In Pieces

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"I just... have to... help..."


Amos (Bram) Crane

The Heartbreaker






Jackson Rathbone




DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder)


-Unlike many, quiet, subtle elevations many have for powers, Amos has something completely odd. He can manifest his emotions into almost physical objects at times of need and stress. An ethereal shield for fear or cowardice, a burning fist for rage and anger, a cooled blade for joy or excitement... there are many he hasn't seen or called upon yet. Unsure completely on how to call upon others in the same manner as those.


-Though clearly, it seems to have a connection with his disorder, Amos is not the only one in his body. For as long as he could remember there was another person. A blond, clean cut, almost more calculative version of himself. He's stronger, more versatile, and oddly less prone to the usual human error. He's a neutral entity, and when in possession of the body they share, it physically changes as well. Looking as Amos had always imagined him. They seem to live around each other rather than with. Though they don't hesitate to help each other when they can.


When it comes to Amos, one sees an average, mild-mannered, slightly scruffy man, with a bright smile, slightly cynical but easygoing attitude, and a literal heart of gold. He's an unassuming, quiet, and sweet young man that people who know him, just love having the time to sit down and be humored by his dark jokes and oddly placed optimism for a better tomorrow. He's enamored by the idea really. Finding peace with the ultimate idea that everything, no matter what happens, was going to be okay. He loves greatly but has always found it hard to find connections that go further than attraction or friends really. And while his emotions have a tendency to simply run rampant throughout the young man, he rarely acts on them. He can actually be quiet shy when confronted about things of that nature, and it's clear to see he has little experience with actually letting other people into his life, into how he's doing and how he feels. It's part of the reason it's so hard to believe he could even be a part of the caped crusader scene. But his strong sense of justice, the morality embedded into him like stone to try and help make the better tomorrow happen strong enough to push him forward into the shielded spotlight. And he has to admit, getting behind the mask just makes him feel a whole lot more charismatic.

Bram is a different story.

Bram, as Amos has come to know him, is his alter, his other piece, a supposed fragment of himself. Since the age of around 6, Amos had been a part of him for the rest of his life. The reason for such a situation one widely unheard of, his life so normal, so uneventful, that the usual trauma associated with his disorder was immediately ruled out. He simply was. Bram seems to be what Amos was not. He was intuitive, precise, calm and collected, unashamed and absolutely unbothered by whatever situation he was around. Bram has a few desires from life though, to create his own experiences while sharing this body with Amos, for however long he has, to help him in his endeavors, to keep him safe from whatever his incredible sense of determination might get him into. He's a bit monotone when compared to his counterpart, stiff almost. A lot more serious and withdrawn, with a complete lack of a sense of humor. He's his own, completely different person, who spends his small amount of time he gets to interact with the outside world, trying to meet people and learn all he can. Trying his best to reason with Amos in his everyday life by giving the young man advice and occasionally observing with his eyes. He's like a brooding, protective older brother. Who, unfortunately, lives inside you.


Being the youngest of three rambunctious boys, it's easy to see how both of his older brothers, who were both over 9 years his senior, kept him isolated to himself and his parents. They were never fond of the idea of having him tag along, or babysitting him as they ran off with their buddies. But it was never as bad as it sounded. His father, a stay at home dad, worn down a bit by raising two teens beforehand, found Amos to be his pride and joy. A spitting image of himself, an easygoing little boy with a weird sense of peace settled over him, and in love with all that he loved. He bonded closer to him than anyone else, trying his damnedest to be as much like him as he could be. His mother was a tad bit more estranged, even more so than his brothers. She was a general surgeon, to help support the family best she could, and spent day and night taking care of business. But Amos still saw her as a sweet woman, one who never forgot to kiss him on the head before she left for work, no matter what hour of the day it was.

But it got to a worrying point when he began to seem... Different.

Shortly after Amos' 6th birthday, it was his brother who screamed at the top of his lungs as he watched his little brother writhe and shake in the middle of his nap, his black shaggy hair turning a dirty blond as his skin paled, his eyes, after being shaken awake, filled with honey instead of grassy green.

After a few long, tedious years for their entire family, the sudden change in personality and appearance was pinned down. Things where tried. Not much fixed. But they learned to cope. They adapted to each other, both growing and maturing over the years. Due to the strangeness of the situation, it was inevitable that they both grew isolated. Much less used to the outside world or the people who dwell in it. Amos and Bram where homeschooled much of the time, so it came to no one's real surprise that they were completely unprepared for actually attending a real, people filled, high school. He lone wolfed the first few years, too awkward to try and make friends, but polite and normal enough in attitude that no one noticed him very much. Bram had tried to only have his days on the weekends, but it was getting harder and harder to keep Amos the only one there as the other's curiosity of the experience grew. So, after a weekend in charge, Bram armed himself with sunglasses to hide his eyes, and a beanie to hide his hair. And honestly, if it weren't for that, perhaps neither of them might've ever met his best friend. A young girl named Geraldine James. They did almost everything together, Amos found her to be the only one closer to him than his father, and Bram was damn near in love with her from the moment they met. She meant the world to them both and was the only person to know about their secret.

A car crash when they where 19 separated them far too quickly.

And Amos walked away unscathed, protected by the fear that he felt when he saw the other car run forward in the wrong lane. Gerry didn't make it through the night.

Since then, he's dedicated himself to using his newfound powers to help others, to save those like he couldn't save her. And Bram has been doing nothing but helping him all the way.


Bram doesn't exactly switch all of a sudden out of the blue with Amos. He is usually fortunate enough to give the other a warning half the time, and while they can usually choose an around time for when they can go to and fro (like the day for example), the switch itself is a tad bit sporadic.

As much as it bothers Amos, Bram tends to take a few days for himself during the switches before reverting back. Usually passing off as Amos' twin brother simply covering for him (the contacts he bought help out with the schtick too).

Amos works at a bar in the nice side of town. He tends to take as many of the day shifts as possible since he usually gets busier throughout the night.

His hero name was actually undecided by him, the local newscaster named him that after he appeared on video with the mask he bought on the internet (the only one he could find on such short notice too) and his suit's addition of a red lightning bolt (which Bram thought was cool) that looked like a crack, things went on from there.

Amos lives in a broken down apartment, and when he isn't at work or fighting crime, he's usually helping out as a handyman around the building.

Bram is the intelligence of the operation, he usually finds things moving underground, spends his time lurking around to catch onto tidbits of the mobs that are terrorizing the city, or the lunatics who were dumb enough to spill their plans.

"It's difficult to wrap your head around. But trust us, it's not as bad as it seems..."

"I do want to know more, but I think it's not my place."

"Heartbreaker? I've heard of the guy, pretty handsome huh?"

"It'll be alright- It has to be- I'll make sure of it-"

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