: Leader of the Autobots.

Nicknames: Sexy (by Ben (Megatron), mom (by Bumblebee and other younger transformers), Boss (by some of her subordinates), that chick with a space gun (Tony Stark), scary boss lady. My 'little' Prime (Ben (Megatron)).

Oh, and a personal favorite of a certain somebody.

Wife (Ben (Megatron))

More on that in the bio.

Likes: Her friends, her home, the Autobots, the humans, the minicons. Peace, stargazing, updating the archives. Reading. Ben (on occasions but she can't get rid of him. She's stuck with him...for life)

Dislikes: Union, Vought, villains, murderers, monsters, killers, people with no morals.

Personality: Calm, serious, wise. Charismatic, honest, unflinching and understanding. Can be a bit harsh when her subordinates go overboard and put themselves in harms way.

Ben (Megatron) is the only one who can bring out Grace (Optimus Prime) softer side.

Powers: Transformation, powerlinking, combining, flight, space bridge capabilities, possesses the Matrix of Leadership. Can shoot lasers from her eyes. Cyber Key. Skilled in hand to hand combat and in melee weapons.


Eons ago, on the planet of Cybertron. There was a femme bot known as Orion Pax. She was an archivist in the city of Iacon, where she spent her days helping to preserve the history and culture of Cybertron. A task that while tedious at some points, was ultimately fulfilling as she learned many new things about their world.

It was during this time that she would eventually meet her future friend and eventually rival.

(Ben (Megatron))


Or just Megatron.

Formerly a miner who worked in the mines of Koan. His first 'name' was D-16 taken from the sector of the mine he worked at. During the time the Quintesson occupied Cybertron in the Age of Wrath.

A mysterious race with ties to the Transformers. They rule their empire from the alien home planet Quintessa. Through use of manipulation, subterfuge, trickery, facades, fake benevolence. The Quintessons posed as benevolent beings aiding Cybertron in a time of rebuilding after several wars had ravaged the planet.

Eventually it is discovered of their true intentions and Sentinel Zeta Prime, along with a group of Cybertronians forced the Quintessons to retreat back to Quintessa.

But that would not be the last time they saw that alien race.

Over the years, the Quintessons would try countless times to conquer Cybertron and to kill the Autobot and Decepticon Factions.

But that's a story for another time.

So, The Age of Wrath brought on by the Quintessons was over and Cybertron Golden Age began.

Though, despite the name, there will still problem.

The Caste Systems for one, favoring one group over the other and oppressing those like Megatron, miners, who worked in their mines for Energon and resources.

It was around this time that D-16 would become fascinated and enamored by the violent duels he would witness between his fellow miners.

Near the end of the first Golden Age, D-16 would enter the Gladiator Arena of Koan. Taking on the name "Megatronus", the name of the Fallen Prime as a suitable moniker after hearing old stories about the Thirteen Primes.

He would make a name for himself in the arena as he quickly rose through the ranks and became an incredibly popular gladiator.

Eventually he would shorten his name to Megatron once he chooses to become a political revolutionary calling to put an end the Caste system and reforming Cybertron corrupt governing body.

Amazing how much alike and similar alien civilization is to Earth.

It was during this time while Megatron was fighting in the arena that Orion caught wind of a bot using the name of one of the Thirteen. Especially the Fallen Prime. Intrigued she would eventually meet Megatron.

And the two would hit it off there.

Orion was not sure if that was the best or worst decision in her life.



Because while Megatron was a handsome, badass gladiator. He was also a royal pain in the aft when Orion was working.

Orion (Grace): "You're going to pay for that wall, Megatron!"

The two were so different in personalities and occupations yet complimented each other so well.

Soon, their friendship become more with Megatron courting her. And Orion going to actually see his matches.

Usually ends up with her having to bring him to Ratchet to get any injuries he might obtained, patched up.

Ratchet does respect Megatron but is honestly unsure if Orion was sane for dating the battle crazed Gladiator/revolutionary. And is tired of the gladiator bot mucking up his infirmary with his energon. Basically the Transformers version of blood. Their life force.

