-43- Marine Soldiers; and Big Shots.

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"Catch that bear!" a shopkeeper yelled to the streets, "it snatched a fish and ran!"

Leer scampered with its tiny paws, a large fish in his mouth as he growled hungrily through his teeth, dashing around in tempestuous frenzy as he zoomed through the crowd.

He ran headfirst into a man's shin.

Shrieking in agony, the man grabbed the bear.

"What in the world is a bear doing here??"

"Gawrah!" Leer shrieked back in pained argument.

The man returned the fish to the shopkeeper, wondering if that was still edible. Catching sight of the collar on Leer's neck, he realized that this bear had a owner, so they couldn't make a meal out of him-- or maybe they could, whatever.

"Tch," he clicked his tongue, "geez, if you're gonna have a collar, "he grumbled, lifting the bear up by the scruff, making the animal face him, "shouldn't there be some goddamn contact information on you or something--"

A green glint caught his sight.

At the hem of the collar, buckled in with steel, was a green gem. It was shaped like a four-pointed diamond-- but was an emerald. And it didn't even look fake.

"What's such a valuable thing doing on a baby beast like you?" He reached toward it curiously-- 

"GAR!!!" Leer chomped on his hand.

"GYAA!" the man screamed, pulling his hand out but the hand was stuck on him like a piranha, "it's biting me! Help!"

Angered, he threw his hand down, tossing the beast cub to the ground.

Leer was shaken off, rolling to a rough landing and jumping right up, growling at the imbecile.

"Go back to your owner!" the man yelled in resignation, "I'll fry you in oil, pipsqueak!"

A shuddering grunt still in his throat, Leer angrily barked at him another while longer before he bolted from the scene. The man sighed, shaking his stinging palm with resignation.

"Lieutenant Niryou, that's animal abuse," someone spoke up from behind him, a heavy boot shuffling against dirt as a hand shot up in a salute, "don't you feel bad for the poor cub?"

"Shut it, Lock," he grumbled back, "I held back, y'know?"

The blue-haired marine soldier-- Lock, he called himself--sighed. He was a soldier, but as of the moment, he was shirtless. 

His uniform top, as well as Lieutenant Niryou's coat jacket, were hung out to dry. They had an unfortunate scuffle in the sea just a moment ago, unnecessary details rescinded from interest.

"Yes, sir, I will explain that to the bear's owner if someone ever comes yelling at you for compensation," he rattled sarcastically.

"Watch your tongue, orange," Lieutenant Niryou snapped, "don't forget it's that same mouth that got you kicked out of Captain Russo's ship!"

"He was just angry he let pirates run from him, so he's letting out his anger on me like a fucking kid," Lock grumbled under his breath, "and if you wanna kick me out, be my godly guest."

"Oh, a mere Seaman Apprentice dares to speak to a Lieutenant so boldly?" Niryou taunted, "allow me to remind you I am nine ranks above you!"

"Eight ranks, sir," Lock didn't falter, "math not your strong point?"

"Wanna go, you li'l shit?" Niryou raised a clenched fist.

A girl ran through the street in hurried, light steps. Her hair was a strange shade of white-- tied only a little to the side with a golden ornament. Her clothes were from Kikun origins-- and she looked frantic, as if she had run a long while.

Catching sight of the two at the alley, her eyes seem to dilate, perhaps wary or surprised.

Her fists gripped nervously, and she took a step toward them.

"Uhm," she swallowed, not to sure, "have you seen... a bear? it's about... this big..." she gestured with her arms, holding an invisible basketball, "he has a leather collar with a green gem on it, and-- uh, he likes to steal things?"

"Yeah, we saw it," Lock spoke up quickly, gesturing toward Lieutenant Niryou, "he was bullying it."

"I was not!" Niryou elbowed the punk in the ribs. Putting on a gentle expression, he turned back to the girl. "he ran off toward the South Shore, I'm not too sure where exactly, though."

At that, the girl seemed to immediately brighten up, "really? thank you very much!"

"No, no, no worries," Niryou smiled in an old man's joy, waving as the girl scurried off as quickly as she came. 

