-36- The Masked Merchants; don't Sell Masks.

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"I told you before, Cross!" Takara punched the boy on the head, leaving a huge bump, "Leer's still just two months old! He's just learning how to swim well, so he cannot save anyone in the water! He can't lift a grown man from the sea! Understand?"

Cross sniffled, the large bump on his head hurting.

The man they had saved was an old man with a salt-and-pepper beard. His features were wrinkled but scrunched up in a kind of fierce manner that--

Visul picked up the Red Demon Mask that had fallen on their ship cabin just a while ago.

She thought his face matched the mask, somehow.

Then suddenly, the old man bolted up, screaming "AAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!"

"AAAAAHHHH!!!" Cross screamed back.

"Shut UP!" Takara smacked them over the head with a pan.

Visul was petrified, all her hair raising on its ends like a scared chihuahua, surprised by such sudden shock that she was frozen completely solid. Eyes wide in horror, she clutched Leer in her arms, both stoned.

"JAHAHAHAHA!!" the man guffawed, "Ah, I gotta say, you really scared the hell outta me there! Thanks so much for saving me!"

Visul and Leer stayed in the farthest corner of the room, neither a fan of loud, sharp noises.

The man had claimed ownership of the red oni mask, thanking the white-haired girl with a sense of tact and delicacy absent from his ear-piercing laughter.

"Ahaha," Cross laughed back with less excitement but still boisterous, "it's no big deal, I'm glad you're okay, mister Grandpa sir!"

"Ah, my name is Enma," he introduced himself, extending a hand in gratitude, "I'm a passing merchant!"

"I'm Cross, and this is Takara, and that's Visul and Leer!" Cross beamed, flamboyantly pointing at each person he introduced, taking the offered hand with both of his, "we're pirates!"

Silence overtook the boat.

Takara's face was in his palm, speechless. He wasn't going to try anymore-- he officially gives up. He's hopeless. He's beyond help and salvation. Send healing for his poor head. And a brain for this dumb child.

"Psst, Cross," Visul whispered audibly, "you're not supposed to tell anyone about that."

"Gaooo," Leer echoed.

The atmosphere died out as Cross grimly realized what he just did-- Takara looked mad, but was holding onto composure for the sake of acting nice in front of the old man--

"Ahahaha!" Cross laughed, rubbing the back of his head absolutely not guilty at all, "sorry, I forgot!"

"JAHAHAh! You're a funny child!" Grandpa Enma guy was highly bemused, sitting up from his spot and laughing heartily, "I don't mind, I owe you my life!"

Takara was now on his knees, head on the deck, "I deeply appreciate your consideration."

"Anyway, anyway," Cross hopped in his spot, excited and bright with curiosity and interest, "how did you end up falling from the sky, Gramps?"

"Ah, that," Enma smiled at the boy, entertained by a happy child, "we were testing out a cannon we got from another country, and I just got sent flying!"

"A cannon?" Cross sparkled.

"Why on earth are you firing yourself with a cannon...?" Takara mumbled, unheard.

"It's a long story!" Enma laughed, as if that explained a thing.


"So, you say you're a merchant-- where's your ship gone?" Takara lit up a cigarette, cranking ope the window of the one-room cabin.

"Uh, they're probably looking for me," Enma chortled, a rumble from his throat, "but no worries, they'll get here soon!"

"What faith," Takara mused, taking a drag, "are you sure?"

Enma nodded proudly, "they're my crewmates, they always find me!"

He was without doubt. Cross sensed an admirable feeling of trust he held for his comrades-- and somehow, Cross saw an ideal in him.

"So, for a pirate ship, this is kinda small," Enma noticed. "A cabin with a joint kitchen, worktable and bed! How do y'all live here, kids?"

All sound died out.

Cross crouched down, depressed, "I want a ship," he sobbed.

Takara took a long, long breath-- "...we don't have money," he admitted bitterly, "a fatal miscalculation on my part. Even if we get to the Ilisia Kingdom, we won't be able to get a proper ship."

Enma seemed to come to a realisation, mouth hung agape, "is that all? well, if you've got no cash, you could work!" he suggested optimistically, "Ilisia is where money comes and goes, after all!"

"Work!" Cross perked up with interest, "oohs!"

"We can make money?" Visul came to life.

Takara sighed, "that sounds dreamy and all," he grumbled mournfully, jabbing a thumb in Cross' direction, "but what we've got here is a child that has no concept of common sense," then he gestured to Visul, "and a sheltered baby girl who's purer than the brightest of pearls. And a bear."

The three glistened expectantly in the corner.

"My bad," Enma choked guiltily, "my condolences, lad."



Visul and Leer leaped in fright at the sudden loud yell.

"Oh, they're here!" the old man jumped out of his spot, dashing out of the cabin, "OOOOYYYY!!! hey, that's it! The Hunny! OOOOOOOOYYy!!"

"What kinda name is that?" Takara gawked, stepping out of the cabin.

Far into the distance, at the edge of the bare horizon-- a ship rolled into view from the corners. A medium-sized boat-- the mast standing tall and holding large sails, a considerable amount of crew crawled onto deck into sight--

The hull adorned with black and gold rims, the bowsprit jutting out grandly, adorned with the figurehead of a roaring, leaping grizzly's upper form.

"A bear figurehead!" Visul was awed, "hey, Leer, look!"

  "A bear!!" Cross and Leer gleamed with interest.  

"HEEEEY ENMAAA!!" someone howled from a distance, "IS YOUR DEAD ASS ON THAT TINY THING OVER THEREE????"


Visul felt blown away by the volume, but was actually enjoying it as a breeze now because she was starting to get used to the noise.

Takara covered his ears, watching the scene in baffled bewilderment that just didn't even know how exactly to react to anything.

Maybe the noise was the reason why no fish was caught today.

"That's the Lilting Hunny," Enma introduced, "it's our ship-- the ship of the Masked Merchants! We grandly welcome you on board!"

Enma seemed prideful of the large sea vessel. 

"You guys look hungry and cramped in this little boat, so why don't you join us onboard? It's thanks for before!" Enma assured.

"Ehh?!" Takara freaked out, "no, really it's perfectly alright-- we appreciate the sentiment--"

"I wanna go!!" Cross interrupted him with pure excitement, "Liliyyiyiing Hunny! Honey! Ship! Big! COooL!"

"Gaooo!!" Leer cheered.

"I'm interested, too," Visul admitted bashfully, playing with her fingers nervously as she asked permission from the red-haired man, "...can we, Takara?"

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