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Tw: Freezing, unable to move

This is an alternate ending to the episode, 'Over Under Adventure.' From Octonauts. Hope you enjoy.


Kwazii let out a yowl of delight, riding on top of the seal under him as he smashed another brinicle with the anchor. "Ha! Take that you scurvy salt filled icicle!" He exclaimed, hanging on as Wilma swam up, emerging from the ice hole and letting her take a breath before diving back down.

Tweak lifted up another sea star and handed it to Turnip so he could warm up in the Gup-S. She had built that gup for months, perfecting her skills. She was quite proud of it. But that thought disappeared once she noticed the brinicle heading for the super star she had saw earlier.

Tweak kicked her legs hard, stopping in front of the half frozen sea star. She grabbed her anchor and started hitting the ice. Her thick fur kept her warm. One of the advantages to being part Arctic hare. Of course, no one on the crew knew about that. She hadn't felt the need to tell them. After all, they didn't need to worry about another member overheating all the time. They already had to worry about the Captain and Peso. The salt filled icicle was moving fast. Faster than she could pick at the ice. In her absentmindedness, she didn't feel the ice climbing up her boots after she had touched the icy floor. But the Captain did. "Tweak! Move! Your feet are freezing!" He yelled. He was already moving towards her fast, having pushed off the side of the Gup-S.

Tweak gasped, starting to feel the cold even through her fluffy coat. She pushed up, trying to break free. Unfortunately, the ice had already thickened around her feet and was rising up to her knees. And from above, a brinicle was growing down in her direction quickly. "C-Cap! I can't move!" She cried out.

The Captain stopped beside her, pulling his anchor and slamming it into the ice repeatedly, fear written over his face. "Come on.." Tweak looked up and gasped. The brinicle had reached her ears now, starting to freeze them and trap her in the ice. With her arms, she shoved the Captain out of the way as the ice lowered over her head and around her helmet.

Barnacles teared up with worry over the young rabbit mechanic. "TWEAK!" He was terrified. All of the crew were like his kids. He cared for them as a father would and always tried to take the danger in place of them.

Peso gasped and swam over just as her entire body froze in place, only her head that was locked inside the helmet showing she was alive, her head moving around nervously. "C-Captain? My helmets breaking." She whimpered.

The bear grit his teeth, "KWAZII! TWEAK IS TRAPPED IN ICE. CAN YOU BREAK IT?" The cat looked at him from above. "Aye, I've tried captain! But the ice is too thick for the anchor to break!"

The Captain growled under his breath, moving fast to the Gup-S and starting it up, heating up the ice drill before detaching from the other part of the gup and maneuvering the ski to the brinicle. Tweak's helmet had broken by now and her body was encased in ice. Her eyes were frozen shut and she didn't seem to be breathing. Hopefully she was unconscious and not dead. He drilled into the thick brinicle, growling under his breath. Finally, the ice broke and his 'cub' was free. She was still not moving however. "Peso! Get her out of there before she freezes again!"

The small penguin complied, grabbing his frozen crew mate and pulling her to the warming station. "Come on Tweak..wake up.."

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