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Name: Astell Solstice

Nickname/Stage name: Star

Age: appears 18

Gender: female

Species: demon(royal/member of extinct clan)

Appearance: media

Voice: Haley Williams, lead singer of Paramore

Personality: mischievous, caring, loyal, protective, curious, intelligent for her species

Hobbies: training, singing, pranking her older brother

Likes: music, nature, hot chocolate, Nutella crepes

Dislikes: fake/annoying/stuck up people, being underestimated, anyone who hurts her family

Strengths: speed, flexibility

Weaknesses: stubbornness, her ignorance and innocence, recklessness

Illnesses or wounds: insomnia(usually causes her to take naps a lot)

Powers: teleportation, shapeshifting, soul eating
-> her teleportation ability allows her to teleport as she pleases. But it's only limited to the planet/dimension she is in. In order for her to cross into different dimensions she must open a "portal" to that dimension.

-> her shapeshifting ability will allow her to shapeshifting into any animal she desires and gain their abilities for as long as she stays within that form. She can shift sections of her body as well as her entire bodily structure.

-> her soul eating ability allows her to absorb/"eat" the souls of anyone she chooses. By doing so she doesn't only add the remaining years of said victims life to her own life span; but she also gains any abilities the victim had. However, any new abilities She obtains are "watered down". In other words her new powers will not be as strong as they were with their original owner.

Other: sometimes wears glasses, has two lip piercings, two tattoos, Has a demon form and a human form

Father - Azriel Ravenger
Mother - Kura Solstice
Older (half) brother - Baki Ravenger
Younger brother - Aven Soltice

(Their appearances)

Raised to be the next ruler of Echo(the demon realm), Astell has learned to be a powerful warrior princess by her father, Ka Azriel and her older brother Baki. Thanks to her mother she has also learned to be merciful and kind, much like the angels of Halo.

Her people were practically wiped via genocide by the earth military, how they managed to enter the demon realm still unknown.

Current life:
Astell now currently lives on Earth with her baby brother Aven. She's a upcoming singer/performer by the name of Star,  a nickname her late mother gave her as a child. Her chosen genre typically takes after the k-pop genre of earth, although she lives and usually performs in the U.S. Shes currently getting signed on to a new, all girl group that also takes after the k-pop genre. The group is called Melody, the original four members being Ara, Zoe(pronounced Zo), Quartzel, and Mana. The four girls are part of an alien race called Minarians.

Since she and her brother are still in hiding from the human military, they are constantly watching their backs and are mostly in their human form in order to keep their cover. Only a few know of their true race and forms.

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