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(Sorry that's the newest drawing of it I can find, imma make a new one soon)

Item number: SCP-A509
Class: Keter
Containment: SCP-A509 must be contained in a large pitch black room, chained to all walls and muzzled. Only allowed interaction when it is fed.
Gender: unknown
Age: unknown
Personality: tends to act shy/innocent when during first hour or so of interaction. If personnel had not vacated the containment zone within the given time frame, A509 will kill on sight. A509 is highly intelligent and curious for an animal based entity, do not give it any information of value.

It tends to speak in an unknown language, perhaps a language of its own. The language is indecipherable as of now. Researchers are continuing to look into a way to decipher its speech patterns.

Can be calmed by playing nature noises through the internal speakers such as rain or a waterfall.

Location of discovery: SCP-A509 was found within the suicide forest of Japan. Believed to be the reason why those who entered the forest never came back out.

Physical description: A509 is half the size of a two story house. It had dark, charcoal grey fur and wears a dragon like skull over its face. Upon attempt at removal, A509 became agitated and malicious. It has a skeleton like paws with three claws on each paw along with a tufted tail. The rift on its tail and its mane are turquoise in color while the pinprick like eyes are pure white. However the eyes will turn crimson when it is agitated or about to kill.

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