So, you can imagine that if Ratchet sees Megatron in his means that Orion forcibly brought him there to get his wounds checked.

Ratchet: "Why can't you guys visit me without it being an emergency!?"

Orion/Grace: Sorry!

Megatron/Ben: Hmm...

While Megatron likes Orion depending on him for protection. He knows that it's best if Orion learned self defense as he knew that there were those that hated him for not throwing fights or being bribed.

The two for some reason have another name they used in the privacy of their own home.

Megatron: "Grace."

Orion: "Ben."

The names were unexpected and did not make much sense to them. But it felt right.

Eventually they perform a Conjunx Endura (basically their version of marriage) and are bonded.

A bonded pair is also referred to as Junxies as an affectionate nickname.

Conjunx Endura is also known as 'Sparkmates'.

Which makes it easier for those who can't say Conjunx Endura.

But sadly, things changed.

Megatron became more and more aggressive in his movement against the government and began changing. His power changing how he thought Cybertron should be ruled and eventually coveted bringing the entire universe to his rule.

It is possible that his time as a miner and as a gladiator warped his mindset from trying to bring an end to an old failing system. To ruling through power and domination.

It wasn't that much of a surprise though to those that knew him.

Ratchet: "Megatron might have been a miner, warrior, and gladiator. But he was also incredibly intelligent and understood well just how the old system and the castes were unfair to those unlucky enough to be cast into bottom of the totem pole."

Orion/Grace: "He pointed out flaws in the systems and in our own security programs and what not."

Eventually Megatron would founded the Decepticon Faction (which was his movement against the governing bodies) and wage war against the Autobots.

Igniting the Great War (AKA the Third Cybertronian War) that would last for eons.

It was around this time that Orion would soon be approached by the High Council of Cybertron to become the new leader of the Autobots.

Orion initially rejected this at first. How could she fight against Megatron? Her sparkmate?

"You're the only one who stands a chance and stop him."

One of the High Council members said.

"I can't."

She said and she left after that.

But eventually her conscious would convince her to take action as her sparkmate became more and more aggressive in his hostile takeover of Cybertron.

The Autobots were losing and there was only one person who could stop him.


"I'll do it."

Orion told the High Council after she called them for a meeting.

"I will take on the mantle of leader of the Autobots."

"Then from this day now, you shall be known as: Optimus Prime."

And soon, she would join the war. Leading the Autobots, with Ratchet by her side, to victory as they slowly repelled Megatron forces.

Which was a relief to many because Megatron and his Decepticons already had control over 85% of Cybertron.

And Optimus Prime would eventually get Megatron attention, and the Decepticon Warlord would finally meet the Autobot that has been causing his forces so much trouble.


Optimus Prime glowered at him.


Megatron gave her a glare.


"How did?!"

"You really think I'm not going to recognize my own sparkmate?"

Megatron deadpanned.

"I recognize that sexy, breedable body anywhere."


"You slagger!"

Grace blushed.

"What's wrong, Grace?"

Ben had a cocky look on his face.

"Ready to surrender and be 'punished'?"

"After all, the price for betrayal is high."


"Megatron." Optimus Prime growled. "I stand before you, not as your sparkmate. But as leader of the Autobots and I will stop you before you destroy all of Cybertron!"

"I am Optimus Prime!" She declared. "Leader of the Autobots!"

"Very well, Optima." Megatron red eyes glared at her blue eyes. "I guess I'll just have to teach you a lesson in loyalty!"

"As Megatron! Leader of the Decepticons!"

And so began the first of many, MANY battles between Optima Prime and Megatron.

The classic good versus evil but with marital status thrown in the mix.

Eh, whatever.

Still better than the marital feud between Ozpin and Salem.

At least Ben and Grace have a far better reason for trying to kill each other.

This war would continue for eons. Neither side budging an inch as the battle for not only Cybertron. But for the universe hanged in the balance as the two sides tried to defeat the other side.

