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Name: Half

Sex: male

Gender: male

Species: Wolf

Sexual orientation: asexual, aromantic

Description: from his perspective, Half's entire left half is black, and his entire left half is white, save for only a few exceptions. His neck and scruff are black, and his muzzle is white. His eyes are mismatched, with the left being white with a black iris and white pupil, whit the right the complete opposite: back eye, white iris, black pupil.

Personality: Half is essentially a psychopath. He lacks any empathy whatsoever, has a strong taste for blood, and somehow is utterly convinced that he is in the right when he commits homicide.

Backstory: Half started life as a happy pup with lots of love for his family, which consisted of his mother and his two siblings, Alex and Lynx. As a young wolf, he was oblivious to the struggles they went through, having only known icy forests and barren rocks all his life. His mother, knowing that every day could be her last as she gave all her food to her pups, pulled him aside one time and made him promise that he would look after his siblings, no matter what. He agreed of course, and never forgot what she said as the year shifted into the warmer months. With more prey around, all four of the wolves were happier, and Half was especially glad to see his mother looking less stressed and more carefree. During the course of his short life, he had bonded strongly with her, and couldn't imagine living without her to guide him.
Tragically, however, that time had to come. As summer dragged on, his mother was struck down by sickness, and she deteriorated quickly until she passed away. Half and his siblings had very different ways of handling this sudden loss. Lynx, who had always been quiet and withdrawn, shrugged his mother's death off and deadened his emotions, refusing to feel grief. Alex, the more sensitive of the three, collapsed into utter agony, feeling despair so great it physically hurt. And Half, he was ripped apart from the inside. He did not know how to cope, and in the end it drove him to insanity.
Even in his shattered state, Half grasped at any remaining shard of his mother's memory, and immediately his promise to her surfaced: protect your siblings. As far as Half was concerned, Lynx was fine, but Alex was in great pain. He wanted to use his last scrap of sanity to help her, and with his twisted mind, the obvious solution was to put her out of her misery. Without thinking twice, Half killed Alex, getting his first taste of blood at the same time. This embedded a deep, primal code in him, and led him along his path of destruction and death.

•he is in a crackship with Minty_The_Cat's OC Blitz

•Theme Song: Heavydirtysoul by Twenty One Pilots(this is about his weakening sanity after his mother's death, and how it gets smothered by his craziness)

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