"Good luck finding it!" Lock called after her.

Niryou slouched dejectedly as she vanished from sight, "ah, it's been a while since I've had a real, peaceful conversation with a civilian. I'm so not looking forward to going back to the Grand Line, y'know? It's just plain chaos over there at the time!"

"Oh, I'm looking forward to entering it!" Lock laughed, "it'd be like a trip home! I can't wait!"

Niryou jabbed him at the sides, "it's ain't a leisurely seat cruise, brat!"

Lock swerved aside to dodge, swirling into a challenging pose, "wanna go?!"

They got along terribly well, but they weren't allowed a fight, so they bore with childish bickering. They waited in the alley on standby, simply stalling for time-- 

Until their Rear Admiral Ensie came back in this direction, they were told to stay put.


King Thalassa Lucas was a man that looked like he couldn't kill an ant. His hair was a faded shade of ochre, and his medium-length beard was more prominent than the strands on his head. 

His robe was thick and green, and although he was a lover of cigars, he kept it in his pocket today. His face sunk grim and his eyes narrowed in only disappointment.

"What is the meaning of this, Rear Admiral Ensie?" he questioned, more of a demand than a friendly inquiry-- his tone spoke of no joke, no leeway for any dissatisfying answer.

Rear Admiral Ensie was a tall man. His shoulders were broad and his arms were packed to take upon the weight of the large halberd he wielded. His hair was black and brushed back, and his salt-and-pepper beard seemed anything but a fatherly symbol.

A foot driven into Mime's back, he gripped his staff and planted the butt end of it by his face.

"I am simply doing my job, your majesty," his response exuded confidence and poured out a bold upfront. He laughed to a dry joke in the air, and spoke with an easygoing voice, as if nothing weird was happening at all-- "the Navy accepted your terms of pardoning Grizzly Hornigold's sins with a decade of prison service in this town-- we were just a little curious about something else, that was all!"

Mime scratched the carpet, pushing against it with a low growl, "Ensie," he spat, "fuck."

Rear Admiral Ensie swung his halberd down, the blade tucking into the floor right beside Mime's face. His heel dug into spine, Mime winced, biting his lip to suppress a groan in pain.

"Mime!" Masquerade called out-- the soldiers held them back behind a barricade they couldn't cross-- they were frantic. Worried, absolutely-- appalled.

The guards had been blown back by the minor scuffle that brought them into this position. They now stood back, weapons pointed toward the two-- but Grizzly was driven into a crater in the wall, bleeding heavily now.

"Let go of Mime!" Jester yelled, 

Ensie gave the king an offering hand, "my superiors have given me the terms of this agreement-- Grizzly Hornigold can go free to your personal wishes! But this man-- he will come to us. Sounds like a great deal, isn't it?"

King Lucas gripped the armrest of his throne-- and kept his face stoical and calm.

"I believe an explanation is due to me, Rear Admiral," his voice was a little more than a furious grumble, "something that would allow me a pardon from your insolent behaviour in my palace."

Ensie burst into laughter.

Mime scrambled his fingers into claws, and swirled around in one painful spin. His fingernails scratched into the Rear Admiral's trousers-- but left no notable mark of effort.

Ensie landed hard on his pivot foot-- and swung a tough kick that sent Mime flying into a wall.

"Bind his hands," Ensie called for his henchmen, who charged in as if they were waiting for a cue, "and don't let him leave a single fingerprint on your skin."

Ensie picked up his halberd, and face the king with a stern look finally befitting of his position.

"That man now goes by the name of Mime, but as you may have surmised at this point, that is only an alias," Ensie explained, "although he has a notoriety as 'Mime', he used to have another name much more well-known."

Now King Lucas knew where this was going. And this ended up complicating things into a much worse situation than he could have expected.

Grizzly roused, pulling himself out of the rubble and making himself known to listen.

"The Harbinger, Skipper Jack," Ensie grumbled, "or as I know him better-- former Marine Captain and a traitor to the Navy, Captain Jack."

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