Megatron, besides trying to conquer Cybertron and amass more power, spent a good majority of the war trying to capture his wayward sparkmate and bring her to his side. 

Safe and sound, where she belongs.

Optima sheer willpower was a testament to her strength whenever Megatron captured her and interfaced with her, willingly. Megatron was not all that gone despite his cruelty, brutality, and merciless nature now.

But alas, despite the out of this world sex, Optima did not break or submit.

Which made Megatron hornier because his wife was so sexy when she's defiant.

Eventually, the war would expand from Cybertron and embroil the universe into their civil war.

There were times when neither side could get an edge and it seems like peace could actually be obtained because of lack of motivation or that they were constantly at a standstill.

But of course, something would eventually happen that would propel Cybertron back into civil war and unrest.

All thanks to him.


The Chaos-Bringer, The Planet Eater, Primus brother and opposite and enemy. The Dark God that seeks to destroy all life in the universe.

And he used the war between the Transformers as fuel for his return and supplied many forms of power to keep the war going.

One of the many methods were Dark Energon, his blood and a source of power. Which was released after his first battle with Thirteen original Transformers.

He secretly brought it existence into life and Megatron eventually consume some to further enhance his own powers.

But Dark Energon has a cost.

It makes the Transformers more powerful. But can cause insanity and an addiction for more. Which can kill the user if they don't satisfy the requirement. Turning them into rabid beasts.

No wonder Dark Energon is called a drug.

Which is why Megatron only consumed a little and just that small amount alone was enough to cause him to go berserk. But thankfully, his strong will made it possible for him to resist its' tempting allure.

...For now.

When the war threatened to end, Unicron introduced a new form of power.

In the form of tiny transformers known as the Mini-Cons.

That was when the war escalated to such a level that the Optima and the others had send the Mini-Cons far away from Cybertron due to their ability to greatly power up a Transformer.

And so the Mini-Cons fled on the Exodus were they unintentionally crash landed on Earth Moon and the Minicons were scattered all across Earth in their dormant state. Where they would rest in their dormant states until Rad White, Carlos Lopez, and Alexis Thi Dang would unintentionally awaken them and bring the fight to Earth.

But that wasn't the only thing that Earth had to worry about.

Earth also possessed Energon and once that was known Megatron had his forces dig up Energon while he and his fellow Decepticons fought against Optima and the Autobots.

Note: In this timeline there are more Autobots and Decepticons then there were in Armada or the rest of the Unicron Trilogy.

Also, sometime after the Minicons left Cybertron. The AllSpark was ejected from Cybertron to keep out of Megatron hands.

Of course, another keynote about this Earth is the existence of superheroes and villains. And Union and the like. Like Atlas and powered society. Justice League and Avengers, those that wouldn't be until later.

It was a delicate alliance they had due to the reluctance of the Autobots to bring them into their war because of how easily killable they are. But some alliance was reached...though some of the heroes of that time would still try to fight and ended up dying due to their powers not even tickling them.

Only a few were able to cause some kind of damage.

Then Unicron would reveal himself after finally gathering enough hate to revive himself. But would end up being defeated and forced back into his inactivated state after losing his source of power.

And then almost make a comeback as Megatron now Galvatron and Optima Prime fight once more. To end their feud while Galvatron taunted his sparkmate that she has always hated him due to what Unicron had said when they confronted him. About him feeding off their hate the most to power fuel himself.

Realizing what continuing this fight had done, Galvatron sacrificed himself leaving a heartbroken Optima to mourn the loss of her sparkmate.

For a time, she took on her human form and just called herself Grace Moon and tried to retire. But eventually returned to being Optima Prime after answering the call once more and having to deal with Ben...again.

The events of Energon and Cybertron would also happen with certain adjustments and Grace would have to suffer the loss of killing Ben herself to end the war once and for all.

