Burn recovery

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Part 2 to the previous oneshot, since it had been requested.


Tweak sighed quietly, fidgeting with her cool-tight suit she had around her. She needed the suit to stop herself from overheating too easily. Inside the fabric were wires, that kept the inside at 20 degrees. Her, Peso and the Captain all had the same kind of suit, although they looked different. However, she was not able to wear hers at the moment due to her bandages. For now, she had a tang top with an open hole in the back where her burns were. She was wrapped up in a cooling blanket, playing video games in bed.

The rabbit didn't have much else to do at the moment, being banned from working until she was fully healed from her burns. She still woke up in a sweat at night, nearly in tears. What happened at the octo-repair station had scared her a bit more than she'd like to admit.

~The previous night~

Tweak turned herself over in her sleep, whining slightly. She was in the middle of the nightmare, reliving her experiences in the octo-repair station. The fire, flooding. Being crushed under beams and burned down to the flesh. She could almost feel the pain, the fire scalding her skin and drowning her in blazing heat. Kwazii's face of horror flashed into her mind, before it all went black. She sat up in bed, gasping for breath. Her heart was racing, all of her fur on end and adrenaline rushing through her like a tsunami wave.

Tweak gulped in air, hiccuping. She mentally scolded herself. It was just a nightmare, she shouldn't be so worked up over this. Right? She shook her head, rubbing her temples and leaning against the wall behind her. "Come Tweak..pull yourself together.." The engineer sighed, standing up. Instantly, a wave of pain washed through her, the blisters covering her back letting out a hiss of protest at the movement. Tears threatened to well up in her eyes, making her force them back down. "Stop being so weak.." She turned on her switch. It had been a birthday gift from Kwazii. Huh. So had the octo-repair station. She gave a slight chuckle, remembering how her and Peso had scolded Captain after finding out he didn't take care of himself while building it for her.

She sighed, starting up Pokemon Sword. She was blinded for a few moments by the light before looking back at the screen. She smiled, seeing her pokemon running around in the camp feature. That's when she heard someone clearing their throat, causing her to look up.

Captain stood there, a look of concern on his face. "I thought I heard you scream.." Tweak frowned. "Huh..guess I screamed in my sleep.." She turned off her switch, putting it to the side. The engineer could feel her cheeks burning with embarrassment. How was she supposed to explain this? To her Captain, that her, a 22 year old had a nightmare and was scared out of their wits.

Captain sat down next to her. "Nightmare huh..?" Tweak crossed her arms. "No. I'm 22. I don't get nightmares." The polar bear let out a quiet laugh. "Tweak, everyone gets nightmares, even as adults. It's ok to admit when you're scared. I know you well enough by now."

Tweak sighed, her shoulders loosening. "Ok fine..yes, I did have one..it's just..what happened at that place." Her entire body shuddered, her ears twisting up slightly. Captain gave her a concerned look, laying a hand on her shoulder. "Listen. If you ever need to talk about it, or anything else. I'll always be right here, cub. Ok?" A slight smile appeared on her face, and she nodded, giving him a hug. Which he returned gladly.

~End of flashback~

Tweak shook her head, standing up. "Wait..isnt today the monthly meeting?" She spun around, looking over her calendar. "Oh! It is." She smiled. "..Greattt. Dads gonna panic and think I need to come back home the second he sees the bandages..gosh darn it." She turned off her console, hopping down from bed and climbing down her ladder to the main floor of the launchbay. The lights in the workshop, her usual workspace, were all off. Since she wouldn't be using it for awhile, she hadn't thought to keep the lights on. Would be a waste of money after all.

As went over to the octoshoot, the doors opened automatically with a movement detection system, one she had built in herself. Tweak hopped into the shoot, soaring through it with the air currents and hopping out on the second level. Peso peeked out from the sick bay. "Oh, hello Tweak!" She nodded at him, giving a small wave as she went over to the garden pod entrance. She was just planning to get a few carrots from there. The Vegimals had allowed her to have her own supply of carrots in the garden.

~With the Captain~

Captain sighed, the family of all the crew members in the back part of the Gup-S. He had to use this specific Gup, since it was the largest Gup that could handle the cold Arctic waters. "Alright, that was the last stop. Time to go back to the octopod." Course, passing through the pacific again after what had happened was bound to scare him.

He hadn't told any of them what had happened just yet, being a bit worried on his reaction. That's when the radio let out a static noise, gaining his attention. "Peso to Gup-S, are you there Captain?" The polar bear smiled. "Yup, I'm here. What is it?"

Perlita, along with Peso's two brothers came forward, listening. "Shellington got sick again. He fell asleep in a Petri dish. Also Kwazii refuses to let me replace his bandages."

Pearl let out a worried noise from the back of the Gup, "Is he ok?" Captain smiled at her. "Don't worry, Peso will take care of him, and Kwazii, listen to Peso. He needs to take care of your burns. Has Tweak's bandages been replaced yet?" Peso was silent for a moment. "No, not yet. I think she's up in the garden. I'll call her down in a few minutes once I'm done with Kwazii." A hoarse cough was heard in the background, before Peso hung up. Captain smiled, "Alright everyone, we've entered the Pacific. Make sure not to go outside..."


I guess I'll be doing a part 3, because this is getting a bit too long.

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