J & F

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So one is kind of RP specific, but here ya go

James: Brown, long hair that could easily hide the top half of his face if he let it fall, about 5'1. He's typically wearing either something really casual like a hoodie, jeans, and some T Shirt, or he's wearing his uniform for his job at [insert literally any grocery store]. He's usually more of an observer, keeping his eyes open and mouth shut, watching people and what they do. However, he's also really shy, so if anyone notices he looks away, and sometimes will even go completely out of his way to avoid them. However, with friends, he's more open and smiley, making jokes often though he's still pretty quiet. James lives in a small apartment that's fairly shitty and small by itself, not to mention that he's really messy, so the floor is littered in trash and what not. At home, most if not all of his time is devoted either to writing down his thoughts on the computer or reading a book, either of which sometimes have music going on in the background. James is the kind of person that, if there's a problem, he'll try to deal with it slowly, covertly, and subtly. Oh, and he's aromantic, and tends to turn to prostitutes when he's feeling depressed since he's not at all asexual, but that proooooooobably won't need to be included in RP, since he keeps his secrets to himself. He also has a friend at the grocery store named Mags, who's basically his only friend. He doesn't seem to realize that she's totally in love with him, so if he starts spending all of his time with someone else or not showing up to work to spend time with someone, she'll probably start getting jealous and a little pissed, which will lead James to become depressed since she's his only other regular human contact. And I forgot to mention earlier, James wants to go to college for psychology but has not the money.

Finn: So, this boi is the RP specific one. The character the other person ( -John_H_Watson- ) is playing, Reiko, managed to mix together the elements in such a way so as to create synthetic life, the imbalance of said elements leading it to have unnatural ice-related abilities. When freed, the creature went off to find a host, and since it directly taps into emotions and takes over the heart and mind, it has to host someone in emotional turmoil, and James just happened to be in turmoil. So, the creature jumped into James, and began working on figuring out how to human. For the first little while, whenever the creature takes over, it will be in private, and James will seem insane. For example, the first time the creature took over in our RP, he was alone in the jungle, and proceeded to eat a lizard raw, talk to himself about some odd shit, and generally be weird if not crazy. But after a couple of times, the creature gets its shit together and formulates an upbeat, happy, boisterous, but still intelligent personality, becoming a charming teaser. Before long it'll decide that it wishes to be named Finn. Finn is interested in weapons and the military, often asking to be taught how various weapons work. He's a fast learner, and has almost superhuman stamina, not mentioning the fact that he can summon ice via directing a portion his naturally low temperature (yes, the host's body cools off to below freezing, not to mention their eyes go blue and their skin frosts over, as does the floor around them) to a certain point that he wants it, causing water molecules in the air to freeze up. The only problem is that if he decides that someone whom his host is close to is an alpha asshole, or he just decides he doesn't like the human race, he'll use everything he's learned to, preferably subtly, work towards getting his hands on the strongest militial weapons he can, whether that includes stealing, swindling, murder, or anything else. From there he'll attempt world take over. But otherwise, he's a great guy.

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