Enhanced Boy 1

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The Teleporter


House of Orphic

Full Name

Edward Nicholas White



Dodger, Trickster, Loudmouth








Gen Huismans


Eddie is an easy-going, all-around happy guy ready to pick up and do as he's told. He spends a lot of his time chattering away at whoever has an ear to give, be it the cashier at the convenience store, cat in an alley, or a hobo he found on the street that he invited over for a smoke and a sandwich. He loves to talk, and about what? He doesn't care. Imagine Deadpool's level of quiet honestly, anything is a subject of interest. And if anyone knew why, it was mainly his momma's doing, a woman he idolizes more than anything, and is quite possibly the biggest gossiper in his neighborhood. He loves to spend time with her, both of them constantly chatting with each other like old bitties. Eddie always had a strong sense of justice, and to him, everything has a comeback, be it good or bad. Which sometimes makes him take advantage of his powers and play Karma. He loves to get back at people who mess with others, and is by far the biggest prank king there is around. They tend to be harmless but stay wary, through total accident, things have more than once gone too far. But he'll happily spend the next few days kissing ass for forgiveness... Unless you were a dick about it. The boy also has a few other bad habits, one being his inability to stand still, a difficulty in working with others, and little idea to know when to shut it. But he's a good boy. Promise.


-the ability to move himself and certain objects through space to a different location in an instant.


•has a pretty good grip on his power for his age because of how frequently he practices
•because he's always wanted to be a hero, ofc he's trained his body too
•surprisingly good underpressure


•does his need to break the silence cause problems? You bet
•a bit too childish when it comes to taking things seriously
•his stamina does get drastically lower the more he teleports, as well as his memory. bad if he comes in contact with important info


•to be left behind
•lose his mother
•become stuck in one place


As a young kid, he was always obsessed with the story's of the man of steel and heros who saved those in need. He was in a good family, a bit poorer than the average and maybe a bit more dysfunctional than most. But one he thought he could always be happy in. Until his father started to raise his hand at his mother and him. Tired of her raising him like a "girl" and demanding he take his head out of his fantasies and prepare for the real world. Which both he and his mother knew he wasn't meant for. Eddie seemed to forget a lot from that time. Block it out it seemed. But soon, his father was gone. To jail, with another woman, on his own whim, he didn't know or care. But after that, his first priority was to care for the only person he had left. The only one who believed he was the person he always wanted to be. He spent his hours on study and work as a delivery boy since he was 13. The best around too as he rushed to and from, at 14 it's what helped him find his enhancement, a panic spread throughout him as he found himself running about, wishing he could just get there as he tripped right into the street three blocks away. Since then he's done his best to hone in to his powers keeping them a bit more than secret until the school came to be.
(sorry that sucks prolly gonna revise it 😤)


•he's highly allergic to mushrooms
•truly can't stand old westerns
•makes busy by cleaning and cooking very often


With great power comes great responsibility.


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