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(🤷🏻‍♀️ I thought it would be fun)

"While this might've been a family reunion... I don't think you read the moment right." Callem gently wiped the dried trickles of blood off of Maddox's face. The boy was kneeling in front of him from where he sat on the couch, letting the other wipe him clean after he called out to that Will guy to bring him at least a napkin. He simply sat there when he motioned for him to come over, eyes closed, face tilted up, and leaning into every light touch the Flagg boy gave him. To absorbed in his own thoughts to really say much back. His behavior as unusual as always.

Izzy was fuming as her flask was pulled away again now that Elsie wasn't looking, that man who seemed to act like he knew her simply pushing it back into that asshole's chest who took it from her in the first place. She looked like she wanted to argue bitterly. But instead, she listened to the dark words that fell out of Grayson's mouth, too low for too many to hear. From what he could tell, it looked like a dad lecturing his daughters on the danger of her more than normal bad habit.

Robin couldn't do much but watch from his seat, it's been a hour since he woke up at least, the small amount of explaining more than enough for him to put two and two together. Pretending he wasn't there felt safe, like this wasn't real, like his friend didn't actually drag him to hell like they knew they could.

He stayed stuck. Uneasy and nervous as hell to even try to get the attention of the few people he knew in the room, especially with that Wesley guy floating around so... Himself-like. It seemed just-


So he curled up into himself. Wondering what Sawyer and Elias and the rest of them were doing now that they disappeared in the midst of all the chaos that had barely unfolded back home. He didn't even want to look too long at Callem. Everytime his eyes wandered to where he was, he just focused back on Maddox as he sat so strangely. Almost as if he didn't remember watching Callem murder his own sister.

Elsie curled in on herself as well, not bothering anyone like Robin was trying to do, but in a way that clearly had a tinge of "don't touch me or I'll scream". Unlike everyone else every glance he stole at her seemed to just radiated frustration and anger. He didn't blame her. They just barely found out their dad was quite possibly the worst one out there.

Maybe if he thought of something else as he tried his best to not give himself a panic attack over the situation at hand. He looked back at Maddox, trying to remember something, anything, if only the things he remembered about him weren't just as stressing as now, if anything, his friend had done nothing but scare him more and more. But this clearly steals the-

He watched Maddox's eyes open as his thoughts ground to a halt. Looking up at Callem as he said something he couldn't hear. A small murmmer that made Callem stop his hand as his brows furrowed.

Maddox looked at Robin. Not missing a moment as he did in a quick glance that made him think he had felt his eyes the entire time. His skin bristling with goosebumps at how unnerving that felt. But he couldn't look away. There still wasn't much else he could look at that wouldn't make him feel like this anyways-

He looked back and Robin tried to pretend that didn't happen as Callem whispered something back. But he was clearly not as quiet as Mads... a first being that he had been able to be quiet at all... he also didn't realize what he said would make his stomach flip the way it did.

"If you want something, take it. I told you this already."

Mads took another glance at Robin, Callem this time took notice. Taking a look the boys way as a small, sly smile grew. Robin turned back to look at the fireplace, something he realized should have entertained him more than enough then what everyone else was doing.

He felt their eyes on him still. As if Maddox just wanted to show him what he whispered so lightly to him. He almost remembered what he said that time... When Robin asked if he maybe liked a girl in class... One he always caught him staring at in swim.

"She's pretty... But not the pretty I like... He's so-"

He remembers Maddox stopping himself then. A bright red blush on his cheeks as his sleepy eyes widened at what he let slip out. Robin didn't get it. But now as he saw them together, with the way he looked at him even after what a fool they made him look like at the party, after what he did before they where all taken here- he should have so obviously noticed this before.

But he was too caught up in Maddox's retaliation. An insist on who Robin Constantine had fantasized of. A question, a jab a bit to hard that made him clam up for the rest of that night as he asked him about who he would rather kiss. Neither of the options a way out from the obvious probe he wanted answer. And either or. A choice between two men. They both pretended they said nothing the next morning. By then, they where much more concerned with Thornton and the havoc that wreaked.

He could feel it. Still. Their gazes unwavering as Robin nervously bit his lip. Blue eyes reflecting the hellfire as it danced in front of him. Turning back to see that both pairs of brown eyes where just waiting like he expected. A clear smile on Callem's lips. While Mads' only gently parted.

He tugged Callem forward, hands tightly gripping onto his collar, leaning only slightly as they fixated more on each other lips just over each other's as Robin felt his mouth go dry.

They kissed, hard with the way their lips connected. Robin found he wasn't able to look away, and he could feel the heat crawl up into his cheeks as he realized it. He watched at how Callem pushed his hands through Maddox's fluffy hair, the way he bit down gently on his lip as Maddox just barely pulled away. Eyes filled with something cloudy and unrecognizable. Looking back at Robin with a smile.

"I'm only playing."

He remembered it now, a flat out lie when Maddox tried to reassure him after he hushed up that night. He mouthed it just the same, pink lips forming the words he knew he would remember. Playing. That's what he was doing... Playing... The same way Robin wanted to. The same way he refused to.

He violently shook his head. Turning back to the fire. Heart racing as if he was on any part of that exchange instead of just the dummy who got caught watching. Eyes clenching shut as he tried to think of anything else. Not the obvious feelings his asshole of a friend was trying to rile up. Not the questions he asked him that night. Not how weird he's gotten these last few days.

And definitely not how he wanted to play.


(Taggin everyone just cuz :) )

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