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i; william and his friends, november, seven in the evening, boys' dorm.


"Can you just like– be fucking normal? You're so stupid sometimes it pains me physically Wils." Dandelion said, rolling her eyes for a million time today. In her lap was her physical copy of The song of Achilles, and this was her sixth reread this month. How she could read and read and read a book over and over again, he couldn't understand that. But he knew after finished that book, Dandelion would have a smudged mascara on her face because she cried too much.

"Ta for the compliment, Dand." William grinned, took another drag from his cigarette. Charlotte was resting her head on his shoulder, without a word she reached over and steal his fag, put it between her lips instead. Now the cigarette was stained by her lipstick, but William didn't care much. He wondered how it would feel like, having Charlotte's lips on his cheek, his eyes, his lips. God, he would so kill for it. And now he was sucking on the smoke she blew out, it was like a drug, the smoke, this girl. Cher Wayne was like a drug.

"Being batshit crazy is like, his natural talent. Like I could just blink and suddenly he was on the rooftop, asking me if he should jump or not." Charlotte said with a grin, pinched William's cheek. "I so love you for that, Billiard."

"Oh shuddup, Lottery."

Jesus, how about you kissing me instead of pinching my cheek, sweet sweet Cher, William wanted to ask but the red head placed the cigarette back in his mouth, so he stayed silent.

Sitting next to her, Marcus let out a scoff. His eyes were fixed on the History essay he got from Prof. Damon - their History teacher and one of the very few bearable teachers in this school. History was like, the only subject Marcus cared to actually pay attention in class, and yes, he did very much want an A or more for this essay.

"You should jump, really." He said without looking up. Dandelion rolled her eyes again.

"You shouldn't encourage him doing stupid things, Mar."

"I'm not, just saying."

"He will take it to heart, you know that."

"It's none of my problem, really, I would probably cry out of joy if he broke one of his ribs or two."

Now William chuckled, Dandelion Phillipps really liked acting like his mum, huh? She always told him to do this, not that, bossing him around. Not like he annoyed at her or something, William found it endearing, having someone care about him that much that they willingly nag him on things. His uncle never did that. All that old man did was laugh at his face whenever he fell out of something. Be more careful next time, Guil Schmidt, or not, he would say.

The evening would just pass like that, yeah, with him and his friends laughing and throwing cheeky banter at each other, smoking till the smoke filled the room or just simply when Dandelion got sick of it and told them to stop or she would hang them out the window.

Don't try me, I would very do that if you lot won't stop. Ich bin schließlich ein Mädchen. Dandelion would add random German into her sentences all of the time – because why not, she is German, and Charlotte would laugh because she was the only one took German class, not like him (he took Spanish) or Marcus (he took Latin, really Marcus? Jesus, Marcus Innes could be such a swot sometimes).

Oh how he loved it, the evening.

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