But Ben is nothing if not tenacious. He came back (Oh, look. William Afton Transformer version) once more and the war resumed again with Cybertron as the battlefield once more. Megatron vs. Optima. Ratchet about to get drunk on high grade Energon because he's now sure this was never going to end between the two.

And then the events of Transformers Prime would happen with Megatron almost winning when Optima lost her memories as Optima Prime and was Orion Pax again.

But thanks to the Autobots, she regained her memories as Optima Prime again.

But as it turns out, that wasn't the only thing she regained.

She started getting memories that were NOT memories of Cybertron. They were memories of her human form? And Megatron's human form as well?

She didn't have time to think about it due to her husband going power crazy after juicing himself up on Dark Energon.

Eventually it all culminated to Unicron return. He had used Megatron experimenting with Dark Energon as a means to come back. Albeit in a smaller and weaker form.

Here the events of Unicron defeat were also different since he managed to get a body.

It took the combined might of the Decepticons and Autobots to fight against Unicron and his legion of the Undead.

And then...

It was Optima and Megatron against Unicron.

Unicron might have had a more vulnerable form. But he was still almighty and omnipotent. It was a long and grueling battle between the three.

In the end, Megatron realized there was one way to destroy his physical form. He would have to sacrifice himself.

Giving his sparkamate one last passionate kiss, Megatron incapacitated her and fought against Unicron himself with certain items of power in hand.

Optima watched with horror as the gladiator turned Decepticon Warlord fought Unicron with equal brutality and power. While Unicron was infinitely more pwoerful, Megatron was resiliant and determined.

And with a final blow.


Unicron exploded killing Megatron and vaporizing his body. But before Unicron could anything, Optima and the Autobots captured his dark essence and sealed him away.

Optima mourned for the loss of her sparkmate once more. But this time...she could tell he was not coming back.

And for a time went back to being Grace Moon.

The more she spent her time in her human form. The more the memories came back and she realized something important.

She was a reincarnation. She was once human from another life! Quite possibly another universe as well.

Sighing, she realized that the same had to be said for her husband, Megatron.


That's what he had called himself in private when it was just the two of them.

Grace sighed as she mourned the loss of her dear sexy gladiator, warlord of a husband.

But little did she know...

That this was not the end for Megatron.

He would be reborn in another universe where certain events played out the same. But a key difference here was that Optimus Prime was a Mech bot and the two were like brothers.

Events would happen and Megatron would remember his past life both as a human and as Megatron from another universe where he was married to Optima Prime.

Optimus Prime female self.

'That was unexpected.'

He thought to himself.

After certain events he would leave in a self-imposed exile before a certain event happens and Megatron, now Ben, would reunite with his wife. Optima, now Grace.

Let's see what happens next.

...Hopefully Union doesn't piss him off that badly.


This will be updated on a later basis once Tempest uploads his Ben (Megatron) Bio so that I can make it compatible to the information he will put in.

Aside from their robot and vehicle modes. The Transformers also have a human form thanks to the Allspark and Primus.

Optima Prime was once a human in a previous life.

Grace Moon.

Who was an S - Rank Valkyrie from the Honkai Impact verse.

Grace possesses many of Optimus Prime incarnations powers just as Ben possesses many of Megatron/Galvatron incarnations powers.

Starscream is more like his Armada version. An honorable warrior, not a coward like most of his incarnations are. What he looks like is up to you. He can look like his Armada incarnation or any other incarnation. They just have Armada Starscream personality.

Bumblebee is the Transformers Animated version.

This Transformers timeline is a mixture of various Transformers media from the TV shows to the video games to the comics.

Grace and Ben are still married. Even after dying several times.

Ben is possessive of Grace due to his personality changing because of Dark Energon and other factors.

He's intent on getting some sparklings out of her.

Loves it when she wears skintight outfits and fitting armor.

More to add after Tempest publishes Ben (Megatron) bio.

"At the end of this day, one shall stand, one shall fall!"

Grace (Optimus Prime) to Ben (Megatron)

(When people are shocked to learn that Grace was a Data Clerk/Archivist back on Cybertron)

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