Corruption VS Creation (Miraculous)

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(I saw Wakanda Forever yesterday and was instantly inspired. You can count on a Marvel movie to give you some fantastic action!)

Paris was in ruin. This was possibly the most intense battle- No...not even a battle. A full on WAR between all the heroes Ladybug knew and Shadow Spider's army. She was running across the rooftops, ready to face the final fight. Ready, of course, being a loose term.

Ladybug latched onto a rooftop with her yo-yo and then swung around, and then latched onto another until she landed on the Eiffel Tower.

Shadow Spider sat there, his silver trident in hand. "I was wondering when you would show your face, Marinette..."

Ladybug's eyes narrowed. "Shadow're really just sitting here as your army fights for you? What happened to the 'I fight alongside you' monologue to them?"

Shadow Spider cackled and stood. "My army is perfectly capable of handling your allies...but I knew you'd come after me personally." He then spun around his trident. "And I wish to fight you myself."

Ladybug wrapped her yo-yo around her waist and then raised her fists.

Shadow Spider stabbed his trident into the ground, also raising his fists.

The two then lunged at each other, punching and kicking. Shadow Spider was moving fast and hitting even harder, with Ladybug barely being able to keep up.

Shadow Spider then appeared behind her and was about to punch again before Ladybug socked him across the face and then kicked him in the chest. Just as he was about to fall onto his back, Ladybug tied him with her yo-yo and then threw him out of the Eiffel Tower.

She breathed heavily, already feeling exhausted before hopping down just as Shadow Spider landed. Shadow Spider growled before he lifted his hand and the trident came flying into it. And then, he hopped high into the air, suddenly...disappearing.

Ladybug started looking around, her eyes wide before she was kicked in the back. She quickly got up, still looking around. It was as if Shadow Spider had disappeared from the very face of the Earth, yet he could attack.

Then? She looked up.

Shadow Spider's peacock-style cape was helping him glide. He then retracted his cape and came flying down, punching Ladybug in the face and then grabbing her by the neck. His spider legs then came out and launched them through the air as he then slammed her down into the ground.

Ladybug was about to get up before Shadow Spider punched her in the face again. Then, he punched her again. Then, he tried to stomp on her before Ladybug rolled out of the way and then wrapped her yo-yo around one of his spider legs...and then pulled as hard as she could.

A few seconds later, the spider leg had come right out. Shadow Spider's eyes were wide for a moment before Ladybug grabbed his metallic spider leg and slashed him with it, and then hit him across the head with it before finally throwing it aside. She then wrapped her yo-yo around his leg and pulled, throwing him off balance and onto his back.

Shadow Spider got up, growling before he summoned his trident again and then threw it at Ladybug, who just barely managed to dodge. He then lunged at her, just nearly missing Ladybug with a punch as she flipped into the air and then landed behind him. Shadow Spider then kicked backwards, only for Ladybug to dodge once again.

Ladybug then latched onto his trident with her yo-yo and threw it aside. She then threw her own punch, only for Shadow Spider to catch her fist and then punch her in the face. He then slammed his elbow into her chest and sent her flying back onto the ground.

And just as she fell...droplets of rain began falling from the sky, including rumbles of thunder and a brief flash of lightning. Shadow Spider watched as the silver on his costume became shining in the rain. He then smirked and then ran over to Ladybug the moment she stood up.

Shadow Spider slammed his elbow into her face and then punched her once again. Then, he punched her again and again, rather impressed that Ladybug just kept getting back up. He could see blood leaking from her bottom lip though and it made him smirk. He then threw one final punch, only for Ladybug to block it by raising her arm and then punch him over and over again in the gut.

She then kicked Shadow Spider in the chest and then suddenly grabbed his trident again, ready to do the unthinkable. Once it landed in her hands, she spun it around. Ladybug then lunged at him with it, slashing Shadow Spider across the face and even slicing off his horns.

Shadow Spider's eyes widened before Ladybug twirled around and kicked him in the face. She then threw herself forward, slashing him across the face. She then hopped high into the air, kicking at Shadow Spider, who blocked it with his arm. But before she landed again, she kicked him in the face once more and then the chest before landing. Shadow Spider was sent flying into the pavement of the ground.

The moment he got up though, Ladybug hopped up and kicked him back down. She didn't know why she was such a match for him now...maybe it was just the anger fueling her. The determination to win this fight and end the mayhem Shadow Spider had been causing them.

Ladybug then threw aside his trident again, walking over to him with angry eyes...until her eyes widened when she suddenly began choking on air. She looked down.

One of Shadow Spider's metallic legs had stabbed her.

Shadow Spider got up, his eyes narrowing. "It could've been different, Tikki..."

He then ripped out the spider leg...only for him to fall to his knees again. Ladybug fell alongside him, her vision going blurry.

She didn't remember what happened after that.

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